"These mission targets are dressed in the same clothes. Are they all from the same world?"

Looking at the already visible enemies from other worlds, all with [Task Objectives] on their heads.

Su Chen, who was stepping on the chariot, secretly guessed.

Then, he saw that the wizards were all waving their staffs, and accompanied by a hazy blue light, their entire figures quickly disappeared from his vision, as if they had never appeared before.


Su Chen frowned, looking at the location in the guide.

He found that the wizards were still very close to him.

Didn't run very far.

"There is no means of transportation, and it is not extremely agile..."

Su Chen was talking to himself, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the city gate of the teleportation point, where a large group of professionals were surrounding him.

Surrounded by monsters he rushed,

Several members of the patrol team and a group of professionals who were preparing for the battle were startled when they saw the level and health bar above Su Chen's head, and one of them widened his eyes in surprise and said: "Hey, you, Aren't you the rookie professional who asked me for a map before?"

"It's me." Su Chen nodded, and said shortly: "The speed contact branch sent people over, and I'll go after them."

After saying that, the king's chariot under his feet flashed with thunder, and the front of the chariot was slightly deflected, bypassing the teleportation point city and heading straight for the wizards' position according to the guidance.

A group of silver and gold creatures followed in a mighty way.

The scene, the surviving professionals, were so stunned that they couldn't react.

"Just now, that professional was only level 6, right?"

"Yeah...but the ones following him are all monsters above level 30!!"

"The Jackal Commander is a boss, right? I remember when a senior in my school gave a lecture, he said that this kind of boss has rough skin and thick flesh, and the attack is still very high... Now it's mixed in like a mob... .”

"Thunder, Flame, Frost... There are a lot of slimes, all of them are advanced, and they all have group damage control skills. Bosses follow after piles...I'm stupid, I saw you before. A level 40 [Summoner] once had a frost slime that was too precious..."

"It's a real hammer, that person is definitely a [rare] professional! Maybe he is a [summoner] type."

"It seems that there will be another future boss in the Federation! Only level 6 can control so many high-level monster bosses..."

Amidst the chatter and chatter, this group of people did not have the excitement of the rest of their lives after a catastrophe.

Only, indescribable shock.

A level 6 cute new professional, with a group of high-level boss-level monsters, ran to hunt down a group of level 25 alien enemies...

They can remember this scene forever.

"Hey, come and see! The dimensional channel can now pass through normally!"

A professional suddenly made a sound.

The scene was like water droplets falling into boiling oil.

All professionals squeezed forward desperately.

The remaining patrol members couldn't control the scene for a while.


"What the hell is going on! How come there are so many high-level monsters?!"

"It's obviously just a low-level world..."

"Don't you understand, those monsters are driven by people! Didn't you notice the person driving that magic chariot?!"

"Are you kidding? Didn't the World Tree say that there is no existence in this world that can fight us... He obviously used alchemy props to temporarily affect the dimensional channel, but... where did this high-level profession come from? who!!"

A young wizard who kept running forward looked at senior Ander, who had remained silent all the way to his left, and said in shock and fear: "Senior Ander, you should say something!"

"What else can I say!!" Ander didn't turn his head, his previous calmness was gone: "Is there any other way besides running away?"

"Are we able to run away!?" Another wizard growled, "We are running on our legs. Even if we cast a second-ring spell, how long can we last? Is it faster than that man's magic chariot?! "

"Fate to each other." Ander said indifferently, "That professional may not be able to catch up, if you really can't escape...then give it a go."

"How to spell it?! Do you think those monsters are just decorations?!"

Another wizard retorted, his voice full of resentment.

How proud they were before, how embarrassed they are now.

If Ender hadn't talked too much and had to complete another task, they would have returned to the academy with the reward from the World Tree!

"It's not that I haven't encountered summoning-type professionals. They are all quite weak. According to professionals, in order to ensure sufficient magic power supply for the summoned monsters, they will deliberately align their equipment and props with magic power. ...'Health volume' is very low, even a summoner who is a few ranks higher than us is not as good as our physique." Ander said coldly, "Using everyone's methods, after getting close, after a few Killing a summoner within breath is naturally not a problem."

"Do you think we can break through the encirclement of those monsters?!"

"Of course not." Ander glanced at the wizard, and then said: "I have a witchcraft scroll, which seals the four-ring witchcraft [space walking]. Although it is only a consumable, it can help us achieve our wish. ..."

"As long as we get close to the summoner, isn't he only at our mercy?"

"Four-ring witchcraft scroll?? If you use this scroll two steps higher, there will be side effects, right?!"

The wizard spoke again, although there was still anger in his words, he obviously restrained himself.

"It's just a permanent reduction of some magic power." Ender said, gloomy: "If you have a better method, you can show it."

The faces of the wizards were cloudy and uncertain.

There is obviously not much time for them to hesitate.

Because, under the leadership of the young man driving the chariot, those monsters have already been killed.

Seeing this, the wizards no longer hesitated.

They took out their most lethal alchemy props and staffs one after another, and made preparations for teleportation.

Ender didn't say any more, and turned his head frequently, noticing that the young man on the chariot seemed to let the monsters rush over first.

"very good."

He thought, and took out a sheepskin scroll from his body.

Do not hesitate any longer.


"It's almost within the skill range."

"You can use [Holy Flame Execution] and [Giant Rock Flying Blade] to wash the ground first."

Seeing the wizards who were still fleeing ahead, but the distance had been shortened a lot, Su Chen was eager to try.

This is the first time he has come into contact with this kind of enemy from another world.

A spellcasting type of wizard.

Looking at the panel, they are basically the same, except that a wizard named Ender has a few more skills and higher stats, it seems that there is no difficulty.

However, Su Chen still decided to be careful.

His magic power is full at this time.

It must be no problem to use skills to wash the floor.

"It's almost..."

Su Chen stared at the group of wizards, only to find that they suddenly disappeared from view.

Then, it appeared in the void around his chariot.

Every wizard held a handful of lightning arcs or flames in their hands, and threw them on the head!


In the smoke.

A string of big zeros slowly floated up.



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