National Luck: Lucky 99999 Shocked The World

Chapter 75 Xu Fought Well Against The Ferocious Beasts, But Could Not Defeat The Dark Cuisine!

"Xu Hao, what...what happened? Are you okay?"

Seeing the gravel on the ground, Lilia ran over nervously, pulling Xu Hao around and looking up and down.

Xu Hao was fine at first, but she almost fainted.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!"

Hearing Xu Hao say this with a smile, Lilia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, from the very beginning, Lily Amina heard the noise coming from the cave.

Because they were worried about Xu Hao, the two girls wanted to go in and have a look, but for some reason, the dryland long-legged turtle blocked the door and refused to let them in.

Lilia almost burst into tears. She begged the Dry Land Turtle for a long time before she finally ran in. Unexpectedly, she saw that the wall at the end of the cave had disappeared, and she could still clearly hear the sound of rushing water.

The space originally used to store supplies was now even more messy. Fortunately, not many supplies were ruined.

Lilia told Xu Hao about Guigui not letting her in.

Xu Hao said: "You can't blame Turtle for this. It is protecting you. Think about it, not only will you not be able to help after you come in, but you will probably distract me from protecting you. That's why you didn't come in." Yes."

This was said as if Lilia and Amina were a burden, but after thinking about it for a while, the two women thought that this was the truth.

The two of them really couldn't help Xu Hao in combat, so thank God if they didn't hold him back.

It's just Xu Hao's straight man's speech that made many viewers dumbfounded.

"Then let's go eat first and come back to clean up after the meal." Lilia suggested.

Xu Hao thought for a while and felt that this was good, as it could also be used as a way to digest food after a meal.

"Okay, after I open this treasure chest, let's go have dinner."

After hearing what Xu Hao said, the two girls discovered that there was an unopened treasure chest on the ground, and they became interested.

This treasure chest was awarded when you just captured the Endless Underground River.

[Congratulations to the Dragon Kingdom players for successfully opening the resource treasure chest! 】

[Reward: Newborn genetic improvement technology!!]

[Reward description: Medical treatments for neonatal genetic diseases and congenital diseases!]

[Newborn genetic improvement technology will be simultaneously realized in the Dragon Kingdom!]

This time there was only a thick stack of information in the treasure box. Xu Hao flipped through it and found that it was all very professional stuff such as genetic composition, which he couldn't understand at all.

However, the appearance of this reward also triggered heated discussions in the live broadcast room!

Many viewers simply don't understand why an A-level treasure chest contains such a thing.

They are all medical-related, but this reward seems not to be as good as the previous two special medicines.

In this regard, Zhou Min gave a detailed answer.

"Viewers, you may feel that the rewards in the A-level treasure chest this time are not worthy of the name."

"But as someone who has been practicing medicine for decades, I can tell you clearly that the value of this newborn genetic modification technology even exceeds the previous two specific drugs!"

"Of course, things related to treating diseases and saving lives should not be measured by value. I just say this to tell everyone that this technology is very precious!"

“Do you know how many newborns around the world are born with diseases every year?”

“For example, hereditary heart disease, diabetes, etc., and congenital diseases such as deafness, color blindness, mental retardation, etc.

"Some of these diseases can be cured, and some cannot be cured at all."

"Even if it is curable, it is still a cruel torture for a newborn child, not to mention that some diseases will only show up after a certain age, which will make countless parents collapse.

"But now that we have this newborn gene improvement technology, we can eliminate hereditary diseases and congenital diseases to the greatest extent. In the future, all newborns will be healthy!"

"We all will grow old one day, and only children are the biggest support for the continuous progress and development of the times!"

Zhou Min's tone became more and more excited. It was obvious that even without those auras, she was just a doctor who treated illnesses and saved lives.

The audience was unconsciously affected by her emotions. Thinking about the news they had seen on the Internet and the children who suffered unfair treatment because of their physical disabilities, they felt it was difficult to breathe.

Now they understand why Zhou Min said that this newborn genetic improvement technology is very precious.

That’s because this technology saves not only the lives of these children, but also their entire lives in the future! (013510305 Feilu 021173211]

0…Please give me flowers…

Dragon Kingdom officials immediately issued an announcement.

[After our country successfully researches the genetic improvement technology for newborns, it will establish a special hospital. Our country hereby promises that this hospital will not charge any medical fees, because children are the future of the world!]

The announcement was not long, but it caused an uproar around the world!

Just the policy of not charging any medical fees makes the entire international medical community sincerely admire you!

The last sentence, "Children are the future of the world," elevates the Dragon Kingdom to a height that other countries can only look up to but cannot touch!

At this moment, in the Longguo live broadcast room, the screen was filled with the words "Xu Hao is righteous! Longguo is righteous!"

After all, this technology would not exist without Xu Hao, so he is naturally loved very warmly by the Dragon Kingdom officials!

Looking at Xu Hao, he has no idea that he has become a world-class star.

Looking at the lunch made by Lilia and Amina, he only felt a numb scalp.

"Pineapple...barbecue? Who came up with that?"

If pineapple and meat were skewered together, then Xu Hao would be able to accept it, but in front of him, that rotten pineapple jam-like thing was covering the barbecue. directional effect.

"Hao, I made this. Doesn't it look delicious?"

Amina ran up to Xu Hao as if she was taking credit, as if expecting his expression.

Xu Hao's expression seemed to be crying but not crying, half smiling and not smiling, as tangled as an old rag, but it made the audience who had just been touched burst into laughter.

He really couldn't go against his conscience and say complimentary words, so he could only say perfunctorily: "Yes, the idea is very good, keep working hard next time."

After all, Xu Hao had no intention of tasting it.

He didn't give Amina a chance, and walked quickly to Lilia, hoping to eat some normal barbecue.

As soon as he came over, Xu was stunned.

Because Lilia actually put half of the watermelon on the fire to roast at this moment, the red juice inside was bubbling, and many pieces of meat could be seen rising and falling.

"Watermelon juice stew? Oh my god! What evil did I commit in my previous life? Why do you let me eat these things?"

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