Guan Zuo galloped all the way and soon came to the vicinity of Gray's house.

Before he could get out of the car, he saw Mother Grey holding vegetables bought from the market in her arms, her hand already on the doorknob ready to open the door and enter.

"Wait a minute!"

Guan Zuo immediately shouted.

Then he hurriedly got out of the car and ran over.

However, Gray's mother, who did not know why in the process, had already opened the door.

"Gray is dangerous now, you can't go in!"

Guan Zuo continued to shout.

Gray's mother turned in surprise to look at Guan Zuo, who ran over.

"It's Danny! What are you talking about?

"Trust me, it would be dangerous for you to go in now!"

Guan Zuo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Gray's mother stop.

Gray's mother showed a puzzled expression, and she hesitated, not knowing whether to believe Guan Zuo's words.

However, the next moment a heat wave poured out of the house, and Gray's mother suddenly changed her complexion, and walked into the house despite Guan Zuo's dissuasion.

Guan Zuo didn't have time to stop it, so he could only let Gray's mother walk in.


He couldn't help but sigh, knowing that he could no longer stop Gray's mother from entering, and could only hope that Gray could save her before he showed his fangs.

Thinking of this, he immediately followed Gray's mother into the house.

"Gray, what's going on here!"

As soon as Guan Zuo came to the door, he heard a roar, and Gray's mother had already walked upstairs angrily.

He immediately entered the house, felt the heat in the room, and noticed that the temperature on the air conditioning controller on the wall had been shown to 103 degrees.

Of course, this is not Celsius, but Fahrenheit. The United States is one of the few countries that still insists on using Fahrenheit as a unit of temperature.

Even so, the temperature in the room at this time was already close to forty degrees Celsius.

At this time, Gray's mother had disappeared into the corridor, and Guan Zuo hurriedly followed.

After Gray's mother went upstairs, she rushed straight into Gray's room.

As soon as she entered the room, her face changed drastically.

I saw that Gray's room was covered with spider silk.

Guan Zuo ran up to the second floor, and at a glance, he saw Gray shirtless, appearing behind his mother like a ghost, and couldn't help shouting immediately.


Gray's mother heard the voice and turned around, and also saw Gray.

"What are you doing!"

Gray's mother was still angry and directly questioned Gray.

Gray's expression seemed very calm, he just glanced at Guan Zuo and ignored it, looking at his mother and saying lightly:

"This is two million years of wisdom and instinct!"

It was as if he was saying something very ordinary.

"You need to stop this immediately!"

Gray's mother interrupted him sharply.

"I can't, it's too late!"

"Nature has begun to evolve."

"I need to eat first, and then molt!"

"Then mate!"

While saying such strange words, a smile appeared on Gray's face, and he slowly stepped forward, forcing his mother to step back step by step into the room.

"You need help."

Gray's mother's face finally showed a look of panic.

But Gray just said to himself

, "Mom, did I mention pig spiders to you?"

Without waiting for his mother to answer, Gray continued: "It is a fascinating creature that kills its mother after it hatches.

After that, he tilted his neck, and then opened his mouth, and immediately countless spider silks spewed out of his mouth.

At the same time, Guan Zuo, who had not been moving, directly seized the opportunity to go around in front of him from behind, ripped off the spider silk, raised the insecticide and sprayed wildly at his mouth and nose.

Grey directly inhaled a large amount of insecticide because of his open mouth.

He immediately turned blue, covered his throat with his hands and roared in pain.

Guan Zuo took the opportunity to drag Gray's mother out of the room.

"Run. I'll stop him!

At this time, Gray's mother was already terrified, and unconsciously obeyed Guan Zuo's arrangement and ran out.

Guan Zuo continued to hold the insecticide and sprayed it wildly at Gray.

However, Gray seems to be gradually adapting to the toxins of the insecticides, and although he is infected by the toxins of the bugs, he is not a real bug after all.

Although the insecticide did have an effect on him, it was not fatal enough.

I saw that he covered his mouth and nose, and after the pain subsided slightly, he directly bumped towards Guan Zuo.

Guan Zuo had already taken precautions, dropped the insecticide and directly dodged Ge Rui's impact with a serpentine step, and circled behind him.

Then he pushed flat with both palms and hit him in the back with a progressive punch.

Gray was already rushing forward, but at this time he immediately stood unsteadily, rushed forward a few steps and crashed directly into the cupboard in the room.

But his physical fitness at this time was not like ordinary people after all, and although Guan Zuo's punch carried a thousand pounds of gravity, it still did not cause him any substantial damage.

Guan Zuo knew this very well, and the punch he had just punched on Ge Rui was like hitting a steel plate.

He didn't have the slightest idea of continuing to entangle with Gray, and took advantage of Gray's lack of recovery, and directly turned around and left.

His steps were fast, and in a few steps he caught up with Gray's mother, who had already run outside the house.

"Get in the car, I'll take you out of here!"

Guan Zuo asked Gray's mother to enter the carriage first, and at the same time Gray had already rushed out of the house.

At this time, the distance between Gray and them was no more than ten meters.

Guan Zuo immediately stopped delaying and started the car directly.

However, Gray had no intention of giving up.

The car was speeding in front, while Gray was chasing behind. I saw that he kept jumping, and he could easily jump out of the distance of several meters every time.

"Good guy, this bounce is amazing."

Guan Zuo saw this scene through the rearview mirror and couldn't help but sigh.

Fortunately, the speed of his car was also not slow, which gradually threw off Gray.

"Oh my God!"

"What the hell is wrong with Gray!"

In the car, Gray's mother said with a crying voice.

"I want to have something to do with the bugs he usually catches."

Guan Zuo drove the car intently and responded casually.

He had no intention of going to his own home.

Their family is not big, and there are only two men, him and Principal Guan.

Thinking about Principal Guan when he was at home, it was definitely not a good idea to bring Gray's mother back.

In comparison, the Clark family is much more suitable.

And if Gray catches up, Guan Zuo's current strength will only be able to deal with Gray at most. Taking her to Kent Farm with Clark's protection is the best option.

"Sure enough, those damn bugs, I said long ago, you shouldn't let him bring these disgusting things home!"

After listening to Guan Zuo's words, Gray's mother began to curse non-stop.

When he arrived at Kent Farm, Guan Zuo found that Clark had also just returned.

"Are you saying that Gray became a bug-like person?"

Clark looked at Gray's mother and asked Guan Zuo in surprise.

"It may sound incredible, but it is."

"So I brought her here so I can keep her in your house for a few days?" We need to look into Grey's situation.

"Alright! It looks like we need to get Chloe to help us.

With that, Clark set aside the metal box he was holding.

Guan Zuo noticed the metal box.

"Is it Lana's necklace?"

Clark nodded.

"Yes, Lex bought a lot of things at our stall in the morning, and he handed it to me when I helped him deliver it."

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