National Luck: Play As A Redhead, With Old, Weak, Sick And Disabled Teammates!

Chapter 66 Ten Minutes Are Up, The Old Celestial Master Is Going To Die?

"Brother Chu, it's thanks to you this time. Without you, my old life might be here." After hearing the news of the death of the source of the curse, the old master relaxed and came to Chu Yu's side After doing it, he said gratefully.

"Thank you for what?" Chu Yu said disgustedly: "Please, you are my partner, there is no need to say thank you between partners, even if you don't say it, I can't watch you and let it bully you.

Zhang Zhiwei laughed.

I have been hearing Chu Yu talk about the word partner before, but I have no idea about it after all.

Now that I know it, it turns out that this is my partner. It feels good, right?

"No, if that's the case, shouldn't you have made a move a long time ago?" Zhang Zhiwei came back to his senses, thinking that if he didn't speak, Chu Yu had no intention of helping

"Old Heavenly Master, you can't blame me for this. You were the one who fought it one-on-one in the beginning, and you are the real pirate if you fulfill your partner's wishes.

The people of Long Kingdom were a little strange when they heard the words of the old heavenly master.

Thank you Chu Yu?

What's there to be thankful for, isn't he just throwing the elixir you refined into your mouth precisely?

However, if Chu Yu misses the throw, it is indeed a very dangerous thing. After all, I should really thank Chu Yu.

"As expected of a person who can become a celestial master, this measure, this temper, is simply too good, but it's a pity..."

"Are you pity Nima? I don't know what will happen to the old master, so before that, shut your stinky mouth!"

"That's right, judging by your tone, it seems that you are cursing the old celestial master. You are really convinced. If the old celestial master heard what you said, if he was not killed by the source of the curse, he would be pissed off by you.

"Actually, I had a doubt at the beginning. That guy Chu Yu didn't take out the light ball from his waist, it seemed to be rubbed out with his hands. Is there a possibility to improve the strength of the old heavenly master "717"?" The ball of light was created by Chu Yu?"

"Then what, in fact, I think so too, otherwise the old heavenly master wouldn't have thanked Chu Yu, and wouldn't have asked Chu Yu to help in the first place.

"How is this possible? If Chu Yu has the ability, I will kneel down and sing Conquer!"

"Put your eye in, maybe one day you can see Chu Yu's sudden explosion."

"If you want me to say, don't have too high expectations for Chu Yu, in front of the old master and Goddess Cangyue, he is a support, and can only be a support.

"At least I don't believe that a person with a broken arm has a high combat effectiveness."

"Old Heavenly Master's gratitude and asking for help cannot tell how strong Chu Yu is, but only the character of Old Heavenly Master. He is a wise man with great wisdom."

"Indeed, anyway, after this incident, I decided to learn from the old heavenly master in the future, to be kind to others, and to be evil with wicked people."

"So, such a good person, don't let anything happen to you."

"So, can you guys keep your mouths shut! You're not blessing the heavenly master, you're setting up a death flag!"

And those foreign audiences sneered and gloated from time to time, as if the old heavenly master was about to die because of the so-called side effects.

"NO! NO! NO! I think you Long Kingdom people should pray more. This is not a flag. What they say is the truth. The teacher you speak of will be backlashed by side effects in a few minutes."

"Show a clear path for you Dragon Kingdom people, and pray to God, His Excellency has a lot, and won't blame you Dragon Kingdom people."

"There are still five minutes and forty-two seconds until the end of the explosion. That is to say, if there is so much time, at most ten minutes more, your Dragon Kingdom will lose a player."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's lucky for you Dragon Kingdom. It was obviously the end of the group's destruction, but relying on the explosion of one person, two players were retained."

"However, thank you for helping us defeat the source of the curse. As a thank you, the remaining two players from the Dragon Kingdom, our players will give them a happy ending.

In the official live broadcast room.

Bingbing watched the whole process of the battle, her expression constantly changing.

Now it is inevitable to be angry with a bunch of foreign dogs.

But as the card face of Longguo's live broadcast room, Bingbing couldn't take the initiative to swear, and could only take a deep breath: "Oh, how can we only be happy about defeating the source of the curse? Dear viewers and friends, may as well share the joy with more people.”

Bingbing's words reminded the people of Longguo.


Why are you sulking in the live broadcast room in your country now?

Wouldn't it be better to go to live broadcast rooms in other countries and engage with their mentality?

