The breeze gathered on the straight bowstring.

Slowly shaping, outlining the outline of an arrow, which was firmly held by Su Chen in his hand.


string full moon.

It was like thunder.

The slender and sharp wind spirit arrows arrived in an instant, falling into the middle of the slime group.

A violent small whirlwind suddenly set off.

A series of damage numbers floated out amidst the continuous explosions.




[You killed a level 6 slime and gained 5 experience points]

[You killed a level 5 slime and gained 4 experience points]

[You killed a level 8 slime and gained 10 experience points]

[You have upgraded, the current level is 2]

[You get 6 attributes, you can distribute them freely or let the great will distribute them for you]


"Is there still range damage... No wonder it is affected by special attacks."

Looking at the group of slimes that were cut off by more than half at that moment, Su Chen took another arrow with his bow.



The bonus of a red yao suit and the attack brought by a top-grade silver weapon are nightmares that these slimes who generally don't even have level 10 can't imagine.

The general attack has exceeded 4,000, and the critical attack has reached nearly 10,000.

Even the level 20 boss couldn't stand the damage.

The king's chariot that was still running passed the deep pit caused by the two wind spirit arrows. Su Chen stopped and picked up his spoils.

[You have obtained white porcelain-level material * slime gel... a hundred times multiplier is activated, and you have obtained bronze-level material * slime core]

[You have obtained white porcelain-level material * slime gel... a hundred times multiplier is activated, and you have obtained bronze-level material * slime core]

[You have obtained white porcelain-level equipment * novice spell-casting ball... The hundred-fold increase is activated, and you have obtained bronze-level equipment * water element magic ball]

Even out of equipment?

The explosion rate of this thing in the low-level world is usually not high.

Su Chen opened the data panel with great interest, wanting to check this boosted trophy.

[Water Elemental Ball] (Bronze Level)

(increase special attack*150)

(Increase the power of water element skills by 2%)

(Requires 20 intelligence points, level 5 remote occupation)

(Currently does not meet the intelligence attributes, level requirements, temporarily unavailable)

Very general attributes, but after all, it comes from the increase of white porcelain equipment, and it is not bad to have this panel.

In terms of value, it has turned a lot.

Su Chen put it away and let the king's chariot continue to drive, and at the same time, he also looked at his own panel.

[Unique] Occupation is upgraded to one level, with 6 attributes.

As for [Common] and [Rare], there are only 2 and 4 points respectively.

This is the advantage of the [unique] profession.

It doesn't look like much, but it's something that the other two quality classes don't have.

"Great will to distribute."

Su Chen thought for a while, then chose to leave it to the big will to deal with.

Most professionals will choose to do the same.

This is not laziness or inattention.

It's because the point allocation provided by the Great Will will consider all aspects of the professional's current factors to come up with a set of point addition plans that are most suitable for them.

Even experienced professionals dare not say that their distribution plan is better than Great Will.

That is impossible.

【Great will has been allocated for you】

【Strength Points +3】

[intelligence points +3]

"The main direction of attack is strength and intelligence?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows.

This plus point is a little different from what he imagined.

But what to say.

[Blacksmith] As the only profession, there is no predecessor to refer to.

Since the Great Will chooses to add points like this, there must be a reason for it.

Su Chen didn't pay much attention to it any more, just paying attention to his surroundings.

The farther away from the federation's teleportation point city, the more monsters will appear.

But this is just a small problem.

There is still more than half of the duration of the wind chasing bow.

Enough for him to wipe out the nearby bosses and monster camps.


Suddenly, in the distance, a strong explosion sounded, accompanied by the flames soaring into the sky.

Su Chen frowned, and noticed the terrifying undead creatures like the tide at the source of the sound.

"This place..." He took out the map to check the route, "Isn't it a few [Slime Gathering Places] mixed together? How come there are so many undead monsters..."

"Could it be that……"

"Is it the boss?"


Undead skeleton soldiers holding rusty knives and broken shields formed a dense encirclement.

In the most central position, an 11-member team with an average level of 10 has been deeply involved.

"I told you not to underestimate the enemy and rush in. If you don't listen, you insist on provoking that boss. What should you do now?!"

"Who knew that the boss could be resurrected for the second time! What's the use of you chattering now! Why don't you ask someone who has a powerful life-saving item, take it out and use it! Don't you have to wait until you die now to use it?" ?!"

"Some words have already been used, so do you still need to remind me?"

"I'm almost running out of potions, who of you still have a blood bottle!"

"Don't ask me, I don't have any recovery medicine."

"It's over...we're all going to die here..."

Amidst the quarrels and low weeping, the atmosphere of panic and depression began to spread in the team.

Skeleton soldiers don't care about this, they just go forward with their knives upright, consuming the opponent's meager medicine reserves one after another.

Finally, a [Shield Warrior] who stood on the outermost edge was the first to be unable to hold on after being hit by a gray-white magic bullet emerging from the sea of ​​skeletons.

The blood line above his head was already in jeopardy, but now it was even lowered to the last bit, and he refused to defend it no matter what.

Seeing this, the other [warrior] standing outside had no choice but to bear the attack from both sides.

But doing so is undoubtedly tantamount to hastening death.

"Captain, I don't want to die..."

A female archer was slashed by a skeleton soldier who broke into the rear of the squad.

The tense pressure line was completely broken, and he sat slumped on the ground, not even daring to fight back.

It was another good-looking female assassin with a face mask beside her, who jumped forward and smashed the skeleton soldier with a few steady and ruthless thrusts.

"Get up!" the female assassin turned her head, her long and narrow eyes were full of urgency, "Sitting here will only speed up your death!"

"Sister Qiange, I dare not..."

The female archer still couldn't stand up.

Seeing this, the female assassin was about to say something more when she saw another three undead monsters broke through the front row and went straight to this side.

She had to turn around to meet him.

"I can't keep it anymore!"

A [Warrior] professional stepped back and staggered towards the female assassin who was still fighting the skeleton soldiers: "Xia Qiange, help me..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a magic bullet was hit on his back, his blood was drained, and he fell to the ground dead.

With the departure of this front row member, the defense of the entire team was completely disintegrated.

Seeing more and more skeleton soldiers approaching, Xia Qiange, who was completely overwhelmed, gritted his teeth.

Just when she decided to kill a few more undead monsters——

Not far away, without warning, a violent whirlwind erupted.

Crush all the skeleton soldiers to pieces!

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