National Luck: Start The Czar Template, Ascend To The Throne As The Emperor!

Chapter 075: Rise to the fifth level! Da Mao referendum, vassal of the Dragon Kingdom!

At this time, Jiang Yibai's face also showed a hint of hesitation...

Do you want to eat the belly first?

Or should I cook the lamb first??

This is really a dilemma.

When the sound of the announcement of the survival of the National Games sounded, Jiang Yibai slowly put down his ear chopsticks.

I couldn't help but let out a not-so-gentle burp.


Such an ungentle burp made a group of strange women intoxicated.

That is, far above the island - the women of the island country.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuously so cute!"

"Is there a possibility that all the men in the Dragon Country are so cute when they burp?

"Really! Then I hope to quickly attach to the Dragon Kingdom, so that we can call Bai Oni sauce for our brother in an open and honest way!

These women said that they had never seen such an attractive man in their life.


A man who can bring a sense of security to more than one billion people in a country is really handsome, isn't it?

In stark contrast to Jiang Yibai.

It is Kameda Jiro, the savior of Sakura Country, and the women of Sakura Country think of Kameda Jiro at this time, and they all have a reaction.

He rolled his eyes, the corners of his mouth turned down, and he was speechless.

After all, their life expectancy has been reduced by nine years.

What kind of savior, it's almost the same as killing people!!

Jiang Yibai packed up his things and wiped the corner of his mouth.

Just right, after eating, the reward will come.

And at this moment, in the sky of the Dragon Kingdom and the Great Mao Kingdom, a picture appeared!


A large number of zombies, invading the beautiful country and other countries' pictures!

The savior in the sky can only release one zombie, then there will be 10,000 zombies in the real world!

And these countries, no matter how hard their savior tries.

There will still be more or less hundreds of them.

Even Mike, who has been using thermal weapons, still put hundreds of them into the real world.

That is, in the real world.

There are already millions of zombies coming from all directions.

No matter how large the land area is, it is very terrifying that so many zombies suddenly appear.

"Help!! Fuck!!""

"I don't want to become a zombie..."

"I'm still young, I still want to live, damn savior!!"

"I finally believed in someone once, and I trusted you completely in my heart, but you made me lose so completely!! rub!

In the World Channel, there was a wailing.

For the most part, they are complaining about their messianic waste.

If it is said that all countries in the world are experiencing this crisis, then they still feel nothing.

But the problem is, in this world, there are some countries where there is no zombie crisis!!

This makes them feel very unfair.


Why is our country going through such torture!

All this, blame the damn savior.

Why are you so rubbish, and you have to find ways to sneak up on others?? Want to snatch other people's things??

If you have the time to do this kind of detrimental things, it is better to work hard on your own. . . .

Coupled with the blockade of national borders, other countries at this time cannot provide them with any help at all.

That is, this time.

All countries will face the wave of zombies alone.

If you don't keep it, then the country will be destroyed, just in an instant!!

At this time, the Eagle Nation army was mobilized in large numbers, and the armed helicopters hovered over the city.

The bullets flew, and there were already a large number of casualties!

But what makes people all over the world breathe a sigh of relief.

After these zombies bite people, it seems that they will not become infected and become zombies, but it is very painful.

Otherwise, it would be even more terrifying than an incurable disease.

The beautiful country's actions are very fast, and the weapons and military forces are also very complete.

Therefore, it did not cause a zombie emergency.

In comparison, although zombies are somewhat anti-human, they are still vulnerable in the face of hot weapons and bullets.

However, even if it is as powerful as the Eagle Country.

Destroying more than three million zombies that appeared all over the country also caused a huge loss to the Eagle Nation.

In the process of eliminating zombies, I don't know how many ordinary people died unjustly under the fire of artillery.

The originally prosperous city has become chaotic, a mess, and flames are flying.

The streets and alleys were filled with the stench of blood and various corpses.

People running for their lives and crying children were everywhere.

Moreover, such a scene is happening all over the world.

All of this, the whole reminds people all over the world.

The punishment for the survival of the country is definitely not a joke.

If the Savior does not do his best, then it is these ordinary people on earth who will suffer.

And, what they have to face, is death!!

Except for the Dragon Kingdom, all countries are now in the whirlpool of public opinion.

"God, what did I do wrong in my last life?? Why should I be born in such a country!!""

"I've been in Xiba for eight lifetimes with blood mold!!"

"Hey, so many zombies are scary to look at."

"Fortunately, the fighting power of these zombies is not as terrifying as in the movie, and it is barely able to withstand it."

