Chapter 256 Minimalist Wind replied, Ye Yunbiao’s smile

Han Sanming was shocked, and his forehead sweated violently: “Shut up and shut up, shut up quickly!” No!

Who told you to say that?”

Big contrarian! Nie Mingyu spread his hands innocently.

“I, didn’t I want to show my respect and firmness?”

Han Sanming: “…”

“Yes, don’t say this in the future!

You are not a person of general status now, so you should pay attention to what you do and say.

Ye Shuai is busy, but he is also very concerned about you and secretly inspecting you.

Don’t slack off, keep up the good work.

In two years, I’ll be waiting for you in the army!”

Nie Mingyu nodded: “Okay, I can only look forward to that day!”

It verified Nie Mingyu’s heart and character.

Han Sanming was even more satisfied, and handed over Ye Yunbiao’s personal letter in his hand.

He said, “Okay, look at Ye Shuai’s letter.”

“After reading it, I’ll talk to you alone.

Then I’ll have to hurry back to the battlefield.”

Nie Mingyu took the letter and looked serious.

Open and spread out the paper.

Look carefully, be ready to read well, and don’t miss a word yet.

Only after a glance, he finished reading.

(Good performance, continue to work Ye Yubiao) Well, just these words.

“No, nothing?”

Nie Mingyu’s small eyes blinked, full of confusion and doubt.


Look back and forth.

There really is no other word.

“Well, judging by one or two of his previous letters.

Our teacher is indeed a cold person who talks little.”

Nie Mingyu raised his eyebrows and accepted it.

People don’t talk much.

Strong enough, it is His Holiness!

Put away the letter well and treasure it.

Han Sanming continued: “Also, there is a blank letter here.

Ye Shuai said, if you have questions or words, write them on the letter.

I’ll bring it back to her later.”

“Well, good.”

Took the blank stationery in Han Sanming’s hand.

Nie Mingyu silently felt: “It’s luxurious enough.

It’s this high-grade secret animal skin paper that can’t be damaged.”


Nie Mingyu called on spiritual power, turned into a pen, and prepared to start replying.

However, stared at the blank stationery for a long time.

He….. I really don’t know what to write.

“Hey, I haven’t seen each other, and I haven’t said a word.

The only few letters that add up to no more than 100 words.

This, what should I write about this?!”

Otherwise, give him an early bye in advance?

“No, no, no, I have to be serious!”

Pondering, gritting his teeth and frowning.

Finally, Nie Mingbao had an idea.

I heard you like minimalist style, right? Well, I’ll also pretend to be high cold.

(Thank you teacher for encouraging – Nie Mingyu)

Well, just such a line of words, without punctuation marks.

Nie Mingyu’s minimalist reply was completed.

Folding the letter paper and handing over Han Sanming: “Trouble Brother Han sold the letter.”

“You’re welcome.”

Han Sanming didn’t look at it much, and honestly put away the raft…


Angle of view switching.

Come to the front line of the Yanguo Northland battlefield thousands of miles away.

Northern Front, Left Front.

Core Stations.

Huge positional command post.

A routine pre-war meeting, which is being held.

All the generals and senior colonels from the chief combat regiment of the left front gathered at the meeting.

Rank according to the level of ranking.

Everything is well organized and clearly divided.

And on the top.

A general in white robes and silver armor, covered in full armor, was listening to the exchange investment under his hand.

He is not tall.

Even, among so many soldiers, it is still a little thin and thin in comparison.

However, he did not move, as if he was still.

And with this absolute stillness.

It was as if there was a different kind of coercion and momentum unfolding from him.

This mighty force suppressed the audience.

Keep everything silent and let the air gather a little.

All that remains is the voice of the general who is allowed to fight in battle.

This feeling… It’s amazing.

It really has a sense of seriousness and strict military discipline on the battlefield.


It is in this absolutely serious, quiet atmosphere.


This superior general suddenly moved!

I saw that his body shook, as if he had thought of something strange and funny in his mind.



A strange chuckle came out.

Precisely from this serious general.


The general who was reporting was stunned, and his heart was panicked: “What is the situation?” Didn’t I do quite well today?

Why, why is Ye Shuai so angry that he laughs?!”

Just this inexplicable sneer.

It made this senior general who reported his heart jump and he was very frightened.

“Uh… It’s none of your business, keep talking.”

The general at the head also seemed to realize that his laughter was being noticed.

Quickly adjust the demeanor, and then return to a serious, silent state.

“Yes! Ye Shuai!”

The general who reported breathed a sigh of relief and continued to collect skills.

But at this moment, he was already worried, and a layer of cold sweat oozed from his back…….

“I’m a student, isn’t that interesting? Look at the small number of words in my letter.

So I wrote such a few words myself? Interesting.

It’s different from everyone else.”

Secretly thought in my heart.

The attention of the silver-armored general is no longer on the exchange of his subordinates.

That’s right.

This general, whose whole body is wrapped in silver armor and can’t even see his head and face, is just Erye Cloud Watch!

Nie Mingyu has never met a teacher 0……. And just now.

Nie Mingyu wrote a reply letter on animal skin paper.

Ye Yunbiao, who was far away in the north, telepathically, instantly received Nie Mingyu’s words.

Look at that short word of thanks.

Ye Yunbiao was surprised, so that he laughed out loud abnormally.

At the same time, his heart, for the first time.

From a new aspect, I have a perception of this cheap student of myself.



“Ye Shuai… Ye Shuai?!”

“Well, what’s wrong?”

“Uh, I’m done with my skills.”

“Oh, not bad, next one.”

Echo in the reminders of subordinates.

Ye Yunbiao no longer thinks much about Nie Mingyu.

Northland Battlefield, this student of his own, will always come in two years.

What doubts, curiosity.

When the time comes, you will know at first sight.

Now he is a general and is having a serious pre-war meeting.

You can’t lose your way.

However, it’s just a minute or two.

The strange reaction of this General Ye has long been captured by all his subordinates.

Everyone was secretly worried and curious: “Turtle turtle~.”

Didn’t we read that right?!

Ye Shuai… Just laughing?”

Finally, a general who has always been lively and bold couldn’t help it.

“Ye, Ye Shuai!

What did you just laugh at?!

What a happy thing, it makes the big guys happy and happy to say it!

“yes, yes, what’s going on??”

Everyone looked forward to it and looked at Ye Yunbiao.

“I just laughed?”

However, his response was cold.

As if, and angry.

“Uh….. Well, it seems to be?”

The lively general who took the lead felt that something was wrong, and could only answer “~” with a hard head 1.9 skins”

I saw that Ye Yunbiao nodded lightly and said, “You are mistaken.”

“Guards, pass on my orders.

Drag Wang Hai down, load cross-country, 200 km.

Before dinner today, it must be done.”

Wang Hai was shocked: “Ah, huh?!” Ye Shuai, I….. I’m wronged!”

Shouting can’t be more than three times.

The guards who ordered the ban had already taken action and dragged this lively general Wang Hai away.

“Now, who else thinks I just laughed.”

The tone was indifferent, Ye Yunbiao looked left and right, and asked.

“Nope! Not at all!”

The crowd will hold its breath and respond loudly.

“It’s not loud enough.

Dinner cancelled today.

The meeting is dispersed.”

I saw that Ye Yunbiao got up and raised his left hand.

The hung general’s command sword flew into his hand.

Taking a decisive step, he left the scene dashingly.

Step by step, like a dragon soaring.

It has its own prestige and aura, which makes people dare not look away.

The silver armor is fierce, the white robe is vibrating, and the grace is peerless:

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