National Luck: Lucky 99999 Shocked The World

Chapter 66 I Am So Envious That I Shed Tears. Are All The People Of The Dragon Kingdom Living In Hea

It must be said that the audience has strong divergent thinking.

The Long Kingdom official announced that the electricity bill will be comprehensive after the equipment is popularized, and the audience thought of many possibilities.

For example, if this technology is applied to mobile phones, will mobile phones no longer run out of battery?

If applied to electric vehicles, would the disadvantage of electric vehicles being unable to travel long distances be easily solved?

When they think of these possibilities, the audience becomes more and more excited, and they are more and more looking forward to the part where Xu Hao opens the treasure box.

Sure enough, nothing found in the treasure chest is useless!

More and more foreign viewers are pouring into Longguo's live broadcast room. They have heard that Longguo has obtained high-efficiency light-to-electricity equipment, so they specially came to ask Longguo to share the technology.

"One Six Seven"

Some countries have implemented time-based power supply like Dragon Country, and some countries are relatively backward in the first place, or there may be various reasons, resulting in only a small amount of electricity available, so this equipment is urgently needed.

In response to this situation, Longguo immediately issued an announcement to the world.

[Our country has received your request. Here, our country expresses that it will never hide anything. As soon as the equipment is developed and popularized nationwide, external sales channels will be opened immediately. Please wait patiently!]

This announcement indicates that Longguo will not disclose the technology, but will sell the finished equipment.

Although it will not be sold to the public until it is popularized nationwide, audiences from all over the world still expressed their sincere gratitude!

No one is a fool. No matter it is the prosperous age or the end of the world, as long as the Aquamarine Star is not destroyed, technology will be the most precious treasure!

It is no exaggeration to say that whoever masters advanced technology will have a greater say.

Therefore, it is expected that Longguo does not disclose its technology.

Being able to sell finished equipment is already something worth celebrating. Who dares to complain at this time? Unless they don’t want this extremely awesome equipment.

In the secret realm of National Destiny, the treasure raccoon has already collected all the top-quality fairy Ganoderma lucidum.

After all, there are not many of these things.

The treasure raccoon returned to Xu Hao with these top-quality fairy ganoderma in his arms, and he could actually see the distress in his expression.

That little appearance looked like an oppressed slave handing over all his hard-earned wages.

Xu Hao didn't care so much. He had just tasted this top-quality fairy Ganoderma lucidum. He thought it might be very bitter. Who knew that the moment he entered the mouth, he tasted a very strong fragrance, so he drank all the Ganoderma lucidum in just a few sips. Eaten into the stomach.

At this moment, he took another one from the treasure raccoon's arms, and then said: "Put the rest on the turtle's back."

The treasure raccoon did not dare to disobey. Although he was very distressed, he still obeyed Xu Hao's instructions.

After it came back, Xu Hao threw it to it the top-quality fairy Ganoderma lucidum he had just picked up.

"Don't say that I, the eldest brother, bully you. This flower is a reward for you. Keep it."

The treasure raccoon never expected that Xu Hao was giving this one to it, and it immediately started dancing with joy.

The audience was completely stunned and sighed one after another.

"Made, if I remember correctly, this Ganoderma lucidum should be the smallest among all the Ganoderma lucidum, right?"

"Xu Hao is really good at it. This top-quality fairy ganoderma originally belonged to the precious raccoon, but now he takes the smallest one as a reward. The most ridiculous thing is that this silly raccoon is still so happy. Is it smart or stupid? ah!"

"What's the point? Just imagine that you were robbed. Originally, the robber took away all your savings. However, because of your pity, he gave you some back. On the one hand, you will lose everything, and on the other hand, you will regain some of it. , do you think I should cry or laugh?"

“I used to think that capital was extremely evil, but now it seems like Xu Hao is much more evil than capital!”

"Capital? Then when you get in front of Xu Hao, you have to kneel down first and then call daddy!"

"Don't mention capital at this time. Those guys are not at the same level as Xu Hao. Xu Hao's rank is much higher than them!"

The audience started laughing and laughing again.

At this time, Lilia and Amina, who had talked too much, started coughing one after another, obviously feeling uncomfortable in their throats.

"Xu Hao, let's go back. My throat is itchy. I want to go back and drink some water."

Lilia said with a slightly hoarse voice.

Of course Xu Hao had no objection. When he saw that they had not eaten the top-quality fairy Ganoderma lucidum in their hands, he said: "Okay, we are not far from the camp. This Ganoderma lucidum is greasy and will make your throat feel good after eating it. Let's eat and walk. Arriving soon."

He just casually talked about how he felt about tasting the best fairy Ganoderma lucidum just now, without any other meaning.

But after Lilia and Amina took a bite of Ganoderma lucidum, their throats instantly felt much better.

Both of them showed surprised expressions, and quickly ate all the top-quality fairy Ganoderma lucidum. As a result, their throats no longer hurt, and their speaking voices were no longer hoarse.

"Xu Hao, this top-grade Ganoderma lucidum is really powerful. Listen, my voice is better and I don't feel uncomfortable at all!"

Lilia thought Xu Hao knew how powerful this top-quality fairy Ganoderma was, so he let them eat it.

Unexpectedly, Xu Hao was also a little surprised at this moment. It turned out that the effect of this top-grade Ganoderma lucidum was so strong, and the effect was immediate after taking it.

At the same time, the audience was also stunned. Even though they had already highly valued this top-quality fairy Ganoderma, they were still shocked.

It happened that at this moment, an outdoor interview about the embodiment of the best fairy Ganoderma was also being conducted, which further increased their interest.

Seeing that the audience was very enthusiastic and couldn't wait to buy the best fairy Ganoderma lucidum, the official quickly conveyed the order to Su Su.

“Dear viewers, I know that many people want to buy the top-quality fairy Ganoderma after witnessing its effects. However, we have not yet learned how to cultivate these top-quality fairy Ganoderma, so please be patient!”

"The official has dispatched the best domestic drug cultivation experts to the site, trying to develop a cultivation method in the shortest possible time and then carry out large-scale cultivation."

"We also strive to allow everyone to eat this magical and top-quality Ganoderma lucidum as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, the Dragon Kingdom audience naturally cheered happily.

On the contrary, it made those foreign audiences cry with envy. The players of Dragon Kingdom were amazing, the officials of Dragon Kingdom were also amazing, and the people of Dragon Kingdom were so happy.

Compared with them who are miserable, the people of the Dragon Kingdom simply feel like they are in heaven!.

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