[Your disciple Ye Qingxue kills the second-level monster, kills the second-level demonic nature, absorbs the demonic nature, and grows the second-level demon-subduing power]

[As a master, you gain three times the growth, and the third level of demon subduing power grows]

[Your disciple Ye Qingxue kills the second-level monster, kills the second-level demonic nature, absorbs the demonic nature, and grows the second-level demon-subduing power]

[As a master, you gain three times the growth, and the third level of demon subduing power grows]

[Your disciple Ye Qingxue kills the second-level monster, kills the second-level demonic nature, absorbs the demonic nature, and grows the second-level demon-subduing power into the third-level]

[As a master, you gain three times the growth, and the power of subduing demons from the third level grows to the fourth level]

After killing all fifty or sixty second-level monsters, not only did Ye Qingxue's demon-subduing power reach the third level, Su Yi's demon-subduing power also grew to the fourth level.

If all five disciples kill monsters and absorb the monster nature, wouldn't their power to subdue monsters grow faster? After returning to the martial arts hall, they must find a way to let the disciples kill more monsters.


Ye Qingxue was very satisfied that her power to subdue demons had reached the third level. She looked at the time and saw that it was already less than half an hour. She had to rush to the safe zone.

If you arrive late, you will be killed on the spot.

"Now I don't need to be used as bait for you anymore."

Yu Cheng said with a bitter look on his face.

"No, we need to get to the safe area immediately."

"That's good!"

Yu Changchang breathed a long sigh of relief and was finally free.

I never want to have the experience of being a human bait again in my life.

Half an hour later, Ye Qingxue and Yu Cheng finally arrived at the safe area. There were already many martial arts disciples in the safe area who had luckily escaped from the monster's mouth.

To say it was a fluke is an understatement.

[The prescribed time has expired, and all warriors who have not entered the safe zone will be wiped out]

Then I heard a series of voices.

Underneath the cold voice are living lives.

[Wutong Martial Arts School Li Jiahao did not enter the safe zone and was erased]

[Zhenwu Martial Arts School Li Chen did not enter the safe zone and was erased]

[Lanzhi of Huashen Martial Arts School did not enter the safe zone and was erased]

[Black Eagle Martial Arts School Wang Xiaoming did not enter the safe zone and was erased]

A series of reminders made everyone feel chilly.

They were all thankful that they had entered the safe zone earlier, otherwise their names would have appeared among those cold voices.

Ye Qingxue was also secretly happy.

Under such a will, his meager cultivation will only be wiped out.

[Result announcement: The first level of this martial arts competition has been completed. A total of 1,734,658,571 people participated, and the number of people who passed was 356,92 There were 4,560 people, and the success rate was 21%]

[The second level of the martial arts competition will begin in ten minutes]

Su Yi also heard the result announcement.

Secretly speechless.

Good guy, 80% of the martial arts disciples were eliminated in the first level alone. This elimination rate is really high.

The second level is about to begin.

I don’t know what the second level is?

Ten minutes flew by.

[Second Level of the Martial Arts Competition: Climbing the Sky Tree]

[The Heavenly Tree has a thousand branches in total. For this assessment, you only need to climb to the 100th branch. The warrior starts climbing up from the first branch]

[Each layer of branches will randomly generate a virtual warrior, with martial arts levels from low to high]

[If you die from a tree branch falling from the sky, it will be deemed to be an automatic exit]

[Climb the 100th branch of the Heavenly Tree to complete the level]

[The first warrior to climb the branch will receive a special reward]

Any special rewards?

Many warriors have blazing eyes.

Ye Qingxue also looked expectant.

[Teleporting to the Tianshu trial space...]

The monitor screen in front of him flashed, and following Ye Qingxue's figure, Su Yi saw a huge ancient tree.

This should be the tree of heaven.

The tree of heaven keeps growing upward, and its crown cannot be seen at all.

The entire trunk is like a big mountain blocking your eyes, and you have no idea what its diameter is.

Along the trunk of the tree, a branch of horizontally growing branches extends outward, and its length is unknown.

When a person stands in front of it, he is smaller than an ant.

"Wow, the tree is really big today."

"It's the first time I've seen such a big tree."

"It's so high, how can you climb up there?"

The martial arts disciples were extremely shocked.

The masters of various martial arts schools watching in front of the monitor in the overclocking duel arena also had the same reaction.

"What kind of existence is this Tianshu?"

"Where does it end?"

"I have never seen such an amazing tree in my life."

"It was so shocking."

Su Yi was equally shocked, but he was even more curious. If the tree of heaven has a thousand branches, what would be the existence of the thousandth branch?

While thinking.

[The time has come, all martial arts disciples please start climbing the Heavenly Tree]

In the picture, Ye Qingxue looked up at the sky tree towering into the sky and began to climb up.

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