National Luck: Lucky 99999 Shocked The World

Chapter 125 A Weapon For People’S Livelihood! Super Gas Compression Device!

"Professor Liu, what did you say?" Su Su didn't hear clearly what Liu Zhiming said, so she asked.

Liu Zhiming immediately responded: "Didn't player Xu Hao say he smelled rotten eggs? So I suspect there should be natural gas near him!"

"But the problem is that natural natural gas is colorless and odorless. Only processed natural gas will add various unpleasant gases to prevent gas leaks from being detected."

This can be regarded as a little popular science knowledge, allowing the audience to know why the smell of natural gas is so unpleasant!

But since Liu Zhiming said that natural natural gas is colorless and odorless, then it is estimated that what Xu Hao smelled was not natural gas. Maybe there were really rotten eggs nearby.

Xu Hao was not deterred by the smell and continued walking towards the bare area.

But the closer he got, the stronger the stench became. He frowned and said, "I should have put on the toxin immunity mask if I had known better. Then I wouldn't have to smell this stench!"

Xu Hao cursed in his heart, held his breath and quickened his pace.

Because as the distance got closer, he heard a very weak "swirling" sound, like the sound of a pressure cooker blowing air.

The source of the sound is the dry field!

Finally coming closer, Xu Hao took a condescending look and determined that this was the source of the stench.

Curiosity killed the cat. Xu Hao didn't know why he had to find fault for himself, but now that he had the answer, it was indeed a lot easier.

It seems that the drying up of this land is caused by the smelly gas that is being sprayed out!

"Forget it, the impact won't be big anyway, just know the reason. It stinks here so much, I'd better leave quickly.

Xu Hao was about to take a breath, but as soon as he released the hand holding his nose, the stench rushed straight to Tianling Gai.

It's not that pungent smell, nor is it unbearable, it's just so good that no one would go and smell the smell.

If it weren't for his curiosity to know whether the drying up of this land would affect the Lake of Life, Xu Hao would have stayed away long ago!

But after taking this sip, Xu Hao’s ears suddenly heard the sound of announcement!

[Congratulations to the Dragon Kingdom players for successfully occupying resources!]

[Resource name: Renewable hybrid powerful natural gas!]

[Resource level: B level!]

[Resource details: Natural natural gas contains a large amount of mixed gases, which can be used directly after mining. Various mixed gases have multiple functions such as reducing consumption, efficiently releasing energy and preventing leakage! 】

[Reward: B-grade renewable hybrid powerful natural gas will be realized ten thousand times in Longguo!]

"Holy crap! Professor Liu is right, this is actually natural gas. Isn't this amazing?"

"Isn't that nonsense? Who is Professor Liu? He is a resource science expert who is famous not only in our Dragon Kingdom, but also around the world. These are just basic operations!"

"Made, you are talking as if you are a relative of Professor Liu. We are praising Professor Liu. Why are you so arrogant!"

"What the hell!? Professor Liu is the pride of the Dragon Kingdom, and I am also a native of the Dragon Kingdom. Why can't I stop talking!"

"A bunch of lunatics, they've only had a few good days, and they don't know what their last names are, right? Your sister!"

"Why do I always feel like this doesn't look like natural gas, but more like it's been artificially mixed and discharged here."

"Don't be surprised, maybe this secret realm of national destiny was built by people from advanced civilizations using sandboxes.

"It's scary not to have knowledge. There are so many hybrid things in nature, so there's nothing doubtful about this natural gas.

"Until now, I haven't seen anyone mention the important point. Natural gas is a non-renewable resource. It takes endless years to accumulate. This natural gas that needs to be embodied is a renewable energy source. I don't think it will be used again here in the future. It won’t be exhausted anymore!”

Finally, someone saw the key message, yes, it is the three words "renewable"!

The expert team is full of excitement at this moment, also because of its renewable properties. As for why this natural gas is mixed, is that important?

I have seen so many weird and bizarre things, this little thing is nothing to be surprised about!

Anyway, not many viewers were curious, and Liu Zhiming was too lazy to make up a reason to explain.

A treasure box appeared at Xu Hao's feet. Without saying a word, he carried the box and activated the rocket acceleration function of the combat boots. In a flash, he appeared a few meters away, and then ran a few more steps.

Finally I can't smell the smell anymore.

"It turns out to be a B-grade resource. It seems to be the same as the previous oil. It's all because of the smell, so no vicious beasts will come close."

0......Please give me flowers......

Xu Hao took a few deep breaths and finally filtered out all the bad smell in his nose.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the treasure box he had just picked up.

"It turns out that treasure chests can be taken away, so can I save all the treasure chests in the future and open them all at once?"

"Forget it. No matter what's in this broken treasure chest, it's so big because it takes up space."

Xu Hao did make a new discovery, but it was not very practical.

[Congratulations to the Dragon Kingdom players for successfully opening the resource treasure chest! 】

[Reward: Super gas compression device and manufacturing drawings!!]

[Reward description: Any gas can be super compressed, and this device will not leak, explode, etc. If it is damaged, the self-destruct system can be activated instantly to evaporate the compressed air inside to minimize losses! ]


[The super gas compression device and manufacturing drawings will be simultaneously realized in the Dragon Kingdom!]

The reward for this one is a small, palm-sized box.

Xu Hao doesn't know anything else, but when he was a child, gas tanks were used at home, as well as oxygen bottles for diving, which were all devices for storing gas.

But these things all have one thing in common, that is, they are huge!

Looking at the small box in his hand, Xu Hao was very doubtful about how much gas this so-called super compression could hold.

"Let's give it a try. Although coal is available, natural gas should be more convenient and have more firepower. If used for cooking, it should also improve the taste."

This device is very easy to use. It has a small screen with very detailed function options.

After Xu Hao chose the option of inhaling and releasing excess air at the same time, he threw it directly towards the dry ground where natural gas was sprayed out.

Then I saw that the gas seemed to have become substantial, and was actually sucked into the device to a degree visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the studio hall also received an official reminder card.

After Su Su read it, he immediately said: "Friends from the audience, official news has just spread that through the manufacturing drawings, they have determined the storage capacity of the super gas compression device. If natural gas is used as an example, it will roughly be able to provide One hundred households have been using it for a month!"

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