Chapter 75: Sharing the Loot Vault! Sign the agreement! Forgive me… Lip gloss!

Teacher Ma and Teacher Niu before.

The agreements they brought also mentioned the issue of tutor teaching funds.

They have also promised Nie Mingyu.

I will definitely do my best to give Nie Mingyu and help him grow.


No matter how inclined they are.

In fact, as long as there are other brothers and sisters of the same sect, the resource cake will be divided.

And the so-called principal, dean core disciple.

In fact, it is also a good name.

To really give Nie Mingyu more educational resources, it is estimated that it will not exceed ~ others too much.


Ye Yunbi here, different!

He is a powerful general on the front line, a top genius of the previous generation, and a full professor who stays in school to teach!

Therefore, the education fund he can have is absolutely magnificent and rich! And on this basis, count the accumulation of several years!

Ultimately, how thick will this wealth be? Nie Mingyu couldn’t imagine it.

“Perhaps… Can it be compared to the accumulation of the last wealthy family over the years, right?”

Such a top treatment.

It has far exceeded the previous price of all universities!

Nie Mingyu’s heart was already moved: “From all aspects.

This General Ye Yunbiao is indeed my personal best choice.”


Not waiting for Nie Mingyu to finish thinking about it himself.

Imperial sister assistant Gong Yu spoke again.

“The education fund is yours.”

“In addition to this, Cloud Watch personally has sponsorship.

She said, when you enter the school, you can freely go to her personal loot warehouse to choose.”

“Whether it is card making materials, native fierce beast corpses, all kinds of genius earth treasures… You can enjoy it all!”

“Hey, hey~, I have to remind you ha.

This is the private vault of the cloud watch, very valuable!”

“As far as I know, those warehouses are full of epic materials, and there are not a few legendary materials.”

“Even, there is the remains of a demigod-level dragon! Absolutely top-of-the-line cardmaking material, never seen before!”

Nie Mingyu’s eyes widened.

Turtle turtle ~ not over yet?!

“This General Ye is even willing to share his personal collection with me???

Demigod-level treasures too?!

This….. Isn’t it too generous, completely out of specification? The first time.

Nie Mingyu was not happy and excited, but vigilant.

Frowning and grinning, Nie Mingyu asked, “I said… You’re not painting a pie in the air, are you? Fraudulent, fraudulent admissions?!”

Although Miyaha has an official identity, that General Ye is also famous.

But this benefit is simply too great.

Nie Mingyu couldn’t believe it!

Gong Yu sneered and mocked: “You, you have never seen the world before.

It’s so funny~”

“Draw a flatbread? Scam admissions?”

“Ouch, that’s a good word.

Laugh me to death, laugh me to death… Goose goose hugged his stomach and laughed maniacally.

Gong Yu was rolling on the bed non-stop, and the black silk jiojio kicked Nie Mingyu and smashed his mouth, and he realized in his heart.

This woman herself is a great existence of the seventh order of legends, and her identity must be fine.

How can it be a lie?

Consciously lost words embarrassed, there was a ridicule by this woman.

Nie Mingyu said angrily: “Okay, don’t get out!” My bed is messed up and stinky by you!”

“Do you still have an agreement?” If you don’t sign it, I can go~”

Gong Yu slowly stopped laughing, ruffled and combed his hair, and said sarcastically: “This is your family, where to go?”

Nie Mingyu: “I… You…¥%@*!”


Fight with a shut-up.

Gong Yu slowly returned to normal and explained: “According to the cloud table.

The reason why I gave you such a good treatment, even the personal treasury is shared with you.”

“In fact, it is to make up for her educational gap.”

“After all, in her special capacity (front-line general).

Once you become his student.

Then in the next few years of college, the most likely situation is that you can’t actually see your teacher at all~”

Therefore, she does not give you the teaching experience and points that a normal teacher should have.

It’s all on your own.”

“To put it simply: if you can’t give companionship, give money.”


So that’s what it means?

So….. I actually found an air teacher? The kind that has money and doesn’t care, and is not around yet?

“Jiao~, I like this kind of teacher!”

Unfettered and unrestrained, how free!

