Scanning his panel, Su Chen thought to himself.

According to the effect of this title, even if I don't deliberately trade in professional items, I will still make a fortune soon.

Not to mention, the emergence of a unique profession will definitely make the Federation vigorously cultivate it.

There is absolutely no shortage of resources.

And, then again.

My own title is not always the only one...

Slowly calming down the agitated mood, noticing that Su Chen, who had become the focus, looked calm, his eyes subconsciously swam to the [sharpening and forging] skill.

Consuming 40 mana points, a handful of temporary bronze-level equipment or items can be created.

Regardless of the effect, anyway, the added attributes are definitely much better than white porcelain and black iron grades.

Many professionals who have been in the 20-30 level for a long time may not have bronze-quality equipment at hand, but Su Chen brings it with him at the beginning, and he can grow up later...

Of course, this is all secondary.

As a blacksmith, he will definitely not lack equipment in the future.

Not to mention the forging skills possessed by the profession itself, just the title of [Hundredfold Amplification] is enough to solve this problem!

"If I want to kill [Enemies from Other Worlds] to upgrade, then what I lack the most at the moment is a wide range of group attack skills."

After closing the panel, Su Chen thought silently.

His professional effect can already be seen through his name.

Transfer logistics is no problem.

The Federation will not force him to go to the battlefield to fight enemies from other worlds.

But... Su Chen was not content with that kind of stability.

With this talent alone, it is doomed that he will not be able to honestly be a logistics professional in the future.

Therefore, at the moment, it is necessary to get some combat-type skill books.

However, a new problem appeared again.

Many skill books for professionals have occupation-specific learning requirements.

For example, [Mage] professionals cannot learn the melee skills of [Warrior], and vice versa.

As a [Blacksmith], what skills can I learn besides the skills that come with me during the upgrade process?

Su Chen pondered and silently guessed.

At this time, most of the students around were watching Su Chen who was sitting quietly with caution and envy.

There are also a small number of people with deep jealousy in their eyes.

However, they all kept quiet in unison, lest they disturb the classmate who had activated the only profession.

blah blah——

A series of slight footsteps outside the classroom broke the silence.

"Student Su Chen is inside."

The voice of head teacher Yang Shuo sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Su Chen felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing in front of him.

"You are Su Chen, right?"

A gentle and soft voice rang in my ears.

He raised his head, and a pretty woman in green robe with exaggerated figure came into view.

Looks familiar... this person is...


Su Chen got up, nodded slightly, trying to recall the other party's message in his mind.

"It's Qiu Commander of our Nanzhou Province!"

"God, I used to see her on TV a lot."

"It is said that she seems to be a rare profession [Gladiator]... the real person is too beautiful."

Surrounded by the students who recognized the identity of the green-robed woman, Xiao Xiao exclaimed, seeing that she was still smiling warmly, she was not surprised, so they spoke out one after another.

Through these people, Su Chen recalled the message of the green robed woman in front of him.

The other party's name is Qiu Yuwei, a rare occupation of level 80 [Sword Fighter], one of the four commanders of the Federation of Nanzhou Province, because of his gentle personality, outstanding appearance and figure, he is very popular in the entire Federation.

"I didn't expect it to be her..."

Su Chen thought about it silently, and saw the red-faced Yang Shuo leading the principal of Qingnan High School and some teachers in.

He greeted Qiu Yuwei respectfully and politely, and then coughed lightly to let the other students in the classroom leave first.

The next scene is no longer for the activation losers to watch.

The crowd was quite unwilling, but there was nothing they could do.

But if you become a professional yourself, it must not be like this, right?

They thought, and before leaving, they all looked back at Su Chen in unison, the meaning in their eyes was complicated and difficult to understand.

The natural barrier between professionals and ordinary people is hard to cross.

"Looks like I don't need to introduce myself anymore." Qiu Yuwei said softly and apologetically when there were only two people left in the classroom: "Well... because the time is relatively urgent, so the specific Let's wait for the federal branch of Nanzhou Province to discuss the treatment situation."

"Huh?" Su Chen was in a daze, and subconsciously asked, "Why don't you find out some specific information about me as a blacksmith first? For example, what items can be forged..."

"Of course not." Qiu Yuwei shook her head and said with a smile, "As long as you know that you do have the only job, that's enough."

Doesn't this believe too much in the name of "the only profession"? Are you not afraid of not meeting expectations?

Su Chen couldn't help being a little weird, and immediately saw a misty magic circle lit up under his feet.

"Student Su, please don't be nervous, this is just a teleportation array leading to the federal branch of Nanzhou Province..."

As Qiu Yuwei spoke softly, she saw the light that was slowly glowing in the magic circle stop abruptly, and then completely dimmed.

"Qiu Yuwei, Qiu Yuwei, are you quite well-prepared to snatch someone?"

A slightly frivolous female voice sounded in the classroom.

Immediately afterwards, a seductive woman in a gorgeous gold-rimmed black dress walked out of a shadowy ripple in the classroom. She appeared abruptly on the stage, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and she smiled mockingly: "The scrolls engraved with the teleportation array have all been used, and the cost is large enough, but it's a pity, it's still not enough~ oh~"

"Student Su Chen is originally from our Nanzhou Province. I will take him to the federal branch of Nanzhou Province. Is there any problem?" Facing the provocative posture of the woman who suddenly appeared, Qiu Yuwei still But he kept smiling: "Tang Shuang, you interrupted my teleportation scroll for no reason. I will truthfully report this matter to the Federation Headquarters and ask the Tiannan Provincial Branch to make compensation and punish you."

"Who are you scaring? I'm also the commander. Will I be punished for a teleportation scroll? As for the compensation, well, whatever you want, I won't pay anyway."

Tang Shuang's attitude was very indifferent, and then, she looked at Su Chen with her long and narrow eyes, smiled, and said in a sweet voice: "Student Su Chen, right? I have read your information on the way here. , the only profession, blacksmith? It must require a lot of materials to forge to increase skill experience, right? That is suitable for the federal branch of our Tiannan Province. There are so many materials in the warehouse Curry, and there will be other benefits And treatment, such as some rare and powerful skill books and treasures, will be given to you first."

The skills of a professional need to be used many times and gain experience to upgrade, even if it is the only profession.

To upgrade Su Chen's [Tempering] and [Blacksmith], a lot of materials must be consumed.

Generally speaking, the commander named Tang Shuang had indeed hit the point.

"In the federal branch of our Nanzhou Province, there are quite a lot of materials accumulated. Even if it is not enough, we will help Su Chen buy materials to upgrade his skills. In terms of remuneration, it must be better than your Tiannan Provincial Federal Branch. That's good, so I don't need you to bother." Qiu Yuwei's smile didn't diminish, but she was full of momentum.

Seeing the two commanders facing each other tit-for-tat, Su Chen, who was standing by the side, didn't feel any pressure.

According to previous rumors, the popularity of the only profession is not too much.

Su Chen would not be at all surprised even if a few more leaders of the federal branch, or even the principals of the professional university came to fight for it!

After all, as long as the only profession does not fall, it will definitely be the top group of existences in the entire Federation in the future!

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