National Luck: Lucky 99999 Shocked The World

Chapter 193: A Reward Of 10,000 Points Of Lifespan, A Human Consciousness Storage Chip That Can Last

The male audience members cried with envy, and the female audience members cried with envy.

But after Xu Hao was taken advantage of by four female perverts, he was ready to open the attribute treasure chest with 5000 life attribute rewards.

[Congratulations to the Dragon Kingdom players for successfully opening the attribute treasure box! 】

[Reward: Human Ice Capsule and Manufacturing Blueprints!]

[Reward description: Use high-tech freezing technology to freeze the human body, terminate all human body functions, and enter a state of suspended animation. Human body functions can be restored after being unblocked!]

[The human body ice capsule and manufacturing blueprints will be simultaneously realized in the Dragon Kingdom!]

The barrage that was still wailing fell silent instantly, and then was once again occupied by exclamation marks!

"What the hell? Notice, tell me again if you can!"

"Holy crap, I definitely didn't wake up. I froze a living person, and after thawing, I can continue to live like a normal person. Is this something technology can do?"

"I knew that the things in those science fiction movies were not completely fabricated out of thin air. There actually was such freezing technology!"

"Isn't this incredible? It's like freezing space!"

"Can various body functions be restored after they stop functioning? Doesn't this break the law of conservation of energy?"

"What does this damn thing have to do with the law of conservation of energy? It's clearly Quantum Ryomi!"

"Indecision, quantum mechanics, right? You have mastered the art of talking nonsense!"

"But what is the significance of the existence of this thing? For example, if I am frozen now and thawed out in a thousand years, will this have any effect? ​​In a thousand years, technology and other fields will have already advanced a lot. It’s like we are resurrecting a primitive man now, what’s the point?”

The audience was shocked and quickly raised questions.

This human body ice capsule is very cool, but if you think about it carefully, it seems to be completely useless!

However, some people are so imaginative that this thing is an essential tool for dealing with the end of the world!

Before the end of the world, put everyone into a human ice capsule, add a timing system, and wait until after a few years to survive the disaster before resurrecting and rebuilding human civilization.

The idea is interesting, but not very realistic when you think about it.

First of all, who can determine how long it will take for the disaster to pass? What if the disaster is not over when the resurrection occurs?

Secondly, since we are dealing with a disaster, how can we ensure safety even if all human beings enter the human body ice capsule?

Buried underground? Deep into the sea? Then after resurrection, you will still have to die, so why take off your pants and fart!

However, the experts quickly discussed the results and answered questions!

"Viewers, I think everyone has entered a misunderstanding."

"Actually, the role of this human ice capsule is not in the future, but in the present!"

Hearing Zhou Min say this, the audience immediately became curious.

"Think about it, if someone is suffering from a terminal illness and there is currently no effective treatment, will they have no choice but to die?"

"But with this human ice capsule, it's different. You can freeze the patient first, and then unblock the patient for treatment when the terminal disease can be cured."

At this time, the audience's thinking all turned around. They were thinking too far-term and completely ignored the possibilities in front of them.

Extending along this idea, the audience also thought of more possibilities.

For example, if a patient needs to replace an organ in his body, but has been unable to find a matching organ, he can freeze the organ first and then perform a transplant after finding a matching organ.

However, the audience's discussion about the human body ice capsule has not ended yet. Xu Hao has already opened a reward chest with 10,000 attributes!

[Congratulations to the Dragon Kingdom players for successfully opening the attribute treasure box! 】

[Reward: Human consciousness memory chip and manufacturing drawings!]

[Reward description: Human body consciousness can be stored in information format!]

[The human consciousness memory chip and manufacturing drawings will be simultaneously realized in the Dragon Kingdom!]

This announcement left the audience confused as to what the human consciousness storage chip was.

But the experts all gasped in unison, and their expressions became dull.

From this point of view alone, the audience has already guessed that the rewards this time must be super awesome, otherwise the experts would never have collectively lost their composure.

"No, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible. How can a special existence like human consciousness be digitized? This is no longer within the reach of technology!"

Zhou Min, who had calmly explained the human body ice capsule just now, was now as frightened as if he had seen a ghost.

Ye Weiguo, who was next to him, quickly grabbed her arm and said, "Academician Zhou, calm down!"

"I can understand how you feel now, but don't forget, this is the reward Xu Hao gave from the treasure box, it can't be fake!"

Zhou Min forced herself to calm down after hearing this, but her violently beating heart still made her breathe very quickly.

The audience was almost anxious to death, "They now want to know how awesome this human consciousness memory chip is."

Xu Hao has given out so many rewards, some of which are super awesome, but experts have never been like this.

Seeing that Zhou Min couldn't recover for a while, Qi Bin took the initiative to speak.

“Viewers, everyone must be curious as to why we are so surprised by this award, right?

"As Academician Zhou said just now, human consciousness is a very special existence and cannot be digitized at all.

"If you think about artificial intelligence or AI systems, you will know why, no matter how advanced these technologies are, they still cannot compare with human thinking? It is because human thinking cannot be copied."

"But the emergence of this human consciousness storage chip is like announcing that human consciousness can be copied!"

"People may still not understand (Wang Haohao) just by saying it this way, so I'll make it simpler."

"If a chip that stores human consciousness is uploaded to the cloud, it will be equivalent to this person living on the Internet. Although the body is dead, the consciousness will last forever. This is simply a disguised method of immortality!"

Hearing this, the audience couldn't help but gasp!

Eternal life! They couldn’t understand what the word means this time! Even if it can only exist in the form of ideology, this is indeed eternal life! As long as the Internet still exists, then this person will never truly die!

However, just when the audience began to doubt life, Qi Bin broke another news that made them feel like a dream.

"If you are more bold, you can implant the chip into the robot, which will create a real mechanical life form. Combined with bionic technology to create skin, it will be equivalent to a complete resurrection, and the life span will no longer be limited by life. !”

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