National Luck: Start The Czar Template, Ascend To The Throne As The Emperor!

Chapter 077: I want, you surrender! Either surrender or die!

At this moment, the sound of the National Games' survival sounded, interrupting Jiang Yibai's thoughts.

[When facing the war on the mainland, the vassal race is necessary. 】

[All races, you can choose your own method and vassalize it, as long as you are... strong enough! 】

[Note: The sub-civilization that has been vassalized has now officially moved into the parent civilization!]

[From now on, defend together, all rewards will only get 20% of the parent civilization! 】

As soon as the announcement was made, there was another uproar around the world.

"War on the Continent???"

'Fuck, what do you mean, there will be no third war in the end..."

"Don't do it, take out that weapon, it will kill people."

"But it is possible to resist together."

"Yes, yes, for some countries, this joint defense now feels like a pretty good choice."

Although the news is very shocking, there are still many people who keep calm.

Faced with such a crisis, national dignity is no longer the most important thing.

At this time, if vassalizing other countries can allow their own country and people to survive, then there is nothing impossible.

Moreover, as long as they can resist together, the savior's fault tolerance rate will be even higher, and the savior will not be destroyed by one mistake.

On Blue Star, there are still many powerful countries.

For some small countries, this time has already begun to consider vassalizing other countries.

Start preparing to vassalize other countries.

17 But which country to vassalize, it does require careful consideration.

Because everyone in the announcement of the survival of the National Games, vaguely aware of the crisis.

That is the crisis of a war of all mankind. . . .

If you are on the wrong side in this war, that will be the moment of real destruction!!

The countries that have survived until now are basically considered relatively powerful countries on Blue Star.

Those weak countries have basically already been destroyed.

Everyone suddenly felt a huge tremor that had never been seen before.

At this time....

The announcement sounded again.

【The country of Kimchi country has been separated】

[Successfully bordered the vassal Eagle Country!]

At this moment, the territory of the Kimchi Country seemed to be manipulated by some mysterious force.

Just like a puzzle piece, it was forcibly stuffed on the territory of the Eagle Country.

And the land that originally belonged to the kimchi country, only huge ravines were left at this time...

This power is extremely mysterious. On the way of the movement of such a huge crustal plate, the sea does not appear to have any influence.

No volcanic eruptions, no tsunamis, nothing, really as simple as moving a piece of the puzzle.

That is, from this moment on.

The kimchi country was completely subsumed into the eagle country and became a sub-country.

At this moment, the world is shaking!

"I'm going!! I'm witnessing history!"

"Is it so exaggerated? I rely on it! 39

"It seems that the resources of the two countries can be exchanged in the future.

"Yeah, in the future, we can unite to give the savior of the two countries, issue weapons and equipment together, and then resist together..."

"This is a great opportunity."

"But the premise is that you have to get people to agree to your vassal. After all, at this time, who wants to be an extra burden??

This is destined to be a moment in human history.

Everyone, at this moment, all thought of the land in the East...

Invariably thought of Long Kingdom and Mao Zi Kingdom.

This is a super empire with two huge plates.

If these two countries are united, the area will be unbelievably large!!

What is even more terrifying is that the combined resources of the two countries will be terrifying!!

It seems, an unprecedented super empire...

will be born soon!!!

Everyone is looking forward to the change of history.

But in the hearts of all the people in the world, there is also a question in the mind.


Mao Ziguo lowered his status like this and became a vassal of the Dragon Kingdom, did he really earn it?

after all....

In the eyes of all people in the world, it is recognized that Mao Zi is strong.

But the words of the Dragon Kingdom...

It seems so mediocre.

Although their savior is very strong, this time the survival of the National Games is not just about the savior.

Even if the biggest key is in the savior, but in fact it is also a competition between the strengths of the countries.

For those powerful countries, such as the Eagle Country, those zombies and lizards have influence, but they will not cause their country to have a real crisis at all.

Those brainless monsters, in the age of hot weapons, are not worth mentioning at all.

Thinking about it this way, people from all over the world feel that Puqing's practice is very strange.

What is the picture??

Only the younger brother has always followed the elder brother.

I've never seen a big brother follow a little brother...

If there is, there is only one possibility, and that is the former little brother, and now he has become the big brother!!

But Long Guo, it seems that he has not yet become a big brother.

That's really weird.

At this time, next to the castle on Mike's side, a miniature version of the castle appeared, which belonged to the Kimchi country!

