National Luck: Start The Czar Template, Ascend To The Throne As The Emperor!

Chapter 027: The Third Round Of Monsters Strikes! Ten Tear Monsters!

At this time, the prime minister of the capital of Sakura Country.

Prime Minister An Baigou San's face was extremely ugly.

Looking at the report on his desk, he was about to collapse!

"Flax down!!! Flax down!!"

He cried out in pain.

Under these two waves of attacks and six years of deduction, Sakura Country killed one-tenth of its citizens!

At this time, their cherry blossom country is already in danger!

It is a country with a notoriously aging population.

In addition, the population is not large, and now so many people are dying suddenly.

This made him feel the pressure of being a prime minister.

It is precisely because of this reason that the people now not only do not believe that a savior can save them, but even the government that used to believe so strongly.

They are also slowly losing confidence.

If the people do not approve it, then the country will inevitably go to ruin slowly.

no! ! Absolutely not! !

Can't go on like this anymore...

Especially when I think of the old rival Long Guo next door, at this time, it is very popular in the survival of this country.

His body was shaking with anger.

If the Eagle Country is No. 1, then there is nothing to say.

But the Dragon Kingdom is number one....

A country that was almost conquered by our ancestors dared to step on our heads! !

Baga Road! ! Die, die, work! !

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the blue veins on his forehead suddenly bulged.

Then he grabbed the landline and made a call.

That is.....

Connection with the President of the Eagle Country.

At this time, although the border is blocked, other things are still normal.

Now, this time.

He could only find a way to ask his master, ah no, ally, to see how to solve this crisis.

At this time, on the earth, the pictures are constantly playing!

That is the picture of the monster invasion.

The saviors who have awakened their talents have some monsters that cannot be resisted. In the world of ordinary humans, they are almost rampant.

Especially for countries with weak military power.

This is fatal.

Under two waves of fierce attacks, forty countries have declared their country to be wiped out!

That voice came.

[All nations that perish, their saviors and all their citizens will die! 】

That is, the country perishes.

The Savior will also die forever.

On the map of Blue Star, this country will no longer exist.

And the people of this country will all die!

At this moment, the shadow of terror shrouded the hearts of all mankind.

"It's over, it's over, it's over."

"Fuck, why is our country's savior so rubbish?? Damn, it's dead now, I knew it would be gone from the beginning."

"Yeah, if I knew this earlier, I wouldn't stay in this broken place without saying anything."

"Damn savior, if that's the case, let's perish together, damn it!!"

in human chat channels.

Countless people began to complain about their country, even disgust. …

As for the savior, at this time, they wished that the savior would die sooner rather than later.

Three years of deduction life, and there will be monster invasion.

Make them completely desperate.

And those countries that have hope are all in touch with their savior.

Offers a variety of things, programs, and weapons and equipment to ensure survival.

Now, the Savior is alive is the most important thing.

[Ivory, the representative of the people of the three countries: "The requirements are not high, I just hope that the next wave will not release so many monsters."]

[People of Cherry Blossom Country: "Is it alright to argue, bastard?? Don't lose to that guy in Dragon Country, you won't lose to them if you lose to anyone!!"]

[Kimchi country people: "Xiba, if you die again, stop eating kimchi, go eat shit!!"]

[People of Eagle Country: "Chongte Niang, Mike, believe in yourself, you are the savior of the world!! All countries and people are waiting for you to save!!"]

Under the influence of this emotion, the saviors of various countries also began to get nervous.

The Savior chat channel was also lively.

The Saviors are all sharing their battle experiences with each other.

"Sakura Country Kameda Jiro: I found that those monsters don't seem to smell."

"Kimchi Guopu Burglar: It seems that you can avoid being attacked by not breathing!"

"Maoziguo Xiongda: That's not easy, just die!"


Contrary to their tense atmosphere, Jiang Yibai was already sleeping.


But this time, he wasn't big-hearted.

But because what he has to wait for is the third wave of attacks tomorrow!

Recharge your energy for tomorrow's battle.

After all, no one knows what kind of monster tomorrow will be.

How strong will it be?

The current experience sharing is all in the past tense and has little effect.


Moon and stars move.

Soon, it was the third day.

The saviors didn't sleep very well.

The human beings on earth are even more insomnia,

After all, no one knows if this will be the last moment of his life.

Tomorrow, will I continue to live...

Or face death.

It was just dawn when the voice suddenly came.

[The third wave of attacks is coming! 】

[The monsters attacking this time are - 10 tearing monsters! (A humanoid horror creature with a big belly.)]

【Please prepare all saviors to defend! ! 】

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