"I actually met Su Chen, that's great! It's not in vain to use those Chi Yao-level props to improve my agility!!"

There was an unconcealable joy on her delicate cheeks, and love appeared in Vivian's eyes as she looked at Su Chen.

Gu Hanyan on the side looked at Su Chen, who was indeed a handsome man in the distance, with a slightly weird and bewildered expression, and couldn't help but sighed deeply: "Vivian, can you restrain yourself a little bit?" , you will make the other party think that you are sick..."

"I'm already very restrained." Vivienne said without looking back: "What does it matter if you call him husband?"

Gu Hanyan choked on these words.

She couldn't help pressing her brows, and said: "Didn't you notice that the elf sitting behind Su Chen stared at you with a scary expression......


Vivian was taken aback for a moment, and then noticed that there was a graceful female elf behind the Su Chen she was thinking of.

The other party has snow blue and white hair, curvaceous, in terms of appearance, with his current appearance...... 07

Well, the enemy, the unprecedented enemy!

Vivian puffed up her face. In fact, with sharp eyes, she quickly noticed Audrey on the other side of Su Chen.

The latter's threat level is also not low, and it must not be ignored.

"Is it a native creature in this mission world? Damn..."

Vivienne took a step forward and was about to say something when she heard Gu Hanyan on the side trying to keep calm and said to Su Chen on the opposite side: "Su Chen, right? I'm Gu Hanyan, she is My good friend, [Magic Pastry Chef] Vivienne Sophie...the previous meeting was delayed because of something..."

"I know." Su Chen nodded, and said in a low voice, "It's a coincidence that I can meet you in this [conquest mission].

"Ah, indeed." Gu Hanyan nodded, first stopped Vivienne who was getting excited again, and then, a flash of interest flashed in his jewel-like red pupils: "Looking at your posture, there is no alliance I plan to do the same on our side...

"Who said that!" Vivian, who was struggling hard, said dissatisfiedly, "Xiaoyan, you can't represent me! If it is to form a team with Su Chen's husband, of course I am willing!"

Gu Hanyan turned a deaf ear, and just continued to say: "The 'Xi Ketan' of the temporary mission has been killed by you, and the remaining two main mission objectives, we also want to solve...so , Let's compete."

"Let's see who can take the first step..."

Saying so, the girl's delicate face was full of fighting spirit.

Before coming here, she had already heard about Su Chen's various performances, and she really wanted to fight against him.

It's not bad to think of the current competition as a preview in advance.


Here, Su Chen smiled when he heard the sound, and said leisurely: "If you are all dealt with here, is there still a need for competition?"

"Really?" The corner of Gu Han's mouth raised a smile of interest, and the epee in his hand slightly raised, "If you can do it, try it now, it's not impossible


Su Chen raised his eyebrows, and he didn't need to do anything.

Around, there was a large group of natural spirits summoned by the godhead of the earth, and they looked at Gu Hanyan and Vivienne covetously.

Among them, there are many ferocious dragons and earth element titans.

"Let's talk about it when you can break through."

Su Chen spoke softly to Gu Han.

At any rate, the other party is also the target of engagement introduced by Master Yuan'er, although the occasion of this meeting is somewhat inappropriate.

But, as long as you don't have any wrong thoughts, then you can stop it at will.

These spirits of nature, which destroy themselves with one attack, are just right for this role.

Their double attack stats are affected by him, while other stat panels are purely affected by the effect of natural godhead.

Su Chen once glanced at it, if they don't launch that kind of one-time consumption attack, then they will exist for a long time, and if they have two defenses, they are all on more than two sides.

Gu Hanyan and Vivienne in front of them, although one level is 36 and the other is 32, but......

Unless they are equipped with diamond-level equipment, or use some card consumables, otherwise...

It's really hard to shake these spirits of nature.

"So many summoned objects... are you relying on?"

Gu Hanyan was quite interested.

In the information about Su Chen, it is indeed mentioned that he has the ability to summon many different high-quality creatures, such as the Chiyao-level boss creature Explosive Lord.

Looking at it now, although the Lord of Explosive Flame was not summoned, it is in line with the news......

"Even if so many are Chi Yao-level creatures, I can still kill them."

Gu Hanyan was very calm. He raised his sword, and a cold blood-red light spit out from the tip of the sword.

"Get ready, Vivian, Jiang has passed."

"Who wants to kill, I don't want to fight with Su Chen!" Vivian was very upset.

"If you don't kill him, how can you get close to Su Chen?" Seeing that Su Chen and the two elves had gone away on the deer spirit, Gu Han said calmly, "This is his temptation to us."

"If you are strong enough, you can also leave a good impression on him..."

"I see!"

Vivian instantly ignited her fighting spirit, the girl closed her eyes slightly, and sang an obscure spell in her mouth.

Then, a large pile of 527 desserts of various kinds was summoned from the magic circle that lit up one after another.

They are tall, holding various swords, staffs, and casting balls, forming a confrontation with the spirits of nature.

Then, the battle started directly under the leadership of Gu Hanyan, who was the first to sweep straight out.

The [Death Knight] professional, the epee in his hand ignited a 50-meter-long sword light, which almost swept across, and blasted towards those natural spirits.




In the flying smoke and dust.

Successive "0" characters kept floating up.

Ling Gu Hanyan's expression full of fighting spirit suddenly solidified.


The attack I made didn't even break through the defenses of these creatures??

On the other side, the summoned desserts also launched an offensive.

But no matter how they attack.

The output is also "0" without exception.

Unwilling to see this, Gu Hanyan clenched the blade in his hand, and delivered another terrifying blow, hitting the spirits of nature.


A series of damage figures floated up again.

Just like that.

Still can't... break the defense.

....Please customize!.………….

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