After thinking carefully...

Murong Er'er still feels that he wants to increase his winning rate to 100%...

Although our team does have a cute king who does not worship, we are still afraid of accidents...

The ten-person station this time is different from the six-person station. If one of the people is killed, the remaining people will easily face one hitting two...

"I think we should use the formation this time..."

"After all, life cannot always be smooth."

"In the time just now, I also inquired about the knowledge and formations of some ten-person stations."

"I think we are most suitable for the crowded tactics."

Lin Feng saw Murong Er'er worry about using the method Li Yuan said, since she said that if there is a formation, there is a formation...

After all, in this battle, sometimes it is necessary to pay attention to one thing, not to be chaotic.

It's like the most powerful thing, if it happens to be matched by a weaker team in the team, isn't it, there is only a dead end, and it's nothing to lose?

"I think Xiao Er is right."

"The ten-person station is still different from the six-person station after all."

"Then we will make a battle according to attack power and moves, right?"

Diablo pondered for a while, and felt that as a shadow shooter, he was a hidden career for long-range killing, and it was better to choose the most central position.

In this way, you can also help your teammates whenever they need help, and you can also help them at any time.

"I choose the middle position."

"Five, right?"

Murong Shanshan saw that Di Hei Ming Ye had chosen five. She knew that although she and Di Hei Ming Ye were both assassinated, they belonged to a close attack...

Therefore, it is actually best to choose the second and third place from the bottom.

This way it will not be easy to be targeted...

"I choose the ninth place."

Ye Qingqing and Li Yuan glanced at each other.

Their ability to cooperate as a husband and wife must definitely be superior to the ability to cooperate with other people...

"Then we should choose six and seven, right?"

Yalishan Dai and Ximen Winter Melon both chose, three or four.

Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi chose ten and eight respectively.

Murong Er'er finally chose the second place.

After all, as the only magician in the team who can completely attack from a long range, he must stand at a higher position!

Now the distribution has been completed.

Lin Feng is definitely in the first place.

"Then in my current position, I am number one."

"Murong Xiaoer is second and Ximen Donggua is third."

"Yalishan ranks fourth, Diablo Mingye ranks fifth."

"Continuously the sixth place, and Qingcaoyuan seventh place."

"Murong Shanshan is eighth, Murong Xiaosi is ninth"

"Murong Xiaowu ranked tenth."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Everyone queued up and waited for the game to start.

"Welcome to the King Moe Team to participate in the ten-man station of the world's number one martial arts conference!"

"Also please be prepared for all players, and the game will begin immediately!"

"Are you going to match right away?"


The ten people shouted in unison.

Everyone looked at the Mengwang team, which had lined up the formation and position at this time.

This is also the first time that the Mengwang team has changed everyone's formation so seriously.

"I thought it would be worth seeing once. Don't you want to think that the usual Mengwang would be so serious when fighting? I must feel that I am insured, and I am afraid that I will make a change if I lose."

"Actually, it's normal. After all, everyone is afraid of losing, making it as if we are not afraid of losing... Oh, I really don't know who will meet Mengwang and others in this game."

"It's estimated that the first game was the worst. Once I joined it and didn't play well, I guess it failed... But it's normal. Imagine Meng Wang played other stations like this."

"If you don't tell me, I have to forget how powerful the other king Meng is. Besides, I don't think there is any need to adjust the other teams. There are ten on the opposite side of the other team!"

"Don't say it too early. Sometimes, I'm afraid that teammates are too pitted. Sometimes, teammates are too pitted, but they will pit themselves. If a teammate like a pig encounters it, it is estimated that they will collapse. Bar……"

"At the first stop, I was only curious about who it was that I would match Mengwang and the others without looking at the almanac today..."

"I believe this battle will be very beautiful, and what I like most is the challenge between them!"


"The match is successful!"

The ten lights also fell in the martial arts arena.

This time the opponent is really surprising.

I didn't expect that the first game encountered would be the mad war alliance!

This also shocked everyone!

In fact, from the fact that they happened to enter the ten-man station for the first time, it seemed that they were coming for the other King Meng team.

Lin Feng smiled softly. He didn't expect that he would meet old friends at this stop.

The smile on Murong Er'er's face grew thicker, but his eyes grew colder.

