“This is my Yang Decai’s student!”

Suddenly, an excited roar came from outside the examination room.

Everyone looked back in unison.

Nie Mingyu: “Principal? ”

Teacher Wang and Teacher Li: “Principal Yang?!” ”

But see.

The person who came was the old principal of the third middle school – Yang Decai!

As the general person in charge of the third high school examination center of the magic card college entrance examination.

Because I received an urgent report from Teacher Wang before.

That’s why Principal Yang Decai hurried over.

As soon as he came, he happened to see a scene of two foreign school teachers trying to rob the talented students of their school.

Originally, Principal Yang almost couldn’t help but interrupt in the middle.

But fortunately, he held back.

He listened to Nie Mingyu’s reply.

And after hearing the last sentence – I am a student of the third middle school!

Principal Yang couldn’t hold back any longer.

This student is a baby!

Gifted and aware of righteousness!

Have a child’s heart!

It must be treated with caution.


Speak out to end the farce in the exam room.

Principal Yang walked slowly, and his leather shoes buckled on the floor.

First walking to Nie Mingyu, Principal Yang’s eyes were sharp, looking the genius of his school up and down.

Immediately, the old principal smiled happily, patted Nie Mingyu’s shoulder, and said aloud:

“Good! What a genius student! ”

“Not only talented, but more importantly… Be grateful, have a childlike heart! ”

“Don’t be surprised, the future can be expected!”

Looking at the handsome young man in front of him, Yang Decai was full of praise, and his face was full of happy and satisfied smiles.

Nie Mingyu heard such a high praise from the president of the school.

I couldn’t help but smile and said, “The principal is too famous, it’s just natural.” ”

Yang Decai continued to nod, and said with a kind face: “Good boy!” Your speech and performance are very good! Next, let me deal with it. ”

Say it.

Principal Yang turned around and stood facing the two teachers from other schools.

In an instant.

The kind old man’s face became gloomy, his eyes were sharp, and he said sternly: “Our school invited you two to serve as examiners!” ”

“Not a headhunter!”

“Look at you guys! Is there a little decency?! ”

“Don’t say it’s you. It’s the principals of your two schools, you go back and ask them, dare to be so presumptuous in front of me?! Do you dare to do such a despicable thing?! ”

“When I was a teacher, they were all my students!”

“Bah~, next!”


A lesson, righteous words.

Principal Yang blocked in front of Nie Mingyu.

Like training chicken cubs, teaching two teachers from other schools.

A lesson.

Teacher Wang and Teacher Li really didn’t dare to speak.

I can only keep nodding and humbling, full of mouth: “Ah, yes, yes~, yes, yes~, you are right, you are right~”

Such a whisper echoed.

After all.

Don’t look at the three middle garbage.

But this old Principal Yang’s status is not low at all!

The pioneer of the education field in Mincheng, the kind that is full of peach and plum, the prestige and status are extremely high!

Finally, I saw that the training was almost over.

Principal Yang eased up and waved his hand, “Okay!” That’s it for today! Too lazy to count with you! ”


“Slippery quickly record the results of the talented students of our school and report them immediately!” Don’t play tricks on me! ”

Teacher Wang nodded repeatedly: “Don’t worry, don’t worry!” I’ll record it! There will be no mistakes! ”

Yang Decai made a move and personally ordered.

Teacher Wang naturally could only do so, and recorded Nie Mingyu’s magic card college entrance examination results truthfully and reported them to the magic card association.


Teacher Wang is not such a villain.

Although Nie Mingyu is a genius in other schools, he is suspected and worried about competing with his own students.

However, it is also because Nie Mingyu is a genius, and he is a very high-level genius!

As a result, Teacher Wang did not dare to mess around.

In the world of magic cards, the Terrans are still facing powerful oppression and attacks from foreign races.

Therefore, every Terran genius is very precious!

It is worth vigorously cultivating, not wasted!

We must not ignore righteousness because of our own selfishness!


Truthfully recorded and reported Nie Mingyu’s test results.

Principal Yang eased his seriousness and said, “Teacher Wang and Teacher Li, we won’t talk about the previous matter. ”

“Now what I want to say is…”

“Today, a special situation happened in this examination room. Please keep it secret and don’t tell the public. ”

“All news, wait for the official test results announced by the Magic Card Association!”

“This student of mine is a genius! I don’t want him to suffer some black hands and too much praise before he grows up. ”

“These are not good for his growth! I hope you understand one or two as a teacher and educator! ”

Listen to Principal Yang’s words.

Teacher Wang and Teacher Li looked at each other.

Immediately, they all nodded solemnly and said, “Old principal!” Don’t worry! We…… Know the proportion! ”

At this point, Nie Mingyu’s magic card college entrance examination is over.

Principal Yang sent away the two invigilators.

He also instructed the assistant beside him: “What happened today, try to suppress as much as possible, and order the students and teachers present to keep it secret.” Leave some buffer time so I can arrange follow-up. ”

The assistant nodded yes and immediately went down to arrange.

And then again.

Principal Yang’s attention can finally turn back to the protagonist.

Change the seriousness and majesty of the outside world.

The old principal’s face was kind, and he took Nie Mingyu’s hand and said, “Let’s go!” The new college entrance examination champion scheduled by me in Mincheng! Follow me to the office, I have to tell you something important. ”

Nie Mingyu had expected it and had a bottom in his heart.

With a calm face, he nodded and agreed: “Okay principal.” ”

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