When the ten minutes are up, go back to Longguo's live broadcast room.

for a moment. The mighty Longguo netizens scattered and ran to the live broadcast rooms in other countries.

Once inside, launch a barrage attack.

"Oh, everyone must know that my Dragon Country player encountered the source of the curse before. He is really powerful."

"That's right, he's a ferocious beast known as the God Shelter. That exaggerated strength, no joke, is enough to destroy the entire Blue Star."

"What? You don't believe it? Hehe, who cares if you believe it or not? I'm here to tell you that the powerful beast was beheaded by our dragon country players."

"I'm afraid there are only players from our Dragon Kingdom in the whole world. Can we kill it? But there is no way to do it. Who makes some countries really weak."

Even in 2074, Dragon Country is still the most populous country.

All of them are masters of surfing the Internet.

Even if it is dispersed, the screens in other countries' live broadcast rooms will be full of Chinese character bullet screens.

This disgusted the group of foreigners.

The language they use is inherently difficult to spell, and often they only type one character, and the people of Longguo can type out a small composition.

"Oh, why don't you talk? Are you also happy for us?"

"Thank you so much, don't worry, we Long people are the most gracious, and we are happy for us today, tomorrow I will go to your country to help you eliminate a few criminals

"Don't worry about our safety, it's fine, we Long people are in good health now, how could the gangsters in your country hurt me?"

"However, maybe in a few months or a few years, the gangsters in your country will grow to the level we are now?"

The Dragon Kingdom is the country that has been passed down for the longest time, and various cultures can be described in broad and profound terms.

Especially language and culture.

So at this time, this kind of yin and yang strangeness made the group of foreigners so angry that they didn't know what to say at all.

The non-Chinese barrage on the screen is all F**K.

the other side.

After Bingbing finished speaking.

Then he turned his head to look at several guests, and asked with some concern: "Guests, is Zhang Zhiwei from our country getting stronger, is it really accompanied by strong side effects?"

Qiong Xiaoliang: "I don't know... After all, the creatures on the normal blue star will not explode, and there are only some maternal animals that will explode with strong fighting power when protecting their children, but that It's not a seed explosion, but courage allows the creature to display its original strength."

Yan Chunan: "Although I have never had the experience of suddenly becoming stronger, I often overdraw my physical strength and overweight training. It can be said that although this kind of training can greatly improve my physical fitness, it is also accompanied by serious side effects. So I feel that almost Minutes later, Zhang Zhiwei is likely to be dragged down by serious side effects."

Robinson nodded agreeingly: "I also think there will be very serious side effects. The human body has limits. Even the old heavenly master can't suddenly burst into powerful combat power for no reason. He will definitely pay some cost."

Ji Xiaosong shook the paper fan: "It's rare that I have the same thoughts as you, but I think it's better for everyone to explain directly. We must now prepare for the worst and meet the death of the old master."

The rest of the people of Longguo who were still in the live broadcast room couldn't help sending out bullet screens when they heard Ji Xiaosong's words.

"I Zhuo, can you drive away this stupid bird Ji Xiaosong? Letting him stay in the official live broadcast room will only make the master angry, and it will be of no use."

"Damn it, this is the first time I have such violent thoughts, why do I want to sew this pig's mouth shut."

"It hurts, little brother Chu, I'm already a centenarian, so be gentle." The old master frowned and took a deep breath.

Chu Yu squeezed a kind of ointment onto Zhang Zhiwei's wound, and then wiped it gently: "The world can learn from it, I didn't use much force, it's the old master, you hurt too much.

At this time, the old Tianshi's body was covered with dozens of wounds, large and small.

Some of the wounds were still oozing blood.

Although the old celestial master is very strong after the explosion.

But before the explosion, he was beaten a lot after all.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't tell the severity of Lao Tianshi's wounds, but Chu Yu was different, he could still see it.

And the ointment that the old Tianshi is applying now is actually the exclusive secret recipe on Longhu Mountain, which is very effective for bruises and sprains.

After all, when the apprentices and grandchildren of the old heavenly master are practicing against each other, it is inevitable that they will see some blood.

With more and more ointments on his body, the old master gradually got used to the pain.

With difficulty, he said: "It's the first time I've been hit so hard, this so-called shepherd is really strong. w

Chu Yu nodded: "Yeah, it should be the peak of A-level beasts, right? But in the end, you are not an old heavenly master. If you don't seek to make progress, if you have perfected the exercises, you won't be let down by it." Beat up.