"I really didn't expect to meet you again."

Crazy Dragon smiled coldly, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"I didn't expect it?"

"This time we are here to defeat you!"

When Lin Feng heard it, he felt very ridiculous...

However, seeing them seem to be triumphant, it is estimated that this time they have made preparations.

"Then I have to take a good look at you, what can I do to defeat us."

Murong Er'er said with a chuckle.

"These nice words are all spoken out."

"But in the end, you guys seem to be miserable, right?"

"Remember last time, you were quite a failure, this time you still intend to be beaten in the face?"

The mad dragon stared at them with gritted teeth!

This time he also worked hard for many days before fighting them!

"This time, don't you guys want to win!"

Ximen Winter Melon snorted lightly, and didn't put this crazy dragon in his eyes.

This mad war alliance has always been enemies with them.

Naturally, he would not treat his enemies as human beings.

Needless to say, Yali Mountain and Dark Mingye, they didn't even look at the crazy dragon in front of them.

All the people in the mad war alliance are going to be pissed to death...

After all, they are also guilds with a face and face. They were admired in the past, but they did not expect that now because of their appearance, their trade unions have always been looked down upon!

But these are also facts...

If you want to win, you must defeat the Mengwang team!

This is also the only start they can regain everyone's affirmation!

"Please be prepared for both players."

"The game will start soon!"

The attributes of all members of both sides appeared in each other's eyes.

Opponent: Crazy Dragon

Health value: 652160

Magic value: 18000

Opponent: Gale

Health value: 641000

Magic value: 17000

Opponent: Fanatic

Health value: 631000

Magic value: 16899

Opponent: Kuang Xuan

Health value: 621000

Magic value: 16499

Opponent: Rain

Health value: 611000

Magic value: 16388

Opponent: Mad Fish

Health value: 599998

Magic value: 15888

Opponent: Wild Hunt

Health value: 589999

Magic value: 15788

Opponent: Crazy Wolf

Health value: 578888

Magic value: 15655

Opponent: Fury

Health value: 569999

Magic value: 15555

Opponent: Crazy Fight

Health value: 555555

Magic value: 15444


A series of attributes flashed before Lin Feng's eyes and slipped...

He found that this mad war alliance has become a little stronger.

Kuanglong chuckled lightly, seeing that the distance between himself and Lin Feng was not too great now, and he laughed.

"I thought it's been so long, how much progress you will make, King Meng..."

"Unexpectedly, as always."

The tone was full of sarcasm towards Lin Feng...

Lin Feng said lightly.

"It seems that you have worked very hard to defeat me recently."

"If you still lose, I think it would be really embarrassing and thrown into the house."

Murong Er'er also observed the changes in this series of mad war alliances.

I have to say that it is indeed much stronger.

"Yes, yes, it seems that you are really working hard recently."

The murderous aura of the two teams also began to approach each other.

In the sky of the entire martial arts arena, everyone seems to be able to see the small flames burning on everyone's heads...

This fight seems to be destined to be particularly interesting!

The audience also discussed at this time.

"I feel that this fight will definitely be something to watch. People in the mad war alliance will definitely not be as wasteful as they were at the beginning! This has greatly increased everyone's attention!"

"I can smell the smell of gunpowder in the air now. It seems that as long as the game starts, the two teams will have a particularly powerful fight! It is estimated that some of this battle will come, and the main thing is to see whether this mad war alliance can fight. Win the Moe King team!"

"You don't have to think about it, it's definitely impossible to win! Our Meng Wang team are all such powerful characters, how can we win."

"I am now more curious about the fighting power of the dark night in the middle... How do I feel, she seems to be very powerful, she really has a kind of domineering domineering!"

"Yeah, I am also a fan of this young lady! I really like it too much. I really like this girl at a glance. I don't know why, I feel like she looks a bit like Mulan..."

"When you say that, I feel that way too... It seems that she really looks a bit like Mulan! Especially her high ponytail is really good-looking. As expected, people who are good-looking are good-looking people."

"You guys one by one, it feels like you're all watching beauties, not for games... Speaking of beauties, I still prefer the appearance of Murong Xiaowu, who is ranked last, and I feel that she is very cute. Very cute.".

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