National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 7 Blacksmith, No Occupational Restrictions!

"Can all the tools of the [Blacksmith] profession be used?"

"Of course it's good... forging mode? Well, your profession will still have this feature?"

"I see, I will help you pay more attention to items related to the enhanced forging system."

"In addition, you have already prepared the materials for upgrading, from black iron to gold, one million pieces of each quality for the time being, if there are not enough, I will buy again..."

"Huh? You don't need that much? As a professional, you have to be prepared. If you don't run out, you can sell it."

"In terms of equipment, I have brought some from the close combat, far combat, and logistics departments."

"It's all suits, and there are also limited occupations."

"The same goes for the skill book."

"See what you can use now or in the future."

When the girl master, who was less than 1.5 meters tall, returned to the tree house, she calmly handed two medium-sized space rings to herself again.

Su Chen, who had known for a long time how rich and powerful she was, still had her eyelids twitch.

From black iron to gold, there are a million pieces of materials for each quality.

There are also a bunch of sets whose quality is not lower than gold quality.


Su Chen has an inexplicable feeling that if he wins at the starting line in his career, it would be better to have a good master!

At least no matter how much he wants to rely on [Hundredfold Growth] to rise in the early stage, he has to do it steadily!

How can there be a bunch of material suits like now? Random pick?

"What can be obtained at this starting point is higher than the end of many people's lives."

Su Chen sighed in his heart, and glanced at the oak staff held by Zhu Yuan'er indiscriminately.

The digital career era under the great will is just like the online games in the previous life.

There is an equipment item binding.

Unless the owner himself dies, even if the equipment is lost, it can be retrieved through binding.

"If there is no equipment binding, the items that Master Yuan'er forges in the future can be easily increased."

"I hope that at that time, there will be some kind of title of ten thousand times increase."

With thoughts flying, he made up his mind.

Su Chen, who turned off the title for the time being, glanced at the equipment in the space ring.

[Frost Spear] [Movement Earrings] [Scar of the Undead] [Slime Crown]...

From the melee [Barbarian] [Great Swordsman] [Warrior] to the long-range [War Song Singer] [Wizard] [Gluttony Mage]...

Ordinary and rare occupations...

There are all types, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are all available.

He tried to click on a [Hunting Epee] that can be used by ordinary professions [Warrior].

[Hunting Epee] (Gold Level)

(increase strength*200)

(increase physical attack*3000)

(Add 10% physical attack damage)

(Melee professional equipment increases the damage of all physical skills by 25%)

(35% chance to lock an enemy, apply a mark, and cause damage X3 times to it within ten seconds)

(Requires 300 strength points, level 15 melee class)

(Currently does not meet the strength attributes, level requirements, temporarily unavailable)


"It's just that the power attribute is not satisfied, and there is still a level... This means that the melee equipment can be used?"

After seeing several pieces of melee from different types, Su Chen found that he could use all the equipment of the melee type, even those with occupational restrictions, but they did not meet the attribute or level requirements for the time being!

"Is it possible that all professional equipment can be used..."

His gaze immediately turned to the ranged equipment.

[Lost Soul Staff] [Calamity Classics] [Elemental Crystal Ball]...

It is also a long-range equipment with occupational restrictions.

It is the same as that of the melee system, except for the conditions of attributes and levels.

There are no occupational restrictions at all!

"A blacksmith is so strong..."

Su Chen was a little shocked.

The great will has come to the present, but there are many [rare] and even [unique] professional powerful equipment in the Federation that no one uses!

the reason is simple.

User not found.

Because those [occupations] with limited equipment have either not yet appeared, or have died for various reasons!

"[Cursed Mage] [Magic Swordsman] [Cultivator]... I can use all of these [rare] occupation-limited equipment brought by Teacher Yuan'er, depending on the panel conditions, once I am familiar with it and the level meets the requirements ..."

The emotions that had calmed down once again began to churn with the characteristics of the [Blacksmith] profession.

The change in Su Chen's eyes also fell into Zhu Yuan'er's sight.

Her eyes moved slightly, and she asked out loud, "Yes, none of them work?"

"[Blacksmith] also has some equipment, I will try to find it again."

"Don't be too sad,"

Hearing this, Su Chen woke up, faced Master's concerned gaze, and immediately explained: "No... I'm not sad."

"Instead, happy."

"Master Yuan'er, the equipment you brought me... I seem to be able to use all of them, and there is no occupational restriction."

"It's just because the panel data and level are not in place, so it can't be equipped at the moment."

"Happy?" Confusion floated in Zhu Yuan'er's eyes, "You usually act happy, but with a wrinkled face..."

Su Chen was taken aback, touched his face that was really strained, and coughed dryly: "Is there something wrong with what you paid attention to?"

I can use so many professional equipment!

That's the point!

Zhu Yuan'er snorted, nodded and said: "If you can use the equipment of so many professions, then you, the blacksmith, are indeed very powerful."

"To be honest, I think so too." Seeing Master's serious face, Su Chen suddenly felt relieved and laughed.

Then, he remembered that he still had a skill book that he hadn't read.

"I don't know, will it be the same in terms of skills?"

Opening another space ring, the neatly stacked skill books in it exude a brilliance that is only of gold quality.

【Meteor Fall】【Lihuo Sword Formation】【Merman Guard·Summon】【Chain Lightning】...

These are both near and far, Su Chen flipped through them a little.

As he guessed, the skill book also has no occupational restrictions!

As long as the level and attributes are met, you can learn!


……… Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for rewards………

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