"It's easy to say, but hard to do. How can I, an ordinary person, perfect the exercises that have been passed down for thousands of years in less than two hundred years?" Zhang Zhiwei said with emotion.

"Now I hear the old heavenly master say that he is an ordinary person, I feel so ashamed. If the old heavenly master is an ordinary person, then what are we?"

"I think it's mostly pickled stuff?"

"No, no, don't have such thoughts, we are mortals..."

"Then do you have the talent of an old celestial master?"

"Do you see what I look like?"

It was three minutes after the old Tianshi finished applying the plaster, and the two came out of the tree hole.

Then I was taken aback.

But I saw that with the death of the source of the curse, the sun in this world no longer appeared scarlet, but turned into a normal color.

"Hehe, so there really are some existences that can affect a world." Chu Yu said in surprise.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Yu felt something was wrong.

How could the curse affect the sun?

He carefully observed the sun, then shook his head helplessly and laughed.

This is not a star, it turns out to be a [fake sun] made of pure energy.

As for the primordial sun, it has long since annihilated,

Chu Yu really didn't believe that the source of the curse had the ability to create a sun.

It seems that this is the masterpiece left by the tree of life?

Then, Chu Yu looked at Charlotte and Xiao Cangyue, and said: "Under the unremitting efforts of the old master, I finally defeated the evil monster. It is a happy ending.

Xiao Cangyue clapped in unison.

Charlotte's tears flowed down the corner of her eyes: "Hey, why am I crying?"

Which pot does not open and which pot is lifted by Chu Yu: "Could it be because we killed your father?


Charlotte quickly said: "No, really not. I don't know why, anyway, I just want to cry.

Xiao Cangyue clapped her hands thoughtfully: "I understand, your mother's revenge has finally been avenged!"

Charlotte showed a confused look: "I don't know either, after all, it's been too long since then, and my memory of them is very faded.

Chu Yu stepped forward and patted Charlotte on the shoulder, grinning: "Girl, let's celebrate that you are finally free!"

"I don't understand, why is Chu Yu still smiling now? Is it time for a hippie?"

With less than a minute left in ten minutes, everyone is staring at the screen to see what kind of side effects the old celestial master will encounter.

"Maybe Chu Yu doesn't know about side effects at all?"

"How is this possible? Chu Yu said that the duration is only ten minutes. He must know that there are side effects!"

"Then he's smiling from here now, I'm really sorry for the old heavenly master."

"It seems that you Long Kingdom people still don't understand, but now there is a little girl called Xiao Cangyue, so Jin Yu should consider her feelings, right?"

"Good Asahi, Chu Yusa, I like this kind of man."

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Soon ten minutes are up.

The lightning on Zhang Zhiwei's body gradually dissipated, and his gray hair fell down again, but because of the lightning, his hair was messy.

But, to everyone's surprise.

Zhang Zhiwei just stood calmly on the wasteland, like an elder, watching Chu Yu and the three of them talking with a smile.

"What? There are no side effects? How is this possible?!"

"It can increase a person's combat power several times, but there is no elixir for 5.9? Is there really such a thing in this world?!"

"Or, does this world really allow such things to exist? Even normal medicines have side effects! I don't believe it, I don't believe that Zhang Zhiwei is fine! He must be pretending! He now

The appearance of being here is all fake!"

"That's right, wait a little longer, he will fall to the ground and vomit blood!"

Seeing that Zhang Zhiwei was fine, all foreign audiences were so unbelievable and began to deceive themselves.

But this is also impossible.

Excited Leiwan raised the combat power of the old heavenly master several levels, but the old heavenly master did nothing, how did they accept it?

Even if you die without exploding, you can just fall to the ground and moan a few times in pain!

But, what do you mean by standing there like nothing happened?

Not only foreigners like this.

Even the people of Long Kingdom are confused.

According to the script, shouldn't the current situation be that the old heavenly master fell to the ground in pain, crying on the barrage in the live broadcast room, or worried?

But why doesn't the old master play cards according to common sense?

"I see! That light ball has no side effects!"

"However, is it possible to increase the strength of the old heavenly master so much without any side effects?"

"I understand! The side effect of the light group is actually a curse, and it is immune to the fruit of life!"

"Ah? Can it still be like this?"

"No, that's not the case. You are all thinking wrong. That light cluster has no side effects."

"Ah? Why do you say that? Could it be that you have taken it? How is it possible, this is refined by the old master himself, who do you think you are?!"

"That's right, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand."

"I did eat it, and I eat it often.


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