Chapter 64 Generous Rewards, All Parties Woo! Sorry, I really have to go first!

With the exit of the clouds and light snow.

At this point, all the matches are complete.

Representatives from all sides and famous teachers from major universities turned their eyes to Nie Mingyu, their eyes full of fire.

They all know in their hearts.

The one in front of you is truly making history! An unprecedented 20-game winning streak!

What a brilliant and terrifying record! Immediately.

There are a few college teachers who can’t help it.

Prepare to open your mouth and woo Nie Mingyu to enroll on the spot.

After all, if only such a peerless genius could be included in the pocket of his own school.

The future waits for Nie Mingyu to grow up.

Feeding back the resources of the construction school is absolutely terrifying! But.

Before these teachers could open their mouths.

The director of the competition was the first to speak, interrupting: “Stop! I know what’s going on in your mind.”

“But, don’t worry!”

“Let’s end the process first, and then you can talk and compete fairly.”

“Just in time, take advantage of this time gap.

All of you should also think hard about what kind of chips you need to come up with to be competitive.”

Very particular about etiquette and process.

The director of the competition forcibly suppressed the teachers’ robbery action.

Let everyone calm down and think clearly before speaking.


Teachers from various colleges and universities heard this.

They looked at each other and hesitated.

After all, Nie Mingyu’s weight is too heavy.

Everyone wants to take the lead and take the initiative.

But on second thought.

They all agreed with the director of the competition – go through the process of the game first, ease and relax.

It just so happens that everyone can also call the school again and apply for more lucrative resources in order to win over Nie Mingyu for admission.

…… On this.

Hold down the undercurrent.

The follow-up process of the competition continues.

Gather all the students who competed, move their positions, and come to the banquet hall decorated with celebration.

According to the seats, 537 students sit in line.

Closing ceremony~

First of all, the summary of speeches of the bigwigs and tournament officers of all parties is indispensable to skip this part.

Get straight to the point.

The director of the competition took the stage, holding a piece of paper in his hand, his face full of happiness, and said aloud: “Distinguished guests, students, now… Start announcing the final standings!

“No. 50, Wang Meng!”

“No. 49, Li Dan!”


Reverse ranking.

According to the scores and records of the referees of each party.

A full list of rankings pulled out.

“No. 10, Guo Feiyu!”

As the roll call progresses.

The director’s opening slowed down and seemed deliberately left in suspense and anticipation in general at last.

To the last top three.

“Third place, Lin Yaodong!”

“Second place, Yun Qixue!”

So the two names are pronounced.

The students nodded and muttered quietly.

“Sure enough, it is indeed Yun Qixue’s battle that is more golden.”

“One thing to say, if she meets someone else.

Chifeng Liuhuo shot to kill a well, I’m convinced~”

“Lin Yaodong is actually very good, and his performance is very outstanding.”


In fact.

The most unsuspenseful ranking is probably the last top three, right?

It’s really bizarre this year’s competition.

The appearance of a Nie Mingyu penetrated the player library, how can it be compared ~ shook his head helplessly.

The director of the competition also seems to know that there is nothing to leave in suspense.

Just apply for your ID card!

“Eventually… Chief!”

“Nie! Bright! Yu!”

Holding up the piece of paper in his hand, the director of the competition took the lead in congratulating and applauding.

In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere of celebration and joy pushes up.

All the students were excited, and even more tears were in their eyes.

Years of hard reading, isn’t it for today’s highlight moment?!……

After a long time.

The atmosphere is relaxed.

The director of the competition pressed his palm, and then spoke: “Next, continue to announce the rankings… Reward!”

“50th-41st, priority admission to major universities!”

“40th-31st, one epic low-level card making material + priority enrollment rights!”

Still reading all the way.

The weight of the reward also continues to push up, tugging at everyone’s heartstrings.

Finally, it’s the last top three again.

“3rd place! Choose an epic high-level card making material + any tutor choice in any university + legendary-level resource training package to give you the bottom to cultivate to the legendary-level

“2nd place, two copies of epic high-level card making materials + any college or university

Teacher selection + demigod-level resource training package (guaranteed demigod)!”

Hearing this, everyone’s hearts were shocked!

This, too, is too rich?!

Guaranteed Legend above the cultivation resource pack.

That represents vast resources and national strategic status! There was a pause.

The director continued to read.

“1st place!”

“Three copies of self-selected epic high-level card making materials + one self-selected epic top-level magic card + the right to choose any tutor in any university….”

“Finally! Plus the mythical resource cultivation package!”


The reward of the chief player is also too terrifying, right?!