As for the lack of teacher guidance, it cannot solve the problem of personal confusion.


This is not a problem at all here in Nie Mingyu, okay.

There is a Hearthstone system in hand, spicy so many card guides.

I am destined to take a completely different and groundbreaking path! With or without teacher guidance, it makes no difference at all.


Such a teacher is a perfect fit for Nie Mingyu’s needs! So far.

There is no need to think about it anymore and hesitate more.

Whether it is the importance and sincerity shown by the other party.

Or about the in-kind resources given, the training program.

Everything is too good for Nie Mingyu! He didn’t have any reason to refuse.

Immediately, Nie Mingyu looked serious and nodded firmly: “Okay, I promised!” I will choose General Ye Yunbiao as my university tutor!”

Gong Yu listened to Nie Mingyu’s decision.

His face was also light, and he nodded: “Good!” Very smart little brother!”


Her arms stretched out and her fingertips rotated.

In an instant, the magic card urged, and a book as thick as a dictionary fell into Gong Yu’s hands.

Fingertips waving gently.

Large tomes of books flip quickly.

In an instant, a piece of paper shining with a golden-orange glow flew out of it! The piece of paper fell into Nie Mingyu’s hands.

Miyaha explained: “The contract prepared in advance, you can take a look.

If you confirm that there is no problem, sign with mental power.”

Nie Mingyu looked down at the piece of paper in his hand.

The first thing you pay attention to is not the words on the piece of paper.

Rather, the material of this paper!

“This is….. Animal skins?”

Nie Mingyu questioned lightly.

With his fingertips rubbing, Nie Mingyu could feel that this piece of paper was not ordinary!

Miyaha chuckled and replied, “This is the fur of a legendary large beast called (Bis Behemoth).”

“It is an exclusive item for high-ranking military officers to send messages.

Abrasion resistant and corrosion-resistant, non-legendary strength attacks are indestructible.

Stored for millions of years without damage.”

“Debts… Really, enough luxury! Cow batch!”

Nie Mingyu chuckled, shook his head and sighed.

It deserves to be a truly top-level existence.

The weight of a piece of paper, a legendary start! The feeling of shaking your head is over.

Nie Mingyu began to look at the words on the leather paper again.

The content is nothing more than what Miyaha dictated just now.

But the font is handwritten.

Nie Mingyu secretly thought in his heart: “Very neat handwriting.

The pen is hard, calm and powerful, and has the demeanor of a general!”

“But… Why is it a little girly little juanxiu?”

Seeing the words, Nie Mingyu went to associate the person who wrote.

And judging by the words on this piece of paper.

Nie Mingyu was a little puzzled.

“What kind of image will this General Ye Yunbiao and my future mentor look like?”

Elegant strategists only scribes? Or a warrior with a long ge?

Or is it… Other unconventional characters?

“Cloud watch? A very neutral name, huh? I don’t understand~” After a little extra thought.

Nie Mingyu returns to the current question.

Mobilize mental power, fall on your fingertips, and sign your own name – the moment Nie Ming completed such an action.

I saw that in the column on the left (mentor) category, another name appeared at the same time.

It’s a cloud watch!

The signature is flowing and powerful, and it is still that mysterious and firm style.

At the same time, there was another person’s signature, which also appeared out of thin air.

(Witness): In this way, Gong Yu completed the construction of an agreement witnessed and signed by three parties.


The leather paper flew out and returned to Gong Yu’s hand again.

The eldest sister unfolded a look, chuckled and nodded, “Okay, that’s all over.”

“But I have to remind you more.

If you have time to practice signing more, you are like a ghost drawing charm pulled by a dog’s paw, it is a shame to take it out~”

Nie Mingyu grinned: “Shhh… How can you always change the law of sarcasm?! You mouth!”

Gong Yu raised his eyebrows and squinted threateningly: “Huh? What’s wrong with my mouth?! I advise you to be cautious in what you say and do~”

Nie Mingyu supported himself and directly changed his words: “Uh, mouth… Weird and good-looking! I like the color of your lip gloss!”


Gong Yu instantly switched his smile: “Hey, count your kid with eyesight.

It took me a long time to pick a shade that matched my style and skin tone!”

