National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 96 Gift From The God King... A Weapon That Has Been Amplified To Myth! (Please Customize!)

Su Chen is quite satisfied with the final product after the amplification of the drop of the Demon God.

Two epics and one legend.

Although they can only be equipped, learned or used at level 55.

But with his upgrade speed.

It won't take long to reach level 55.

However, Yinchen is also aware of gaps at the same time.

The [Unyielding Will] suit on his body, the increase provided by him, can no longer keep up with his pace.

In other words, he should try to go to some worlds that are similar to his current level, and brush some suitable equipment.

After all, spawning monsters in these 50-60 level worlds, although the equipment that explodes has good growth data, it will be unusable for a while.

In a world full of monsters of the 20-25 level, the equipment that exploded was exactly what Su Chen could bring.

There is [Lucky Patron] [Hundredfold Amplification].

There is no need to worry about low-quality equipment appearing.

In terms of combat power, it should increase a lot!

"After finishing the [Conquest Mission], go back and check which world's suit is better..."

Thinking so, Su Chen noticed.

The fragments of the copper cans that were supposed to have been annihilated in the battle before appeared suddenly again at this time.

Then, it turned into a gleaming golden sword and slowly landed in front of him.

【You defeated the 'Demon God'】

【You have received a gift from the God King】

The reminder of the great will quietly appeared.

Su Chen raised his eyebrows, looked at the gorgeous looking equipment in front of him, but picked it up like a blunt weapon.

[You have obtained epic equipment * Burial Dragon Sword (unfinished)]

[You have obtained epic-level equipment * Burial Dragon Sword (unfinished)... The hundred-fold increase is activated, and you have obtained mythical-level equipment * Sword of Severing Destiny]


Su Chen was startled suddenly.

Some didn't respond.

This god king, the gift of the shot is an epic weapon?

Then after the increase, it directly became a mythical level?!

Seeing that appearance changed drastically, sharp and dark, it seemed like a mythical weapon that condensed the whole world.

Su Chen suppressed the churning emotions in his heart.

Open the panel of this equipment.

【Cutting Sword of Destiny】(Myth)

(increases strength by 450000)


(increase agility by 300000)

(increase physical defense by 1400000)

(Increase special defense by 1400000)


(Increase special attack by 2000000)

(Ignore the enemy's physical defense)

(Ignore the enemy's special defense)

(Depending on physical/special attack, an additional 400% real damage will be added)

(Reduces the cooldown of all skills by 80%)

(increase current physical attack by 1500%)

(increase current special attack by 1500%)

(Owned skill 'Fate as Enemy': consumes 200,000 mana, releases a sword that even fate cannot stop, ignores any karma constraints, real damage shield, comes with karma that must hit and hurt, cannot be blocked by interception , cannot be exempted, this sword will have an additional 5000% real damage to the "world" or creatures with "world blessings, blessings, and blessings, the skill damage depends on the user's physical/special attack)

(Included skill 'Will of the Gods': This is a weapon imbued with the prayers of the gods of a certain world. They firmly believe that the master who can hold this sword in the future must be an existence that will bow to fate, so , the master who holds this sword will receive additional blessings from the gods...

(Requires 60,000 strength points, level 55 melee class)

(Currently does not meet the strength attributes, level requirements, temporarily unavailable)

(Mythical weapons that condense the entire world, when fighting a certain target, if the quality of the opponent's equipment is lower than the equipment, there is a 40% chance of direct damage)

[On that day, the God King woke up from his long sleep and let the goshawk take a branch of the World Tree from the end of the world, and then he let the holy unicorn go to the eternal frozen land in the extreme north , fetched the eternal ice, followed by the brave jackal... until the objects he wanted to collect were placed in front of the gods, the god king said: "This world needs to be forged." Create a sword that cuts off fate, but it will obey fate and can never be completed``." The gods were amazed, although the king of gods had spoken beforehand, many gods were still eager to try, took their precious things, entrusted The god of forging wanted to see the birth of a sharp weapon capable of cutting fate, but they were disappointed in the end. No matter how superb the god of forging was, how he used divine power and many materials, the sword that was said to be able to cut fate , but still could not complete it... After seeing the semi-finished product, the God of Forging sighed: "This is just a sword specially designed to kill dragon spirits, it is impossible to cut off fate..."... ………However, it was not until the arrival of the final dragon that the God of Forging realized that the sword could indeed cut off fate, but the process and result of forging it also had to obey fate and could not be completed. ………]

It was like the shocking emotion when I saw the bow of the Hunting Goddess for the first time came to my mind again.

Su Chen, who patiently scanned the equipment panel, took a deep breath.

Mythical equipment.

Really cruel.

The exaggerated million data increase, and the special effect that directly ignores the opponent's physical/special defense.

That alone is terrifying.

It actually comes with 400% real damage, and a high-damage skill that ignores the constraints of karma and cannot be blocked by interception...

"Really, it makes people want to reach level 55 immediately."

Su Chen sighed.

This Sword of Severing Destiny is the strongest equipment he has obtained so far.

All the entries above make people unable to take their eyes off at all.

To be honest, it's really scary.

"Those gods (Qianmahao) who forged it, but were hindered by 'fate' and couldn't forge it into a finished product, probably couldn't have predicted it.

"This sword actually became a finished product one day."

After calming down a bit, Su Chen put the mythical weapon into his backpack, took Rosa, Audrey, and the spirits of nature with him, and continued towards the next floor.


He really didn't expect it.

Here comes the 【Conquest Mission】.

The weapons available at level 35, level 45, and level 55 are all available.

Moreover, there are so many legendary and epic items.

This harvest, even picking out a diamond, is enough to make many professionals ecstatic.

After all, the drop rate is an eternal pain.

Not to mention, things like equipment and skill books that are suitable for you.

Not everyone is like Su Chen, who can ignore the restrictions of occupations, learn skills from other occupations, and carry equipment from other occupations!

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