National Luck: Lucky 99999 Shocked The World

Chapter 143: We Agreed To Go Hunting, But Ended Up Getting Such A Killer Weapon?

The audience could no longer see the live broadcast clearly because the speed of Big Meow Meow was so fast!

It turns out that it didn't use its full strength when running before. Compared with its current speed, it is estimated to be only about 30% of its strength.

No one knew what the big meow wanted to do, especially when it rushed into the collapsing mountain, the audience held their breath!

As fast as you rush in, you can rush out just as fast!

But in the blink of an eye, Big Meow Meow had arrived at a safe location.

Just when everyone was confused, the announcement suddenly rang!

[Congratulations to the Dragon Kingdom players for successfully killing the A-level Manticore Lion!]

[Kill reward: Agility +100!]


The live broadcast room exploded in an instant!

They only saw the big cat passing through the collapsing mountain like lightning, and then the manticore lion died. What happened in less than a second?

The staff in the studio are also in chaos now, and they need to give the audience an explanation.

Thanks to the collective efforts, they actually discovered the clue! They found it out frame by frame from the playback!

Although the picture is still blurry, under high magnification and slow playback, you can still see the big meow rushing into the pile of rocks, heading towards the manticore!

And at the moment of intersection, the two sharp claws of the big meow tore the manticore's neck and abdominal cavity respectively!

"As you can see, this is what happened in less than a second."

"There is no doubt that the King Lynx has caused fatal damage to the Manticore Lion. Although it is not enough to cause the opponent to lose his life on the spot, it is a secondary injury caused by the falling gravel during the mountain collapse. The damage is enough to send the manticore to reincarnation!"

Special forces instructor Ye Weiguo conducted a wave of analysis based on the slow-motion video.

Although it has been introduced very clearly, perhaps it is because of this that the audience is even more shocked.

"That's probably only a few tenths of a second, right? How did Big Meow Meow do it?"

"If you go back in time a little further, you will know that when the king lynx finally took off, it had already adjusted its position. In other words, it also made a plan at the moment the mountain collapsed. No, To be precise, this should be the fighting intuition of a powerful beast!"

"Oh my God! The mountain was collapsing at that time. If this was done accidentally, not only could the manticore not be killed, it might have buried itself as well. It is estimated that Xu Hao would not be able to escape by then. This was too bold. Alright?"

"Where does the saying "A man of skill is bold" come from? What about those people who said before that King Lynx is not worthy of his name? After seeing this scene, can you shut your mouths!"

"I really don't understand. What qualifications do you have to say that Big Meow Meow is not powerful? Indeed, A-level ferocious beasts are very strong, but all this time, Big Meow Meow has never had the opportunity to show its strength. Without comparison, How do you say you came to the conclusion?"

"I didn't bother to argue with you before, but now it proves that Big Meow Meow's strength is among the best among A-levels? He killed the Manticore, who was also A-level, with one move. I see you are bragging. What’s there to say!”

"By the way, aren't you curious why the low mountain suddenly collapsed? Isn't this too much of a coincidence?"

"What's all the fuss about? It's either because the Manticore Lion is too heavy, or because the short mountain is not strong in the first place. Anyway, the result is good, isn't it?

"I now understand why Big Meow Meow just confronted the Manticore Lion without making any move. Do you think it just discovered that the low mountain was about to collapse, so it has been waiting for an opportunity?"

"Mad, that's a ferocious beast, you can't... No, it's Xu Hao! Xu Hao is on the big meow's back. Is there a possibility that all this is his plan?"

Da Miaomiao's performance was so wonderful that it naturally triggered a heated discussion.

And some viewers suspected that although Big Meow Meow was smart, Xu Hao was behind all of this. Some people even pretended to analyze it. It sounded reasonable at first glance, but it didn't hold up after careful consideration. .

Fortunately, this is not a critical issue, and most people are just joining in the fun.

Plot? Of course not.

Xu Hao would never do something that wastes brain cells.

He knows how much he weighs and how much he weighs. If you have to say whether he has the ability to play tricks, it can't be said that he doesn't have it, but his level is probably at the level of playing backgammon.

"Big Meow Meow, good job, you can eat more when you go back!"

Xu Hao patted the big meow's head. With such an exaggerated body shape, the Xu Hao on the meow's back really looked like a small toy.

"By the way, when you're not around me in the future, it's best not to fight with powerful beasts, you know?"

Xu Hao still gave a reminder.

Because he knew that the collapse of the mountain must be related to the luck value, otherwise why would a perfectly good mountain fail to collapse sooner rather than later, but it would collapse at this time?

When the collapse stopped, Xu Hao rode up to take a look.

The manticore was dug out from a pile of rocks, and now we have the ingredients for lunch!

"I have never seen the true strength of an A-level ferocious beast. It turns out to be so powerful. It seems that we need to re-evaluate the combat power level of the ferocious beast."

Xu Hao is somewhat advantageous and behaves well.

He asked Big Miaomiao to put him down, and there was nothing else to do except open the treasure chest.

[Congratulations to the Dragon Kingdom players for successfully opening the kill treasure chest! 】

[Reward: Plasma energy cannon and manufacturing blueprints!]

[Reward description: Weapons of mass destruction used by individual soldiers can form a special magnetic field within a certain range, triggering high-energy explosions, and the instantaneous high temperature generated is very destructive!]

[The plasma energy cannon and manufacturing blueprints will be simultaneously realized in the Dragon Kingdom!]

(Zhao Lihao) What can you think of when you think of weapons of mass destruction used by individual soldiers? Grenades, shoulder-fired rocket launchers, landmines, etc.

But the plasma energy cannon inside the box is a weapon that can be controlled with one hand.

To put it simply, this is a hand cannon. It is not very big overall. It does not affect mobility at all when you carry it on your back when not in use.

But no matter how you look at the shape full of future technology, Xu Hao likes it very much.

This thing is a cannon, so it goes without saying how powerful it is, but in order to prevent all sorts of messy things, Xu Hao still plans to test it.

So he held the excitation device at a 45-degree angle to the sky, and with the naked eye he could see a stream of energy beginning to gather into the barrel.

After about a few seconds, a light blue ball of light wrapped in electromagnetism flew out, drawing a perfect curve in the air. After landing, a magnetic field storm instantly formed.

Devour everything in that area!.

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