National Luck: Lucky 99999 Shocked The World

Chapter 137 The Call Of The Sea? No, That’S More Resources Beckoning!

"You lied to us!"

As soon as she heard Xu Hao's words about Versailles, people as stupid as Amina reacted immediately!

Six resources, including two A-level ones, this is a huge profit!

Xu Hao looked like he had learned nothing, and it was obvious that he was just teasing them!

"Xu Hao! This joke is not funny! But did you really find six resources? Then why didn't you bring out anything? Don't those two A-level resources also have treasure chest rewards?

Lilia also said with some resentment.

When he mentioned this, Xu Hao became a little depressed, "Why are you lying to me about this? It's just mineral resources. We can't use them. The reward of the treasure chest is also a broken furnace and engine. It takes up too much space, so I just put it there." It didn’t come out of the metal capsule.”

Lilia sighed helplessly: "That's it! Oh, what a pity, they are all mineral resources."

Amina also followed: "Well...I was still thinking about whether there was anything delicious to eat, which was really disappointing.

"Who says it isn't?" Xu Hao also shrugged, looking helpless.

The conversation and expressions of the three people were completely reflected in Claire's eyes and ears.

Because of this, Claire thought there was something wrong with her eyes and ears!


Claire suddenly spoke, and the three confused people made Xu Hao and others look over.

"Why are you so disappointed? That's six resources, and there are two A-level ones among them. Shouldn't you be happy?"

Claire really couldn't understand that obtaining resources was something worthy of celebration, but the three people in front of her still had negative emotions.

Not to mention six resources, if she could find even one F-level resource, she would be jumping with excitement!

Not to mention there are two A-level treasure chests. Even if Claire has never seen a treasure chest, she knows that the things inside must be very powerful.

Last night, she heard Lilia talk about a lot of rewards that Xu Hao had given out from the treasure box, those special medicines for treating terminal diseases, all kinds of super powerful weapons and equipment, etc., all of which shocked her.

On and on!

Han is not stupid, so Claire can be sure that the broken furnace and engine Xu Hao said are not that simple.

The three of them looked at each other, and Xu Hao touched his nose and said, "You seem to have misunderstood something. I must be happy to be happy, but the disappointment is also real. After all, for us, except for coal, all other minerals are It’s useless, even if it’s A-grade, it’s not as good as F-grade fruits and vegetables, so these two emotions don’t conflict.”

According to Xu Hao, the opposing emotions of joy and disappointment cannot really exist at the same time.

Even though Claire is such a naive person, it makes sense if she thinks about it carefully!

"So that's it, I seem to understand."

Now it was the audience's turn to be speechless, and they all expressed that they were worthy of being Hanhan's representative Claire, and they actually accepted such a thing so quickly.

"It seems that being stupid also has its benefits. Even if what Xu Hao said makes sense, being able to accept this kind of thing so quickly is considered a talent."

"Versailles, Xu Hao is definitely the king of Versailles. How did he say that A-level resources are not as good as F-level resources!"

"Having a say, I also think what Xu Hao said is very reasonable. If I were asked to choose, I would definitely choose F-grade fruits and vegetables instead of A-grade minerals.

"What does this mean? If I could see several A-level resources every day, I would definitely not be so excited."

"Actually, it's like seeing a multi-million-dollar supercar at your doorstep. You'll definitely be very excited when you see it for the first time, but you see it every day, sometimes several, so it's not that big. Interested."

"Is this considered red when you are close to Zhu and black when you are close to ink? After watching Xu Hao for a long time, my horizons seem to have become much higher!"

"UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuIt's already thankful that our players can find resources. Don't you people in the Dragon Kingdom pay attention to A-level resources anymore?"

"If this were in other countries, I would definitely think these people are crazy, but in the Dragon Country... it seems there is nothing to make a fuss about. If I remember correctly, this Dragon Country player has already won five A's. A super resource."

In fact, it was Claire. If it were anyone else, her world view would probably collapse at this moment.

Who are these people if they don’t even take A-level resources seriously?

But having said that, the gains from this exploration are still remarkable. In terms of efficiency, it is even better than yesterday!

"It seems that the terrain and the types of resources are closely related. There are few plants on this mountain, but there are many minerals. 1"

"You should also pay attention to this when exploring in the future."

Xu Hao roughly figured out another rule that was not a rule.

So he said: "Let's go, it's still early, let's go to other places."

Make peace with what you have come, and since you have come in this direction, just continue exploring.

Set off again, but Xu Hao did not follow the original path down the mountain. Instead, he skipped a half circle and chose to continue walking farther from the back of the mountain.

The secret realm of the national destiny is really too big, and those technology companies that work hard to create maps have a deeper understanding of this.

Originally they thought their progress was very fast, but after seeing the high-altitude reconnaissance footage from the drone, they realized that their thoughts were too simple!

Through calculation, they roughly came to a conclusion.

If the National Fortune Secret Realm is also a planet, then the place that has been explored so far is probably just an inconspicuous corner.

"Xu Hao, look over there!" 710 walked around to the back of the mountain, and Amina suddenly pointed into the distance and shouted.

If you look in the direction she points, you can see a line of sea and sky appearing in the distance!

Xu Hao's vision is much better than that of ordinary people. In his eyes, the picture of the sea and the sky is even clearer!

"There can't be such a big lake, so it should be the sea, but the distance is too far.

As the saying goes, "Looking up the mountain and running to death" means that the things you see may be very close, but in fact they are thousands of miles apart.

Xu Hao's judgment of distance and speed was not that professional, but he thought that even if the fastest Meow Meow in the team ran at full strength, he probably wouldn't be able to get there in one day.

The audience was actually stunned. At first they liked the lush forest, but people are like this, they always prefer freshness.

No matter how delicious the food is, after eating it for a long time, I always want to change it to other flavors.

All of them really want Xu Hao to go to the beach and see, maybe there will be some unexpected gains.

However, Zhang Beilun said: "Dear viewers, I understand everyone's mood."

"But judging from the speed of Xu Hao's team, it will take at least two days to reach the seaside. I don't recommend that they do this."

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