National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 119 The perfect assassination in the sun, the big boss of the Holy Tree Garden!


flapping its wings and flying all the way,

Su Yu is leisurely and leisurely, flying around the city, passing through the crowds and streets. Sacred Tree City is an ancient elf city, the city is very beautiful, and the elf girls are also exceptionally watery.

could not help but,

Su Yu took an accelerated dive and flew towards the crowd below.

"Aiya, what a nasty bee, it's flying into other people's nests..." One of the elf young-Neodymium said while covering Xiaozui.

"Mama, there are bees and yao people~" an elf little loli shouted.

'Well, good and bad little bees...'

"Oops, I was taken advantage of by a little bee..."

"Is there any herbal medicine for treating bee stings that sells a large bag of stings?"

"It hurts to be stung..."

bees fly over,

There was Yingyingyanyan's voice in the crowd.

cross the street.

A huge and gorgeous marble palace appeared in front of you, with beautiful stone carvings and elegant lines, at first glance it was a masterpiece of high elves.

【You found it: Holy Tree Garden!】

[Hint: The current space has a space enchantment, and only the enchantment token can freely enter and exit! 】

The destination has arrived.

The fruit of the holy tree is in the courtyard.


In this courtyard, there is a space enchantment, which cannot be flashed in, nor can it fly in. If you want to enter the courtyard, the only way is to get the enchantment token.

"Boundary token.

"It's on the soldiers nearby, look for it first."

Su Yu thought.

Before coming, he had done enough homework. The sacred tree guards who are in charge of defense need to keep going in and out of the courtyard, and they may have tokens on them.


Su Yu was very patient and kept flying around the courtyard. At a certain moment, he finally saw the opportunity and saw a lonely guard of the sacred tree.

【lv25·Holy Tree Guards】


Skills: Archer Mastery, Short Sword Mastery, Piercing Shot, Spiral Sword Dance, Rapid Fire, Shield Mastery...

Description: A common elf unit, proficient in long-range, melee, defense and other combat.

good guy,

As expected of the High Elf of the strongest race in the world.

any soldier,

It has 2600+ attacks, a small 80,000 HP, and is proficient in all kinds of far and near weapons. Compared with the elite units of other races, it is less frustrating.

However, the soldier did not realize that the god of death was approaching.

"Shadowmoon, prepare..."

Turning on the [communicator], Su Yu sent a message to Shadow Moon that he couldn't kill units with more than 80,000 HP in seconds, so he had to resort to long-range firepower.

"Received. 35

More than a dozen kilometers away, on the high peak of the mountain, a young man with a silver ponytail elegantly drew his longbow and aimed the front sight at the soldier.

【Ten Shooting Stars】!

The bow opened like a full moon, Shao Nei let go, and shot ten arrows in a row!

Whoosh whoosh!





Ten arrows, with the speed of electricity, traveled more than ten kilometers in an instant, hit the soldier's head with precision, and hit ten damage numbers in a row.

The soldier's blood bar was instantly knocked out by more than 40,000.

【Sacred Artifact・Angel Wings】!

at the same time,

Su Yu also did it, he canceled the transformation, summoned angel wings, activated 100% crit, and activated 300% attack speed!

He raised his hand and shot an arrow at the soldier from behind.


-35000! (500%)

This arrow fired 500% critical damage, and the soldier's remaining health bar was quickly cleared. Before he could react to what happened, he fell to the ground with a thud.

Instant kill!

A dozen kilometers apart, hitting at the same time, killing an elf soldier in seconds, this is a perfect match!

[Hint: You complete a perfect cooperation with (Shadow Moon・Dark Spider) and get: Favorability +10,000! 】

A message emerges.

Su Yu also smiled, looking back at the direction of the mountain i, there seemed to be a pair of tacit gazes meeting in the air.


Without saying a word, Su Yu stepped forward immediately and swept the soldier's body, along with the spoils, into his backpack.

Then, turn on "God's Changes" and disappear.

"Hey, why do you feel like there was someone here just now?"

"Is it an illusion?"

After a while.

Another elf soldier passed by. He seemed to hear something and came to check, but he didn't see anything.

I also thought I heard it wrong.

Scratched his head and left.

[You get: (Silver・Holy Tree Helmet) x1, Medium Bottle Healing Potion x1, Magic Vegetable Soup x1, Blue Snake Grass x3. 】

Su Yu turns into a bee.

