National Luck: Lucky 99999 Shocked The World

Chapter 71 The Secret Of The Camp, The Huge Threat Hidden Under The Water!

I don’t know how many people have been touched by the successive acts of selflessness by Longguo officials.

Even if they proposed to give priority to their own country, no one thought there was anything wrong. Instead, they thought it was a very responsible performance.

This shows that the officials of the Dragon Kingdom are really doing practical things for the people of their country, unlike the officials of their country who only shout slogans and have no substantive actions at all.

The C-level watermelon field was very large. After Xu Hao and his party were satisfied with their meal, they began to move onto the backs of the dryland long-legged turtles.

Originally, I wanted to find a few more resources before noon, but with this delay, it was almost noon.

So Xu Hao simply gave up exploring, filled the watermelon directly, and then ordered to return to the camp.

There are a lot of resources in the Secret Realm of National Fortune, so there is really no need to work too hard. The combination of work and rest is what Xu Hao pursues. "Six Six Three"

After returning this time, I also moved all the watermelons to the deepest part of the cave.

Looking at the large amount of materials piled here, Xu Hao felt a sense of accomplishment.

Including the raging wild boar that dragged Big Meow Meow back, this amount of supplies was enough to last for several days.

In other words, even if Xu Hao does nothing in the next few days, he can still enjoy life happily.

"Xu Hao, I'm going to cook first. Can I have barbecue for lunch?" After Lilia discovered that she had a talent for cooking, she took the initiative to take on the responsibility of cooking.

"Well, okay, you go ahead and I'll sort out the supplies and then go help you."

Although Xu Hao wanted to improve the food, he had not yet had time to make things like stone pots.

I ate a lot of bananas and watermelon this morning, and they were quickly digested by metabolism. When you are hungry, you want to eat anything, and barbecue is also acceptable.

Anyway, there are B-level dryland long-legged turtles and A-level king lynx outside, so there is no need to worry about Lilia's safety in Xu Hao.

"Then...then I'll stay and help organize the supplies." If Amina didn't slurp when she said this, then maybe someone would really believe it.

But even a three-year-old child could tell that she wasn't holding back anything, and she definitely wanted to eat it secretly.

"No, it's enough to leave this to Xu Hao himself. You come with me to cook."

Lilia said nothing and dragged Amina away regardless of how she screamed. She didn't know whether it was because she didn't want her to eat too much messy food before meals, or because she didn't want her to be alone with Xu Hao.

After the two girls left, the depths of the cave became much quieter.

Xu Hao was sorting the supplies slowly, but when he walked to a wall, he suddenly stopped. Looking at his movements, he seemed to be listening carefully to something.

"It's strange, this is underground, why do I hear the sound of water flowing?"

Out of curiosity, Xu Hao started tapping on the wall while continuing to look for the source of the sound.

The little meow lying next to him was curious, so he also ran over and wanted to know what Xu Hao was doing.

"Shh, don't make any noise."

Xu Hao made a gesture of silence, and the little meow immediately stood there motionless. The audience couldn't help but laugh at the cute look.

At the same time, they were also curious about what Xu Hao was doing. Some people boldly speculated that there might be something like a secret room deep in the cave. Xu Hao must have discovered some clues.

After a while, Xu Hao stopped, knocked on the wall in front of him, and then on the wall next to him. He could hear that the sound was completely different.

The stone wall in front of me seemed to be very thin. When I tapped it with my fingers, it made a "dong-dong" sound. The back was probably empty.

"The sound of water flowing here is louder than other places, so it seems like this is it."

After confirming the position, Xu Hao waved his fist and hit it directly without thinking!

Just hearing a "boom", the wall was instantly shattered by Xu Hao, and a big hole appeared, which made the audience dumbfounded!

"Damn it! I can't even make a big hole with one punch. Is Xu Hao so awesome now?"

"I'm kidding, my brother Hao now has 170 points of strength attribute. Do you think it's just a decoration?"

"No! Look, this stone wall seems to be very thin, and the back is hollow, so Xu Hao punched a big hole!"

"It's true, but this stone wall is relatively thin. Anyway, it must be much thicker than the wall of my house. This is Xu Hao. If it were an ordinary person, he would probably go to the hospital if he punched it."

"I don't understand why Xu Hao wants to break through this wall? I don't see anything inside..."

"Listen, it's the sound of water flowing, very clear sound of water flowing!"

The audience looked in through the hole made by Xu Hao and could only see darkness, but the sound of water flowing was very clear.

Xu Hao's eyesight has indeed improved, but it does not mean that he can see in the dark. After all, the structure of the eyes has not changed, and humans do not have the ability to see at night.

So he immediately picked some underground fluorescent bacteria and then stuck most of his body into the wall.

With the help of the light, Xu Hao finally saw clearly that there was actually a river flowing underground outside the cave!

And the size of this river is beyond imagination!

The audience was even more surprised and came closer to the screen. The spectacular sight made them marvel again and again!

"Damn it! Is this the legendary underground river? Now I have learned a lot!"

"How could there be such a wide river underground? I thought such ingenious natural products only existed in fairy tales."

"There is no end in sight for this river. If this is also a resource, then after it materializes ten thousand times, won't we no longer have to worry about not having enough water to drink?"

"The pattern can be big, but it cannot be whimsical. If this underground river materializes, it will be enough for us to drink for several years."

"Upstairs, I have a serious 2.3 suspicion that you are in Versailles. How many years of drinking water is not enough? On average, the remaining fresh water resources in the world are not enough to sustain it for one year, right?"

"We still don't know if this is a resource that can be obtained. If not, it would be a waste of joy."

"I'm worried that there will be some dangerous beasts in this river. Big Meow Meow can't come in to help. If that happens, it will be troublesome.

It is said that the Three Stooges are as good as Zhuge Liang, and among the countless discussions among the audience, some people's worries have indeed become a reality.

Xu Hao was observing the underground river. The light from the underground fluorescent bacteria illuminated a huge black shadow swimming through the water.

I don’t know if it has something to do with being underwater, but in short, the black shadow is huge, far more than a B-level beast, and it is predicted to be at least an A-level existence!

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