“It’s pretty, isn’t it?”

Nie Mingyu nodded repeatedly: “Well, beautiful!” I want to eat!”

Gong Yu smiled directly embarrassed: “???”


Think, want to eat?!

“Good you stinky boy! Dare to tease my sister against me?!”

This time, without waiting for Miyaha to speak back.

Nie Mingyu left directly and walked out of the bedroom.

Immediately after, he heard a coquettish scolding behind him: “You eat and eat, you want to fart!”

Sign an agreement with Miyaba’s side.

Naturally, it was announced that Nie Mingyu’s enrollment issue was completely finalized.

Final choice: Green Jade Holy Land!

Matching mentor: Ye Yunbiao!

The rest, just wait for school to start in two months, just go to the Qingyu Holy Land to cast the Dao…….

As soon as he leaves the bedroom.

Teacher Ma and Teacher Niu, who were waiting outside the door, rushed to ask: “How is it, how is the situation?!”

Teacher Niu of Imperial Capital University was full of nervousness and a little panicked.

Wish…… Don’t get dragged away!

It’s just a pity.

His fluke fell through.

Nie Mingyu Nunu mouthed, and said with a serious expression: “I’m sorry, Teacher Niu.”

After all, I have already verbally promised the party before.

Therefore, Nie Mingyu now refuses others ruthlessly, and he also feels a little guilty in his heart.

One hears such a reply.

Teacher Niu closed his eyes, held his head and grabbed the few remaining strands of hair around the Mediterranean Sea on top of his head, and sighed: “Ah~~~”

“Or is it… Missed…”

It’s all the last step, and it still doesn’t work.

Huge expectations shattered, and in turn, great disappointment.

Right at this time.

Gong Yu, who came out of the bedroom, said, “Teacher Niu, I don’t think it has to be like this.”

“Actually, no matter where Nie chooses.

In the end, they are not all students of Yanguo? In the future, they will all contribute to the country and the people.”

“And investing in Ye Shuai’s side, why is it not a good choice?”

“Perhaps, he is the supernova that carries the hope of the Terran counterattack? Generation Leaf

After handsome, there should be a genius like Nie Mingyu to take over the help!”

“Go back, your headmaster won’t blame you.

He can naturally understand Ye Shuai’s painstaking intentions and intentions.”

Switch to a completely serious, serious attitude.

Gong Yu helped Nie Mingyu speak.

After listening to such an explanation.

Sure enough, the students and teachers of Didu University were also transparent in their hearts.

“Well, Miss Gong is very right.

It’s that I’m limited and can’t see the long term.”

Disappointment, complaints, and dissatisfaction in my heart are released.

Teacher Niu looked up at Nie Mingyu and sincerely encouraged, “Student Nie, come on!”

“All of us, but we have high hopes for you!”

Nie Mingyu chuckled and immediately nodded firmly: “Good!” My mission, the expectations I carry! I take myself to heart!”

In this regard, send off the two admissions teachers first.

In the huge house, only Nie Mingyu and Gong Yu were left.

In an instant, Nie Mingyu found a shelter to hide and said nervously: “Don’t do it!” You are a senior, a high-level magic card master!”

“Pay attention to proportion!”

“It’s going to kill people!”


Gong Yu was amused by Nie Mingyu’s funny, and some of the little anger that existed before suddenly dissipated.

“Give me out! Is my sister so terrible?!”

Nie Mingyu looked firm: “Yes!”

Just kidding~, legend of high-level existence, which can be easy to mess with?!

Gong Yu rolled his eyes and said helplessly: “Okay, if you like to hide, just hide.

“But I have one last word to remind you! During these two months of vacation, you can relax, but you can’t slacken.”

“Everyone who can enter Qingyu is a genius, grab a champion!”

“Don’t be embarrassed by the time of the entrance exam.

Then I’m going to be really angry, stomp on you and run you over!”


Oh, is this really the right thing?

There are still entrance exams in two months?!

Nie Mingyu smashed the bar and smashed his mouth, and said impatiently: “Hear, hear~”

Urge in my heart: You are a female pervert! Let’s go quickly, don’t leave the people here, okay? Mouth!.

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