I searched for the loot in the backpack, unfortunately, I did not get the [Enchantment Token]!

But it doesn't matter,

Just assassinate a few more soldiers, and it will always explode.


This kind of assassination itself is very refreshing, and it can also refresh Shadow Moon's favorability, so why not do it.

After a while.

Skill cooldown is over.

A lone elf shooter fell into Su Yu's eyes, so he flapped his wings and quietly followed.

【Ten Shooting Stars】!

Whoosh whoosh!


【Sacred Artifact・Angel Wings】!



Instant kill!

The two cooperated tacitly and shot at the same time, killing the single elf shooter in seconds.

then immediately,

Su Yu put the corpse and booty into the backpack.

[Hint: You complete a perfect cooperation with (Shadow Moon・Dark Spider) and get: Favorability +10,000! 】

[You get: (Bronze・Cracked Sacred Tree Longbow) x1, (Bronze・Worn Archer Cloak] x1, Delicious Apple x1, Blue Snake Grass x1! 】


There was no [Enchantment Token] burst.

Due to the tacit understanding, the favorability of the two increased by 10,000 again!

【Spiritual Changes】!

【Magic Changes・Little Bee】!

Done with this.

Su Yu once again turned into a harmless little bee, waiting for the skill to cool down while walking around, waiting for new prey to appear.

【You killed (lv25·Holy Tree Guard)!】

【Favorability + 10,000!】

【You killed (lv25・Holy Tree Assassin)!】

【Favorability + 10,000!】



The sun is shining, and the Holy Tree City is bathed in brilliance.

0.... ask for flowers ·

But what no one sees is,

Around the innermost holy tree courtyard, one after another assassination is being carried out in secret. Whether it is a soldier with less than 80,000 HP, or a shooter and assassin with more than 60,000 HP.

As long as you are single, you will be killed suddenly, and the body will be swept away!


Su Yu has secretly assassinated more than 30 people, and his favorability with Shadow Moon has smashed more than 300,000!

[You killed (lv25. Holy Tree Elite Soldier)! 】

【You get: (Enchantment Token) x1, (Silver・Elite Soldier Boots) x1, (Bronze・Elite Soldier Dagger) x1...】


After catching a single elite soldier and cooperating to kill him, a small token was released.

【Boundary Token】

Description: Holding this token, you can freely pass through the Holy Tree Courtyard.

very good,

Su Yu took the token and flew to the gate of the Holy Tree Courtyard happily.

at this time,

Since more than 30 people were missing, the elves had already caught the attention, and they began to investigate along the courtyard.

However, they did not expect that

The culprit, already swaggering, came to the entrance of the Holy Tree Courtyard.

【The enchantment token is being detected!】

[Testing progress: 10%, 20%, 30%...100%!]

【Test passed!】

【You get the qualification to enter the enchantment!】

Fly to the front of the enchantment.

After reading the article for a while, Su Yu obtained the qualification to enter, flapped his wings, and flew into the interior of the holy tree courtyard.

【You are here: Holy Tree Courtyard Open Square!】

Holy Tree Garden,

It is built according to the holy tree in the city, and when you enter it, it is a huge circular open-air plaza.

However, due to enchantment restrictions,

Inside the courtyard, you can see the outside view.

Outside, no view of the courtyard can be seen.

[Hint: In the current space, there is a powerful being! 】

A prompt appears.

slow down,

Su Yu was flying slowly in the courtyard, and with difficulty, he sneaked in and must not be discovered.


Just took two steps, but I heard a clattering sound.

follow the reputation,

Su Yu saw that in the mist, there was a steaming hot spring, a shenzi graceful spirit, was muyu in it.

good guy~

Someone was actually soaking in the hot spring, and she was still a fairy girl, so she couldn't help but arouse a little curiosity,

flew over quietly,

【Holy Tree Priest Aurora】(lv25)

Title: Bronze Lord boss.


M: 8,800,000!

Description: Among the quintuplets of priests of the Holy Tree City, the fifth sister is the fifth sister, proficient in ice magic.


It is a lord boss, and it is also the fifth of the five sisters of the holy tree priest.

The powerful being who was reminded just now should be this person.

Although a little rude.

Su Yu flapped his wings and hovered over the big boss, and after watching for a long time, he quietly left.

Well, let's look for the holy tree fruit first,

Business is urgent! Chuan.

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