National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 23: The Enemy From Another World Killed At The Teleportation Point

Teleportation point outside the city.

A 13th-level professional with blood on his head ran in scrambling, and happened to crash into the arms of a patrolling [Law Knight].

The latter frowned, and recognized the former as a thief through the occupation mark issued by the Great Will on his chest. Seeing his embarrassed appearance, he did not criticize him harshly, but said: "Walk carefully!"

However, the thief professional raised his head and backed away, and then howled with fear on his face: "Quick... quickly contact the Beixuan Provincial Federal Branch! Enemies from other worlds from other worlds have appeared!!"

"An enemy from another world?!"

The professionals walking around stopped one after another, casting surprised gazes.

As we all know, the current world is just a low-level world with only slimes, unicorns, undead and other monsters. How can there be enemies from other worlds?

"Why panic, isn't it just some enemies from another world? Look at the virtue you are afraid of."

The law order knight shouted in a deep voice, his shiny heavy armor exuding a faint evil spirit.

Behind him, other [Guards] [Law Knights] [Fighters] who were in charge of patrolling also heard the news and surrounded him.

These professionals are all level 20.

The number adds up to fifty.

However, the thief professional didn't feel at ease at all, he just said loudly: "Those are not ordinary monsters! They are all enemies from another world above level 25! They are human beings like us... a profession that goes out of the city Many of them died in their hands! No one can stop it!!"

The low-level professionals onlookers were all shocked.

It's not because of the level 25 lineup of the Enemies from Another World.

Rather, what the professional thieves said was that many professionals had already lost their lives in their hands.

"Aren't you talking nonsense, kid?"

"My brother took people to the unicorn camp this morning, and he hasn't come back yet. Could it be..."

"It's scary. If it's true, wouldn't I have saved my life?"

Words of questioning, discussion, and gratitude came from the mouths of the surrounding professionals.

The professional thieves paid no attention to anyone, and just said impatiently to the Knight of Law in front of them: "If you don't go, it will be too late! Who do you think can stop those enemies from other worlds in this teleportation point?!"

Very rude words.

But it is true.

The law knight who was fairly well-bred did not care about the attitude of the thief in front of him, but asked coldly: "If there are really enemies from another world at level 25, how did you, a thief at level 13, escape back?"

Professionals cannot check each other's data, but things like proofs such as levels and health bars are exceptions.

"Damn, why are you still fussing about these trivial things?!" The thief professional was almost mad, "I was also level 20 before! I escaped the difficulty only by using a life-saving item with heavy penalties!"

"The punishment is heavy?" Knight of Law narrowed his eyes, "What kind of props?"

"I can't upgrade anymore in the future! The punishment of deducting all attributes!" The thief shouted, "Don't you dammit take me to the branch hall later to know! Through the great will, it is enough to prove that I am not lying !"

The knight of law looked into his eyes full of fear, without asking any more questions, he raised his hand to call for a companion, and said coldly, "Go back to the branch right away and ask for senior professionals to be dispatched over there."

"As for the remaining professionals..."

He turned his head and looked at the gradually quiet crowd around him.

"Now all evacuate the teleportation point in an orderly manner, don't leave one behind!"

If there are really level 25 enemies from other worlds mixed into the novice world, this kind of thing will happen.

Then the best decision is to immediately let the professionals in the teleportation point retreat.

As for those outside the city...

It can only be resigned to fate.

However, just as a group of professionals, led by a patrol team, was about to leave through the dimensional passage.

However, they found that they could not walk to the entrance of the dimensional passage.

Instead, it gets farther and farther away!

" is this possible?"

Some professionals screamed in horror,

"Having a problem with our sense of direction?"

"It's not as simple as a problem with the sense of direction." The leading knight of Law Ling had a serious face, "It's that the entrance of the dimensional passage was affected by some kind of prop!"

The members of the patrol team quickly became extremely careful.

The current state is weird, it is very likely that... the enemy from another world has come.

"Made, it would be great if this teleportation point city can be equipped with two detection-type formations or enchantments..."

A professional shrinking in the middle of the crowd complained softly,

Then, he was scolded by a fighter in the distance: "Can you waste the resources of the Federation? Can you set up formations and enchantments anywhere?"

This is just a low-level world. It is already very good to have so many level 20 professionals stationed there.

"Everyone, it's a matter of life and death!" The law knight raised his eyebrows and looked around, and said coldly: "If there is any good life-saving item, use it first, otherwise, you won't be able to use it if you want to use it later!"

"Brother, don't you look at the novice professionals here, who has a big business and can afford life-saving props?"

"Hey, it's over now. If I didn't ask so much nonsense just now, I just went to the branch to find someone honestly, maybe I still have a chance."

"I don't want to die, but I don't have any props to save my life..."

"Let's get familiar with how this kind of thing happened in the process of spawning monsters. Why can't the Federation send some professionals with a slightly higher level..."

Complaints, even irritability and fear from the bottom of my heart.

The atmosphere in the field became extremely depressed.

Some professionals want to continue trying to reach the entrance of the dimensional passage, but they haven't waited for him to take a step.

His heart was suddenly hit by a gray and white magic bullet.

The blood volume was immediately emptied, and he fell to the ground.

The death of this professional immediately made the faces of everyone around him pale.

What frightened them even more was the roar of laughter from not far away.

"The quality of these [data] professionals is too poor, and they can't cope with some abnormal situations. Compared with the juniors and juniors who have just entered our college, there is no way to compare."

"The hope of escape is blocked, and it is normal to be afraid, but you don't want to fight to the death, you only have the idea of ​​running for your life, which is really ugly."

"After all, it's just a bunch of waste. What can we expect? We just overfulfilled the task."

Accompanied by the familiar language that can be understood, more than a dozen young men and women wearing robes and holding staffs appeared one after another.

Above their heads, in the sight of many professionals.

Except for the blood bar, data attribute, and name that are on.

Both are the same message.

(Level 25) (Bronze) (Wizard) (Formidable Adversary)



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