National Luck: Start The Czar Template, Ascend To The Throne As The Emperor!

Chapter 070: No need for a gate! My soldiers are my gates!

The loud sound was like a death knell.



Hard to believe.

People from all over the world: "??~????"

10,000 heads???

What a joke about planes and tanks - ah! Crazy!

10,000 heads, if placed in the real world, it would be a million-thousand monsters!

Although it is only first-order, the number is 10,000.

Isn't this just asking these saviors to die??

There is an old saying in Longguo, that three cobblers have beaten one Zhuge Liang!!

What's more, there are still ten thousand stooges.

"How does this play??"

"No, why are you playing so big all of a sudden??"

"Do you think that all the saviours of the world are the ones from the Dragon Kingdom??

"Please, not everyone got things in the last yellow sand land.

"Still getting things, our country has lost three years of the lives of the people of the whole country to go in.""

"Fuck, this time, I'm afraid it's going to be the end of the calf.

At this moment, people all over the world are a little desperate.

10,000 heads, even if you just imagine it, that picture is already a bit of a rash.

Even if 10,000 ants crawl on one person today, it will probably kill the person.

What's more, this time there are 10,000 monsters.

Although the savior of their country has awakened the bloodline talent.

But in every defense, nothing was achieved.

In addition, those weak countries do not have much human and material resources to help their savior.

Hence the vicious circle, the situation in their country is getting worse and worse.

In this case, 10,000 first-order monsters are undoubtedly worse for them!!

Even the people of some countries are ready for their country's subjugation.

Moreover, the subjugation of the country at this time is not lost to other countries.

It's a real genocide!!

It is this planet that no longer exists in this country.

At this time, the Savior channel was also full of despair.

[Sicilian savior Xike: "This time we are finished, everyone, see you in the next life, if there is any more. l

[Savior of the Heijinguo: "The challenge this time is not small, but fortunately they are all first-order monsters, barely able to survive!"

【The savior of the Great Yue Kingdom: "Ah, ah, this time, it's dead. Mom, I don't want to die."】

[Savior of the Kimchi Kingdom: "It's over, if you die this time, I don't know if the country can hold on to it. If they don't hold on to this wave, they will never be able to resurrect again."]

At this moment, the nerves of all the saviors are tense.

They are well aware of this crisis.

It's not just them saviors anymore.

If their savior is not guarded, then there is a fatal threat to the ordinary people below.

10,000 first-order monsters, if it is below, it is a million!!

A terrible army of a million....

I am afraid that humans with hot weapons may not be able to resist for long.

At this time, not far from all the castles, there were already ten Void Gates, which appeared in four different directions.

Jiang Yibai frowned.

this time……

Not in the narrow terrain in the mine.

In such an open place, if you are not careful, it is extremely likely that the horse will stumble.

Definitely can't take the initiative anymore.

Gotta defend the city.

It's a pity that I don't have long-range soldiers. If there are long-range soldiers, it will be easier.

【Half an hour, the defensive battle is about to start!】

[Note: already attached to a civilization, you can get help from the parent civilization. 】

[Father civilization cannot be vassal, and child civilization cannot accept vassal. 】

hear this.

The savior of the kimchi country was ecstatic and said excitedly: "That's great, it's possible to live in this way, and you can go and call Mike's dad! 55

The people on this side of Kimchi Country started cheering as if they had grabbed a life-saving straw.

The savior of his own country is a pig, but the father of the eagle country is still fierce!!

At this time, Mike's side, although in the previous wave, did not get too many rewards.

But at this time, with a shallow smile on his face, he was very comfortable.


It's impossible to panic!

Even if the savior of the Dragon Kingdom is panicked today, I might panic a bit!

On his castle, all kinds of heavy weapons have already been placed!

Outside the castle, there are still a lot of mines!

As the world's most powerful country in the real world.

There is also a terrifying background in the military.

During the period when Mike was sleeping, the Eagle State government had already mobilized a large number of military forces to him.

The best way to deal with zombies is hot weapons!

Coupled with his pair of wings that can take him to the sky, he didn't panic at all at this time, and even in his mind, he was already flying in the air, sweeping away zombies with hot weapons.


A picture looked up to by girls all over the country.

So cool just thinking about it!!

At this time, the wave of zombies is about to strike, and the saviors of all countries are preparing nervously.

