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141 Queen Of Angels Vs Fear Of The Void (Subscription Required)

"Your souls will be food for the void!"

A majestic and domineering voice sounded like a muffled thunder, and terrifying sound waves swept across the entire galaxy.

Not only harsh, but also with the power of the void, it directly cut off the connection between Guysha and others and the dark plane.

The angels flying in the sky all fell from the sky except Guysha, Yan and Zhi Xin.

Even Guysha's three angels lost contact with dark energy in a short period of time following the appearance of this whistling sound.

Fortunately, because Guysha has seen the power of void and anti-void.

So their wings have changed from functional to practical.

So even if the dark energy is lost, they can still fly.


The earth shook violently.

Countless sharp bone spurs rose from the ground.

The connection to the sacred knowledge repository was interrupted.

The connection to the treasure house of sacred knowledge is successful!

Guysha deserves to be the strongest in the known universe.

Although the power was cut off instantly by the void scream.

But it soon recovered.

Fortunately, although Guysha was affected by the void power of Chogas.

Those guardian angels took off quickly when they were about to land.

Except for a few unlucky ones who suffered some minor injuries, the rest of the 967 guardian angels barely escaped Chogas' ground stabbing attack.

"Yan, Zhixin, attack with me, and the rest are going to launch the Heavenly Blade Judgment!"

“Yes, Queen Guysha!”

The thunder gathered on Angel Yan's body and turned into a set of lightning armor. She disappeared in place instantly, rushing directly towards Kermog like a bolt of lightning.


Seeing that Yan's long sword was about to hit Kermog's body.

A burst of space fluctuations emerged, and a dark monster appeared too suddenly, flying the angel Yan directly.

"Look at the sword!"

Zhi Xin followed behind.

A golden flame burned from the flame sword in his hand, and he slashed towards Kermog fiercely.

Puff puff puff...

Countless piercing sounds sounded.

At the moment when Zhixin's attack was about to land on Kermog, countless ripples suddenly appeared on the dark purple mushroom technique.

Then countless Void Hydralisks emerged from the ground, and countless sharp thorns shot towards Zhixin like raindrops.


Zhi Xin's complexion changed, and his whole body spun quickly as if falling off, turning (cfaf) into a whirlwind of flames, knocking away all the sharp thorns that hit him.

However, Kermog, who was her target, also disappeared into nothing with the emergence of a wormhole.


The sound of thunder kept ringing.

At this time, Angel Yan had already fought with Reikesai.

There were bursts of thunder, and there were many phantoms.

The battle between the two sides was earth-shattering, and the surrounding space showed signs of collapse.

Countless meteorites shattered, and countless bugs emerged from the creep.

There are long-range Hydralisks, huge Void Ultralisks, Void Mutalisks with amazing combat power, and Void Destroyer's powerful Second Generation and even Third Generation Zerg.

Holy field!

One is completely condensed by holy light.

A huge phantom of an angel wearing silver armor appeared behind Guysha, protecting the guardian angels who were accumulating strength in the sky.

Kill all those endless bugs.

And Guysha herself turned into a beam of light, piercing through Chogas' huge body with a sword.


There was another scream.

This time, Guysha was well prepared.

Offset it directly with the power of its own engine.

The long sword in his hand kept waving, like a violent storm, slashing at Kogas' body uninterruptedly!

In less than a second, hundreds of thousands of swords were swung!

If replaced by other creatures.

Withstanding such an attack from Guy Sha, I am afraid that he would have died long ago.

But Cho'Gath is a Fourth Generation void creature.

Another tank creature.

The recovery ability is extremely strong.

It is known as the fear of the void and has the potential for unlimited evolution.

It once swallowed the entire Kamigawa civilization in one gulp, and the ultimate fear Karl mentioned is actually it.


Because the Kamigawa civilization at that time did not have a fourth generation level main god, its ability was actually somewhat overestimated.

But even so, its strength can definitely rank among the top few existences in the known universe.

If Guysha hadn't obtained the method to condense the power of faith, and mastered the magic of holy light.

It really may not be its opponent.

Because as the God of the Fourth Generation, Kogas also possesses the void atom technology similar to the sacred atom of Guysa, no matter what kind of injury he receives, he can recover quickly.

And there is almost no technology in the known universe that can destroy such atoms.

But it's a pity that it met today's Guy Sha.

The known universe is because it takes the route of science and technology.

So there is no technology that can destroy void atoms.

But the holy light magic that takes the magical route has it.

After seeing Kogas' ability, Guysa directly gave up the technology side power she was most familiar with, and chose to use the power of magic or divine magic.

Golden flames emerged from Guysa's body.

Endless holy light emanated from her body. Under the background of this holy light, Guysha at this time seemed to be the real goddess of holy light. Like a round of dazzling stars, the entire nearby universe was lit up.

And with the emergence of these holy lights, countless black smoke rose, which were void eggs hidden in the air.

They were hidden in the air and were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, but under the power of the holy light, they were completely burned in an instant.

"Damn the trash of the inferior race, how dare you slaughter my people like this, I want to use your flesh and blood to pay homage to my dead children!"

With the emergence of the power of the holy light, a roar full of anger suddenly came out from the star below that had been assimilated into the brood.

And with the appearance of this voice, the evil star below vibrated violently, and countless dark purple pieces of flesh constantly changed their shapes, and soon the Void Mother, the size of a loyal planet, came into everyone's eyes.

And with the recovery of the mother insect, the energy of the terrifying void spread to the surroundings, directly blasting all the surrounding meteorites into mustard powder.

Heaven Blade Judgment!

At this time, Guysa's guardian angels are ready for the full-power Heavenly Blade Trial.

With the terrifying beam falling from the sky.

With a force that seems to be able to destroy everything.

The mouth corners of the guardian angels in the sky raised, as if they had seen the scene where this big guy was wiped out.

Because of this powerful Heavenly Blade Judgment already fully possesses the power of Starburst. .

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