From now on, they have been together!

And after the announcement was made.

Government officials of all countries, as well as the savior, are restless.

This is your chance to change your life!

Must catch!

It's not stupid that the government personnel of those small countries are still saviors.

At this time, if you can find a powerful vassal state, then you really have a chance to survive!

Moreover, the vassal state must be found as soon as possible.

Resist the enemy together!

For small countries with limited resources, this is the best choice!

In the Savior channel, it was lively again at this time.

[Golden Rooster Country@Longguo Savior: "Brother, give me a chance, I will be your little brother in the future! l

[Yueyunguo@龙国 redeemer: "I've been silently supporting you in my heart, I'll give you a chance, I hope you don't be ignorant!"]


Only this time, it was different from the last time.

This time, the saviors of those small countries are all crazy about Aite Jiang Yibai. Basically, few countries are in Aite Eagle Country.

They are very clear.

If it is a dependent country of the successful Eagle Nation, then I am afraid that life will not be much better.

But if it is a vassal of Chenggong Dragon, it would be much better.

First of all, the people of Longguo have a more gentle personality and are relatively easy to get along with.

Second, it's obvious...just like Mao Ziguo, get things, and then pass the customs smoothly.

Who wouldn't want to approach such a country?

Seeing the information on the crazy Aite Jiang Yibai on the screen, Mike's face became ugly again.

"This damn dragon country!! It's even more popular than me..."

This made him very unhappy, because the saviors of these countries were all licking themselves.

Now he's actually starting to lick his nemesis Jiang Yibai.

The most important thing is that even the Maozi Kingdom, which their country has never been able to conquer, is now choosing to actively rely on the Dragon Kingdom...

This made him very unconvinced.

Isn't that guy a summoning type??

Anyone who has played the game does not know that the summoning system is very weak in the later stage.

Only those who are truly powerful are truly powerful.

Like the summoning system, if it leaves the things that you summoned, isn't it a waste??

He has already made up his mind in his heart that the next time we meet, he must deal with Jiang Yibai, which bastard!

And at this time Jiang Yibai...

Looking at the information on the public screen, I ignored it.

At this time, there were more than 30 vassal requests in his message.

But he didn't answer.

Naturally, he would not agree to this matter hastily.

The best way is to wait for the people above to make a decision.

This point, Jiang Yibai still sees very clearly.

After all, in this kind of stakes analysis, the people above are much more experienced than him.

At this time, what he has to face is the situation in front of him.


Dozens of wolves directly surrounded Jiang Yibai.

567 These wolves are all milky white, with a little sky blue forehead. The male is five meters high and the female is four meters high. At first glance, they are high-level monsters.

[Congratulations to the host for discovering the third-order Warcraft Frostwolf clan!]

The people of Long Country became nervous again.

This time, with so many Tier 3 monsters, this is no joke.

"Be careful, aunty sauce!!"

"Don't be careless, this is all third-order..."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's terrifying to have so many Tier 3 monsters appearing at one time!!"

When they were in the mine before, they were all second-order monsters, so Jiang Yibai and the others dealt with it very easily.

When the monster was finally killed, although the level was high, there was only one in the end.

But this time is different.

There are dozens of third-order monsters here. If you are not careful, you may die on the spot.

Extremely dangerous!

But at this time, Jiang Yibai's eyes showed a strange light.

"Tier 3..."

Good third!

"Ow! 35

A six-meter-tall frost wolf standing in the front let out a roar!

His body is strong, and at first glance, he is the leader!

These frost wolves seem to be warning these outsiders.

Also, keep Jiang Yibai away from their cubs!

"Presumptuous! What is it called!!" Seeing the monster yelling at Jiang Yibai, Renekton came up in a flash.

This is his most honorable majesty, whoever yells in front of him is disrespectful!

"Your Majesty, let me go up and peel off their skins for His Majesty to use as a cushion!"

Renekton had just been upgraded, if it wasn't for the emperor's instructions, he would have gone straight up with his temper.

"Do not!

" make them surrender!""

After saying that, Jiang Yibai waved his hand gently.

Two hundred sand soldiers, make a formation!

"Field! Expand!

"Imperial Armor! Imperial Staff!"

Yellow sand, once again enveloped the world.

Jiang Yibai directly entered the most powerful state!

"Either surrender!



It's not loud, but it's like a trial!

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