Some of them are afraid, some are overwhelmed, and some are not at all panic.

All beings.

There are also various speeches in the Savior channel.

[Kimchi Country Savior: "@Eagle Country Mike: Dad, send me some weapons, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it!"l

[Mike, the savior of the Eagle Country: "You hold on first, and I will give it to you when the time comes."]

[Keda Jiro, the savior of the cherry blossom country: "Wow, big brother has a weapon?? Wow, I'm envious!!"]

[Ulan country driver: "I really envy you rich second-generation saviours of great wealth, you can survive with weapons, unlike this waste country behind me, who can't bring anything out now."]

On Jiang Yibai's side, above the heart of the castle, a note appeared.

It reads: "Comrade Yibai, do you need guidance on the use of hot weapons?? We have fully prepared all kinds of hot weapons!! 35

Seeing this, Jiang Yibai shook his head with a smile.

Dealing with first-order zombies...

Do you really need a weapon??

Wouldn't someone really need a weapon to fight a first-order zombie?

That's first class!!

And at this moment, a roar came.

Jiang Yibai put down the printer paper and climbed up the castle.

In the distance, zombies came from all directions.

Ten Void Gates, each of which is fast, and the frequency is terrifying!

【Pu Chiguai, the savior of the Kimchi country: "Fuck, he's here, he's really here!! Don't talk about it, I'll dig a hole in the ground first, and wait for the big brother to volunteer." 1

[Keda Jiro, the savior of the Sakura Kingdom: "Nani!! Too much, it's over!! 35l

...for flowers....

[The driver of the savior of Ulan: "So many monsters come out together, it's so stressful!"]

[Help, is there any hero who can think of a way, it's going to end. 】

[It's really all special zombies, although it's only first-order, but there are too many. 】

Other saviours chose to close the city gate for the first time.

There are so many zombies, even if they are only Tier 1, they don't dare to underestimate them.

Go out to fight?

What a joke!

After all this time, basically all countries' castles have simple upgrades.

Basically, they are all first-order castles, which have certain defensive measures and can play the effect of defensive towers.

So this time, they chose to fight with the castle.

The World Forum was also shrouded in terror and despair at this time.

Especially the people of those small countries are even more desperate at this time.

For example, Wulan, they begged their grandfather to tell their grandmother, called their father their father, and wanted to attach themselves to those big countries, but it was a pity that those big country birds were too lazy to bird them.

When you are peaceful, I will coax you to be happy, and I will take you and pretend to force you to fly.

Up to now, it's just a sentence, don't bother me.

At this time, who is not a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, who still has the mind to take care of you.

"It's over, this time it's really over.

"Damn, is the zombie siege in the movie really going to appear now??"

"Oops, what should I do now?"

"I don't know, let's hide in the hole.""

"Xiba, I don't want to become a zombie, I just had plastic surgery a few days ago!!""

Everyone was crying in despair.


At this time, Jiang Yibai is here.

He ordered directly.

"Open the four gates of the castle!"

His expression was serious.

"Prepare to meet the enemy!

The sound was not loud, but the whole world was silent for a second.


Open the gate???

Outside, there are densely packed zombies like the tide!!

This guy, he said to open the city gate, isn't this pure courting death??

"??? What the hell?? 35

"Hey, hey, Aunt Sauce! Just go home and farm! Don't be so reckless!

"What the hell do you want, bro!!"

"Your savior of the Dragon Kingdom is also ready to sacrifice his brain to the zombies??"

"Could it be that your savior of the Dragon Kingdom also thinks that he can't beat him, this is rotten?? 35

"Good guy, the world is rotten.

"Is this the will of your Dragon Kingdom?? The first to surrender in the face of this difficulty?"

Jiang Yibai didn't change his mind and slowly raised his hand...

In front of him, a hundred sand soldiers appeared,

Also, Renekton!


There was a sense of solemnity in the air.

"Open the gates!!

His voice was hoarse.

The imperial staff is in hand, the imperial armor is attached to the body,

The image of the great emperor appeared, and the yellow sand filled the whole castle!

"The warriors of Shurima...'

"It's my gate!"

"It's my Great Wall!"

The soldiers and Renekton fell to their knees!

"Swear to the death to defend Your Majesty!

In Renekton's eyes, the red light that was eager to kill flashed!

ask for a wave

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The ball is over! 4.

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