It means to say… Nie Mingyu is now a reserved mythical seat? Isn’t that right?!

I haven’t seen such a heavy gift package for previous champions???

You know, the mythical existence officially announced and certified by the Yanguo is only a hundred!

Among them, they are all dominated by low-level myths.

So as long as you are mythical level.

That means that the power is in hand and in a strategic high-end position.

For the future of the entire human race, they all have the right to speak and steer! And now…

Nie Mingyu had already booked such a seat for His Holiness in advance??? This may also be a little too untrue.

Really think about it.

He’s only eighteen or nineteen years old, right?

Shouldn’t it have been our peers and classmates?

How now… All of a sudden, there is a sense of estrangement and class~

“Hey, don’t compare yourself to others.

After all, it is a record-breaking demon ah” I think so, don’t make yourself bored.

A record-breaking 20-game winning streak is too much

The influence is enough to pull up Brother Nie’s status!”


Announce the rankings and the corresponding rewards.

So far.

The end of the Mincheng Elite Challenge.

The process is bizarre, tortuous and shocking!

And the final result is still very festive.

The boulder in the hearts of each student was put down and began to fantasize about the school they would go to in the future.

Looking forward to the rich rewards of the competition, a leap forward, and a different status.

And at this stage.

This means that the time for a relaxing break has passed.

The real robbery war, begin!

50 Tianjiao are worthy of the teachers of various schools.

But this year.

Especially special.

Just because of the existence of Nie Mingyu alone!

This piece of gold is too dazzling and obscures the brilliance of other geniuses.

“Classmate Nie! We are Mincheng University, a famous university in our hometown! Consider us!”

“Roll on! Mincheng University? What kind of stuff is that, I’ve never heard of it, it’s ranked first in the country???

“Come to our Binhai University! Super rich!”

“Bah! It’s great that big dogs are rich?! Classmate Nie don’t listen to them, they built the school late, and the teachers are not good!”

… They all spoke.

Surround Nie Mingyu three circles outside three circles.

Faculty representatives from major universities want to fight for it.

But Nie Mingyu opened the golden mouth.

The chosen ones are afraid to jump up with joy.


In these universities.

There are still two, more reserved, not so crazy.

One, Imperial Capital University!

The other, the Green Jade Holy Land! Mentioned earlier.

Two college ceilings!

The fault type surpasses the top existence of other magic card universities! The teachers of these two schools are represented and are not in a hurry.

Because they also know.

Nie Mingyu’s final choice, 99.99% will only be on his own two families.

So, just keep an eye on your opponent.

Teacher Niu of Didu University: “Teacher Ma, you… Not moving yet?”

Teacher Qingyu Holy Landma: “Hi~, no hurry.

Those teachers are too enthusiastic, I’m afraid that I will step on my shoes when I squeeze in~”

Teacher Niu nodded with a long groan: “Ah~, it’s reasonable!” Then I’ll wait for it.

Staring at each other, the two narrowed their eyes, very wary.

Each of them is secretly mused.

Bah~, bald old man, don’t try to steal the tower! Hey~, menopausal aunt, don’t try to play tricks! However.

Just as the teachers inside are scrambling.

The two representatives outside were wary of each other.


Nie Mingyu’s voice came out.

“Dear teachers, dear teachers! Don’t squeeze it first!”

“Don’t squeeze it~”

Ouch my God, why are you so enthusiastic? People are going to be squeezed flat!

Shaking his head helplessly, Nie Mingyu finally summoned up his strength and said loudly: “Today!” I wouldn’t choose a school!”

“Everyone! All loose and loose! Don’t squeeze it!”

High pitched voice.

Suppress the noise.

As soon as Nie Mingyu’s words came out, he finally made all the teachers stop.

“Huh? Don’t choose today?”

“What, what do you mean?”

“What else has changed?”

Nie Mingyu’s declaration is bizarre.


Even the representatives and teachers of the two top universities on the periphery also moved into the crowd and listened.

What’s going on?!” Phew~”

Nie Mingyu let out a breath and sorted out his messy clothes.

Nodding and saying, “First of all, please forgive me for my rudeness.”

“Because, I have to exit now.”

Well??? Going to leave early?

Nie Mingyu went on to say, to solve everyone’s confusion.

“Because, right now! There is one that I am very important to… Mentors, nobles, and relatives are waiting for me in the hospital!”

“He’s so important to me!”

“I have to visit him right away and share the good news with him as soon as possible!

“Without resolving this matter first, my heart will not be settled.

I can’t make any important rational decisions.”

“I’m so sorry! I also ask for your teachers, the officers of the competition, and the students to be considerate, I really have to leave first!”

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