"Master, why would the Oolong Town guard invite you to a banquet for no reason?"

Ye Qingxue frowned slightly.

Su Yi sneered.

"He wants to hand over the custody of Oolong Town to me.

These words made Ye Qingxue feel puzzled.

"Master, it's okay for you to be the guard of two towns, but once monsters invade the two towns, wouldn't it mean that the two towns are not caring about each other."

After Ye Qingxue finished speaking, Su Yi turned around.

"Qingxue, do you want to be the guard of Oolong Town?"


Ye Qingxue couldn't believe it.

Then he said with a solemn expression: "As long as the master wants the disciple to do this guarding, then the disciple will do it."

Su Yi smiled like a father.

"Okay, then you come with me to this Hongmen Banquet."

Ye Qingxue exclaimed.

"Master, is the Gonghongmen Banquet hosted by Tu Yuan for you?"

Su Yi nodded.

"That's right."

"You may not know that this Tu Yuan has been infected with the demonic nature by the fourth-level monster green-toothed bat and turned into a Yuan Yaoren. He invited me to come here this time just so that I can also infect my master and become a Yuan Yaoren." , for their use."

After Su Yi finished speaking, Ye Qingxue showed anger.

"This monster has such a vicious plan."


"Let's go to the banquet with our master.

"Yes, master."

More than twenty minutes later.

Su Yi took Ye Qingxue to Tu Yuan's mansion in Wulong Town.

"Haha, Su Zhenshou went to the banquet of Mr. Tu and came to the humble house. It was really brilliant."

Tu Yuan's voice did not change, but his speaking habits and traces obviously changed a lot.

Ye Qingxue gave Su Yi a look.

Do you want me to just chop him down?

Su Yi shook her head.

He didn't feel the presence of the green-toothed bat.

It is very likely that it was hidden by some secret method.

This trip is to find the green-toothed bat.

Tu Yuan is a petty thieves.

"That's natural. I can come to your banquet to give you face. It's a blessing for you to invite me.

Hear what Su Yi said.

The corners of Tu Yuan's mouth twitched.

Although he is now a source demon.

But I still keep thinking.

If it weren't for Mr. Green-toothed Bat.

He really wanted to punch Su Yi in the face.

If you can't speak, just shut up.

Although I felt as sick as eating a fly.

But Tu Yuan was still smiling.

After a while, you won't be able to laugh anymore after you are transformed into a source monster by the green-toothed bat-sama.

"Su Zhenshou is right, it is indeed Tu's honor to have a young talent like Su Zhenshou.

Tu Yuan looked at Ye Qingxue.

"Who is this?"

"This is my disciple.

"It turned out to be a master disciple."

"The food and wine have been prepared inside. Please come in."

Tu Yuan sneered secretly in his heart, come as soon as you come, wouldn't it be just right if you take one with you?

Enter the drawing room.

As expected, Tu Yuan had already prepared the food and wine.

There were also various fruits, and even his few remaining medium-grade spiritual teas were brought out.

After Su Yi entered, no matter what

Tried every dish.

"You put too much oil on the eggplant."

"Your meat is too fried."

"Your drumstick is too big."


Every time Su Yi took a bite, she would find something wrong with the dish.

The more Tu Yuan listened, the darker his face became, and he was about to explode with anger, but he still showed a cheerful expression on his face.

Ye Qingxue could hardly hold back her laughter.

The master is the master.

This method of manipulating people's mentality alone was worth learning for a long time.

After I go back, I will summarize it into a few chapters and study it carefully with the other junior sisters. It will definitely be of great benefit if I study it carefully.

As the senior sister, it is her duty to draw nourishment from her master.

"What Zhenshou Su said is that the recent chefs are indeed not very good, which makes you laugh."

What you say now is what you say.

Let you.

It will take a while for you to cry.

Eat and drink enough.

Su Yi then asked: "Tu Zhenshou, what exactly do you want me to come here for?"

"Actually, it's like this. I recently got a new treasure, but I don't know how it works. Su Zhenshou is well-informed and would like to ask you to take a look."

In fact, this is Tu Yuan's ultimate goal.

The green-toothed bat is hidden in this treasure.

When Su Yi picks up the tasting, the green-toothed bat takes the opportunity to bite Su Yi.


...Please give me flowers...

Su Yi is not a fool.

He had already guessed it.

As the saying goes, it's time to show off Tu Yuan's cards.

"Okay, then bring it over."


Tu Yuan brought a treasure that seemed to be like a lantern, and the green-toothed bat hid it inside using a secret method.

"This is the treasure."

"Please ask Governor Su to take a closer look."

After saying that, Tu Yuan sat down and watched the show in his heart.

How about you kill the monster?

Haven't you still found no trace of Lord Green-tusked Bat?

I'll see if you die soon.

The more Tu Yuan thought about it, the happier he felt.

Su Yi had already guessed that the green-toothed bat was inside this lantern-like treasure.

So I just put my whole face up to see it.

next moment.

I saw a very fast light that was invisible to the naked eye and rushed directly to Su Yi's neck. It was the green-toothed bat.

See this scene.

Tu Yuan laughed.

"Su Yi, you have been fooled. The person biting you now is the fourth-order green-toothed bat."

"You will become like me, haha."

Tu Yuan's expression was ferocious, and green light flashed in his eyes.

"Haha, really!"

Su Yi sneered.

Immediately afterwards.

Then I saw electric threads flashing across the body of the green-toothed bat.

The demonic nature of the green-toothed bat was directly destroyed.

Su Yi raised his hand and crushed the green-toothed bat into pieces.

The power of subduing demons is integrated into Yuan Li, making all the disciples of the Grand Martial Arts Hall have natural restraint and protection against demonic nature.

The green-toothed bat comes to bite Su Yi, but it’s all for nothing.


Tu Yuan pointed at Su Yi, his arms trembling, his eyes full of fear, and he couldn't even speak a complete sentence.


"Yes, master."

Ye Qingxue received Su Yi's signal and killed Tu Yuan with one sword. The Wulong Town Guard Order on Tu Yuan fell out.

"Qingxue, from now on you will be the guard of Wulong Town. You should already know how to use the guard order."

"Yes, master."

"You stay here first. After I go back, I will ask your junior sisters to come over and help you clean up Oolong Town."

"In addition to the Tu family, we should also pay attention to see if there are any monsters or monsters."

"Disciple understands Guang Guang!".

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