
Listen to the old man’s jokes, Versailles-esque show-offs.

Nie Mingyu was also stunned for a while.

“Uh… You call this so-so, okay?! ”

Shaking his head, Nie Mingyu said helplessly: “Then I see, other houses are dilapidated and uninhabitable, right?” ”


Playing a little joke on each other, an old man and a young laugh in unison.


So far.

Nie Mingyu’s main event today is over.

The follow-up shock caused by a magic card college entrance examination, getting to know the old principal, and many gains finally came to an end.

Escort the old man to the underground garage.

Nie Mingyu nodded firmly, and finally assured: “Don’t worry, old man, I will not disappoint your expectations!” Half a month later, you will wait for me to make a big splash and lead the Third Middle School to shine in Mincheng! ”

On weekdays, Nie Mingyu naturally wouldn’t say such a big boast in the middle two.

However, in the face of such a sincere person at this time.

He has high hopes for himself, as if he is already an old man who is already his own protector and leader.

Nie Mingyu didn’t mind saying some crazy words, which made the old man happy and looking forward to it.

“Good, good! I believe you, Xiao Nie! ”

Finally patting Nie Mingyu on the shoulder, the old man showed a pleased smile.


The thin face was a little red with excitement.

The old principal covered his mouth and coughed a few times.

Nie Mingyu frowned, and hurriedly helped him: “Old man, don’t be too excited!” Are you all right?! ”

De-escalate for a moment.

The old principal smiled and said, “Just kidding, I’m in good health!” ”

Turn around and get ready to get in the car and go back.

When it came, the old man left a last advice: “Don’t see the outside, don’t be afraid of trouble!” If you have any questions, anything missing, just go to me! ”

Nie Mingyu’s face was firm, and he nodded and said in a deep voice: “I understand!” ”



Accompanied by the roar of the limousine, Nie Mingyu watched the old man away.

Return to the top floor with a river view.

At this moment, only Nie Mingyu was left.

Look around proudly.

A different sense of achievement, gain, and freedom rose from the bottom of Nie Mingyu’s heart.

It’s night.

Nie Mingyu informed the community clubhouse in advance and prepared a sumptuous Huaiyang-style dinner for himself.

Tender fish, milky white fish soup, and a variety of exquisite delicacies.

It greatly satisfied Nie Mingyu’s sense of mouth and tongue.

After the meal.

Sit in front of the window and enjoy the view of the city center.

Watch that neon light come on, and finally light up the whole city, extremely brilliant and gorgeous.

This night.

Nie Mingyu slept very soundly on the high-grade soft bed and fell into a sweet sleep.




Time flies, and the years fly by.

Time flies quickly, and it has been two weeks since Nie Mingyu’s public magic card college entrance examination.

Tomorrow is the day when the magic card college entrance examination is released!

All…… Waiting to be revealed!

Presumably, tomorrow, the headlines and discussions in the entire Min City will be ignited.

Because, there is a genius from the cold gate who will occupy all the topics and attract everyone’s attention and attention!

The eve of the arrival of the storm.

Although it looks calm on the surface, inside… There is already an undercurrent!


Within two weeks.

Nie Mingyu basically stayed in the Jiangjing Plain.

Daily life is regular and simple.

Hungry to eat, sleepy to sleep, dirty to bathe.

The rest of the time, Nie Mingyu only did two things – card making and imperial cards!

24 hours a day, basically more than 16 hours, Nie Mingyu is immersed in the card room.

During this period, although as the old principal expected, various forces found him, called and tried to meet him, endorse advertisements, and sign admission agreements.

But Nie Mingyu refused one by one, and did not let these off-site factors interfere with him.


He should only do one thing now – improve his strength!

For two weeks, Nie Mingyu worked hard to make cards.

Make a variety of cards.

Magic cards are universal, Hearthstone systems come with them, high-level, low-level, spells, minions, weapons…

In short, as long as you can learn something, it can be useful.

Nie Mingyu tried everything.

That state, like a painter painting and a musician composing music, is simply a waste of sleep and a complete immersion.

So much so, just two weeks passed.

Nie Mingyu almost used up the batch of ordinary and rare card-making materials that the old principal gave away before!

Such efficiency is simply terrifying, absolutely unbelievable.

A recent high school graduate… Can you have such energy, perseverance, perseverance?!

Let anyone know about Nie Mingyu’s experience during this time.

I have to be amazed: this son has great perseverance! The future can be expected!

And it was these two weeks of hard training and catching up.

Finally, a qualitative change was exchanged for Nie Mingyu!

At this moment, Nie Mingyu’s entire state has changed dramatically.

Just looking at it, he unconsciously revealed a profound temperament.

Don’t say unfathomable, grandmaster-like false empty words.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there are hills and valleys in the heart, and the wall is rigid if there is no desire!


The last night before the magic card college entrance examination.

Nie Mingyu still locked himself in the card making room.

At the moment, he has one… Very critical, practical cards, in the making!

The production process enters the final stages.

Right now….

“It worked!”

The last one is completed!

In an instant, the cards in Nie Mingyu’s hand flew up, and a thick blue light shone, illuminating the closed card making room.

The card depicts a little girl-like… Magic Apprentice character?!

Obviously, this is a rare fifth-tier companion card!

Take the card from the air.

Nie Mingyu didn’t check it for the first time, but smiled and whispered, “My personal level… Finally promoted to the normal sixth rank! ”

PS: I suddenly saw a lot of flowers, which was exciting!

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