"But it's also very scary, damn it, I'm at home, and a few zombies suddenly rushed in, and it's still a few male zombies..."

"Ah!!! When will the savior of our country be as strong as the Dragon Kingdom..."

"The one from the Dragon Kingdom is called the savior, and the one from our country is a pure pig!

People cursed and cursed, and an atmosphere of despair enveloped them.

After all, since the emergence of National Fortune Survival.

In the real world, the influence caused by the Savior is getting bigger and bigger.

At the beginning, the savior did not resist, only the skeleton soldiers appeared.

Those soldiers, even ordinary human beings can stop them, and they can smash them with sticks.

So far, zombies have appeared...

The situation is clearly getting worse.

Now that there are so many zombies, the country's defense is almost overwhelmed.

When the national defense line collapsed, at that moment it was the turn of ordinary people to suffer.




This kind of negativity spreads throughout the world.

Of course, there are also a small number of countries, and the atmosphere is relaxed at this time.

Such as Maozi country.

At this time, the country cheered.

Especially when they compared the tragic situation of other countries around them, they felt even more refreshed.

Of course, at this point they didn't have time to mock the previous insidiousness of other countries.

On the contrary, at this time on the forum, all the people of Maoziguo were expressing their gratitude.

"Thank you for the magic book sent by Lao Tie Longguo!

"Too fierce, good brother."

"Don't say it, in the future, if anyone can't get along with my brother Longguo, I will directly follow him!! 99

"Ula is done, no need to force.

"You can still think about our country at this time, this is true friendship!!

........for flowers 0.

This time, Mao Ziguo also passed the border safely.

However, they are very clear.

They made it through, not because of how strong their messiah agent Bella was.

Bella carried it down by relying on the scroll of the savior of the Dragon Kingdom!

In this wave, without the help of the Dragon Kingdom, the situation of Maozi Kingdom would not be much better than other countries.

Just at this time.

The official suddenly released a video, Puqing's expression was still calm, and he announced tepidly: "From now on, there will be a referendum on whether to vassalize the Dragon Kingdom!!"

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was in an uproar.

What the hell? Is the Mao Kingdom going to become a vassal civilization of the Dragon Kingdom?

This was once the world's most powerful country.

Now, he actually wants to depend on a country that is weaker than him???

Is this so crazy??

What do you think....

The point is, how did he bow his head??

"What does Mao Ziguo mean?"

"Damn it, Mao Ziguo actually wants to depend on Longguo, it's unbelievable."5

"It's true, Worthy!"

"Suddenly I felt that being attached to the Kimchi country is nothing..."

"How can that kind of small land be compared with Mao Ziguo?"

"My mother, if Mao Ziguo and Longguo become one in the future... Then they can go sideways in the survival of the country??"

The entire World Forum was in an uproar.

No one dared to believe that the once most powerful country in the world was now relying on the Dragon Kingdom.

This feeling is too incredible.

I just think Puqing is crazy!!

But this time.

Puqing's eyes were fixed on the east in the distance.

He is not crazy.

This time, he saw it more clearly than ever.

This sudden appearance of the mysterious national luck survival.

Obviously, it completely affects the life and death of the real world.

Moreover, the back will only be more dangerous!

As for the current strength of the country, it doesn't matter at all.

That is to say, which country's savior can become a leader in the survival of the country, which country will inevitably be in a hegemonic position.

And now...

The savior of the Dragon Kingdom obviously dominates all of this.

Of course, Jiang Yibai didn't know what was happening at this time, and just stared at the system panel intently.

[Congratulations to the host, get a reward - 200 bloodline power! 】

【The host has been upgraded to level 5!】

[Sand Soldier Summoning Upgraded to--200 Sand Soldiers! 】

Upgraded again!

Two hundred soldiers....

It is only a hundred million points away from his dream of a million sand soldiers.

All the soldiers felt Jiang Yibai's strength increased, and they all knelt down and shouted: [Long live Your Majesty, Long live Shurima!]

Jiang Yibai smiled lightly.

At the same time, he found that the blue light was getting further and further away.

"It's starting to get farther..."

Everything in the fog will be exposed!

At this time, the voice of the national fortunes for survival sounded again.

[The defensive barrier continues to enlarge!]

【Tribes of different races appear in each savior!】

【Please dispose of it yourself!】

Jiang Yibai's expression suddenly froze.


Has been expanded to the existence of other intelligent creatures!

this world……

Huge! Absolutely huge!

At the same time, a vampire with fangs on the top of the mountain watched this scene.


"Fresh dishes are here again.

There is a tattoo on his chest.

That is, a little castle! Four.

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