National Luck: Play As A Redhead, With Old, Weak, Sick And Disabled Teammates!

Chapter Thirteen Dragon Kingdom Contestants Must Be Cool When They Meet King Crabs!

The more the audience in the Dragon Kingdom looked at the picture on the screen, the more familiar it became, and they immediately remembered that this might be the place where the three players from the Great Cold Kingdom died.

"The three players mentioned by the Great Cold Country before, can't they be our country's players?"

"It shouldn't be such a coincidence..."

"What's the problem? Cang Yue is so powerful! What are you afraid of?"

"The problem is, king crabs are E-class beasts, and they were irritated by the players from the Great Cold Country, so it's still a bit dangerous, right?"

Many foreign viewers who followed Dragon Kingdom were also aware of this incident, and returned to their country's live broadcast room to report this incident.

"The contestants of the Dragon Kingdom will meet the King Crab soon, everyone go and see it!"

In an instant, countless foreigners who watched the live broadcast crowded into Longguo's live broadcast room.

Especially the Great Cold Country, who had encountered the king crab before, couldn't help but sneer at this time.

"Oh, it's really that wetland. Now it's a good show. The king crab is not a weak F-rank beast like the chasing wolf."

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity that I knew that the Great Cold Country was going to lure the king crabs to the place where the Dragon Country players were just now, so I cheered for them."

"Even if the Dragon Kingdom is lucky enough to defeat the F-level beast? What we are facing now is a stronger E-level beast! I don't believe that the staff will not be reduced!"

"King crabs, come quickly, I am very optimistic about you this time!"

Seeing the barrage of foreign audiences, the people of Longguo couldn't help but get angry.

"Are you so optimistic about E-rank beasts? Hmph, don't cry when they are defeated by Cangyue Goddess!"

Don't wait to continue replying.

"Fuck, I really met two king crabs!"

"Hahahaha, it's all right now, Longguo is waiting to reduce lifespan and resources!"


Two huge king crabs appeared on the screen, moving quickly on the wetland, approaching the three Dragon Kingdom players from the left.

One of the king crabs had a charred leg from being fried.

In an instant, the sharp-eyed audience recognized that these were the two king crabs that the Great Cold Country contestant had provoked.

"It's not so unlucky, is it?"

"Come on King Crab, beat the Dragon Country players!"

"Hahaha, is this the player from the Dragon Kingdom? I really don't have any vigilance at all. The beasts are already in sight, and they haven't noticed yet. Why, chatting too happily?"

"Is it really an outing?"

"It's nothing special to have superpowers!"


at this time.

Chu Yu and Zhang Zhiwei were chatting and laughing, while Cang Yue was walking in front, and the three of them seemed unaware of the upcoming danger.

With the king crab approaching.

The three stopped in unison, turned around and glanced at the king crab.

Then Chu Yu and Zhang Zhiwei took two steps back naturally.

"Look, Master Tian, ​​I told you that there will be delicious food delivered to your door."

Chu Yu paused the story of One Piece, and said casually, "Xiao Cangyue, be gentle, this is our dinner."

"Oh, I have never eaten such a big crab." Zhang Zhiwei looked at the king crab in surprise and couldn't help but said.

"Holy shit, you actually hide behind a woman so naturally? Is this something normal men can do?"

"Our Goddess Cangyue, how come there are two such bad teammates!"

"No, no, not only those two men are bad, but the three players in your Dragon Kingdom are also bad!"

"King crab for dinner? OMG, what a big talker."

I saw that the three contestants really met the king crab.

Bingbing couldn't help taking a deep breath, and quickly asked: "Guests, our contestants have encountered a more powerful king crab. Do you think Cangyue can defeat it so easily?"

Yan Chunan: "I feel that the king crab cannot pose a threat to the three contestants. Although it is an E-level beast, this is a wetland, and Cang Yue can use her abilities better. The problem is, I don't know if Cang Yue will Will stay."

Ji Xiaosong had already completed the punishment, staring at the red and swollen face and said inarticulately: "Do you really treat king crab as dinner? It's not sure who's dinner!"

Yan Chunan: "Oh? How about we make another bet?"

This question directly silenced Ji Xiaosong.

After all, there was a precedent, and he no longer dared to bet.


[Ding, players from the Dragon Kingdom discovered a forbidden beast—the King Crab (Class E)]

Cang Yue did treat the king crab for dinner.

As we all know, people in Long Kingdom love delicious food, and Cang Yue is no exception.

Seeing such a big king crab, she also wanted to taste what it tasted like.

So this time, she didn't plan to deal with the king crab roughly.

She needed to hold her right hand, and a sword made of ice appeared in her hand.

Then, she slowly approached the king crab.

As she walked to the surface of the water, the water under her feet instantly condensed into ice.

Cang Yue walked on the ice like an ice queen.

"Huh? Goddess Cangyue won't really treat it as dinner, will she?"

"This... isn't it too disrespectful to E-rank beasts?"

"Hahahaha, is this female contestant from Dragon Country just showing off her head? She is holding an ice sword and approaching the king crab. Don't you think that this kind of thing can penetrate the defense of the king crab?"

"The oppas of my great cold country can't hurt the king crab with bombs, but your players from the dragon country actually use ice swords? This is not a pure act of courting death."

"It's such a pity. It's really sad to have superpowers but don't know how to use them. If this is a person from our free country, she has already broken through the forbidden land of the National Games."

"Okay, don't look at it, this female contestant is already dead, as I said, it doesn't matter if Jesus comes."

After a few bullet screens, the king crab had already arrived in front of Cang Yue at an extremely fast speed, held up the huge pliers in his hand, and smashed hard at Cang Yue.

Cang Yue lightly turned sideways, dodged the attack, raised the ice sword and cut along the joints of the pliers.


The ice sword pierced through the king crab's joints without any resistance, and with a bang, the crab's pincers fell to the ground.

A mere pincer does not affect the movement of the king crab. It uses its eight thick legs to crazily trample Cang Yue under it.

All attacks were dodged by Cang Yue gracefully.

And while dodging the attack, Cang Yue completely removed the eight legs and the last pincer of the king crab.

At this time, although the king crab is still alive, its body cannot move at all.

"Ah? What happened just now? Someone come out and explain."

"First this, then that, and then this."

"Thank you so much for your clarification."

"Whatever it is, in a word, handsome is enough. Speaking of those foreign dogs? Why are you pretending to be dead now?"

"Hmph, only one king crab has been dealt with, what's the fuss? There's another one!"

"If you can't solve two king crabs at once, you won't get my approval."

When the people of the Dragon Kingdom heard such words, they simply ignored them.

Anyone can see that this group of foreign dogs are simply blunt and unreasonable ridicule.

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