National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 13 Lick The Dog, Nothing!

"Little big brother, does it look familiar?"

Come to the booth.

Liu Junyao bit her lip, held her cheeks in her hand, and her eyes were flashing. She always seemed to feel that the young man in front of her was a little familiar, so she couldn't help but take a second look.

"Cough cough..."

Su Yu was furious at being seen, and spread out his hands: "Miss, have you seen enough... If you continue to watch, I will pay for it."


Only then did Liu Junyao realize that she was abrupt, and she smiled: "Okay, I bought all the equipment here, at double the price."

Double the money, just make up for it abruptly.

Liu Junyao decisively started to sweep the goods.

[(lv4·Princess Yaoyao) bought your (Bronze·Wintercastle Apprentice Staff), pay: 20 gold coins (double)! 】

[…(Bronze Shadow Defender Shoulders)…Payment: 15 gold coins (double)! 】

[…(Dark Iron·Ring of Surge of Mana)…Payment: 2 gold coins (double)! 】



Women are indeed shopaholics.

Dozens of pieces of equipment.

It's swept away in an instant, and it's all paid for at double the price. A total of more than 30 gold coins were paid for goods originally worth more than a dozen gold coins.

This scene is completely stunned.

Many people even suspected that this daughter of the Liu family had taken a fancy to the great god [Qianshan Muxue]?

The dozen or so male players behind Liu Junyao were burning with jealousy and their eyes were purple!

The second generation of their group of swimmers spent a few days with Liu Junyao to fight monsters,

licking and licking,

As a result, in exchange only indifference!

On the other hand, [Qianshan Twilight Snow]...


"This woman from the Liu family is not simple."

The corner of Su Yu's mouth evoked a playful look.

"Little big brother."

Liu Junyao's lips parted lightly: "I have a B-level challenge mission here. I wonder if the little big brother is interested in participating together?"

"B-level challenge?"

Su Yu's eyes lit up slightly. No wonder he showed his affection. It turned out that he was asking himself to do the challenge task together. The B-level challenge was quite difficult.

Of course, the rewards are also very rich.

It is a challenge and an opportunity!


When she heard that Liu Junyao invited Su Yu to form a team, the second generation behind her finally couldn't hold back.

"Junyao, how can you form someone you don't know?"

"This Qianshan Muxue is not from our second-generation circle, don't take him to play..."

"What kind of thing is he worthy of teaming up with us?"

"forget it!"

"What's the use of him as a level 3 player?"

They all complained.

Listening to these words, Liu Junyao couldn't help frowning, looked at Su Yu with apologetic eyes, and said, "Little big brother, sorry, don't know them in the same way... I wonder if you would like to form a team with Junyao?"


This daughter of the Liu family doesn't like these second-generation licking dogs at all, but treats them as tool people.


Su Yu said slowly: "You can form a team, but you must, promise me three conditions."

"Please say."

"First, I'll be the captain."

Su Yu first said that he didn't like it and was restricted by others.

"it is good."

"Second, except for legal items, all drops belong to me."

Su Yu spoke again.

"Okay... okay."

Liu Junyao gritted her teeth and agreed.

have to say.

The second condition was very harsh, and Su Yu didn't expect it, but Liu Junyao agreed. But I didn't expect that this girl was really sincere. In order to form a team with her, she worked too hard.


Su Yu paused, turned his eyes to the second-generation swimmers behind him, and said slowly, "I don't really like teaming up with Lick Dog..."

"Giggle, okay, this kicks them off!"

Liu Junyao giggled.

These people were originally her tool people, and without saying a word, they kicked out the second generation of you behind them from the team.

Then, group Su Yu into the team and transfer the captain.

Everything is neat and tidy.

Without any hesitation.

Su Yu can't help but look extra sideways.

And the dozen or so second-generation swimmers were completely dumbfounded. They worked hard to help Liu Junyao fight for a few days, and as a result, they were kicked by the opponent in the backhand.

Lick the dog, lick the dog, lick to the end, nothing!

This is too bad!


Su Yu is also clear.

Liu Junyao made such concessions, I am afraid, is trying to win over herself.

But apparently she miscalculated.

Yan Que does not know the ambition of Honghu, some people are destined not to be subjugated.

Talk in detail.

The two also agreed to meet again the next day and start the B-level challenge together.



Su Yu finally waited, and the old village chief immediately stepped forward and handed in the task.

"Brave adventurer."

"I learned that you killed many beasts and eradicated the beast crisis for the village chief. This little reward is a little bit of the village's heart!"

The old village chief stroked his beard and smiled.

【Congratulations! You complete the quest "Eradicate the Beast" and get rewards: gold x2, healing ointment x5, magic mushroom x5, bronze equipment box x1, experience x5000! 】

Rewards are okay.

"Brave adventurer."

"The whole village is rumored that you bravely killed the three bosses, you have proved your courage, and you deserve the highest respect!"

The village head was excited.

【Congratulations! You complete the hidden mission "Brave Challenge" and get rewards: gold x10, empire reputation x1000, experience x18000! 】

【Congratulations! Get a reward: Ice Crystal Ring (embodied item)! 】

【Congratulations! You upgrade to lv4! 】

As expected of a hidden mission.

Great rewards!

With 10 gold coins, the level has been upgraded by one level.

Among them, Imperial Prestige refers to the human empire on the mundane plane in "World of the Gods".

Last item.

It's a manifestation item that has always been on my mind, a ring that shines with the luster of ice crystals.


[Ice crystal ring] (embodied props)

(First Order) (Silver)

+10 Defense, +20 Frost Resistance, +100 Health, +50 Magic, Skill [Refrigerator].


【Refrigerator Technique】

Cool down: 3 minutes.

Description: Throw out an ice cube to wrap itself, unable to move at this time, but immune to all physical and magic damage, lasts up to 5s.


Silver quality!

If you only look at the basic attributes, it is quite good, greatly increasing the survivability, and it can be regarded as a quite satisfactory silver equipment.


But it comes with a skill, which is amazing!

well known.

In "World of Gods", skills are very rare, and equipment with skills is hard to find and expensive!

The accompanying "Refrigerator Technique" is almost invincible after it is used, and it can be called a magician's life-saving skill!

"Refrigerator, equal to 5s invincibility!"

Put the ring on.

Su Yu nodded with satisfaction. With this ice ring, tomorrow's B-level challenge will undoubtedly be more certain.

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