National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 147 I accept your apology, the murder scandal, Wu Tian's backhand!


"Really Shadowmoon, the golden hero NPC, is much prettier than the video..."

"Look how sweet the goddess smiles!"

"My dear, Xue Da is really lucky, the daughter of the Liu family in the left hand, and the goddess of the shadow moon in the right hand, I really enjoy the blessings of all people...

"Having a goddess, a rich woman, and a dog, Xue Da's life is too happy!

"I cry with envy..."

"There is really a big snow, is even a daughter like Liu Junyao willing to be small?

"I heard that the young master Wu Tian of the Wu family is madly pursuing Liu Junyao... I wonder if the young master Wu Tian will vomit blood when he sees this scene."5

"Emmm, Qianjin Liu rejected Wu Tian, ​​but turned around and became a child in Xue Da's place..."

"It can only be said that the snow is great..."

"The little white dog is so cute. 99

Hall of Awakening,

As Su Yu came with the second neodymium, there was a lot of exclamations all around.

Liu Junyao,

That is the daughter of the Liu family, the jewel in the palm of the old patriarch of the Liu family, and the young masters of the major families all dreamed of marrying Liu Qianjin.

However, this eldest lady is "being small" here in Mu Xue


It really caught the eye of many people.


"What is small and not small, in my eyes, every one is true love!

Su Yu whispered.



Bai Niu couldn't be anxious all the way, and kept making wolf roars, um, she was proving to everyone that she was not a pet dog, but a wolf!

Inside the warrior hall.

many people.

Xiaobai led the way in front, shouting away the crowd, making sure that no one crowded the two female relatives of Yingyue and Liu Junyao.

Still very kind.

"Go! Go! Go!"

"Good dogs don't stand in the way, who's dog, get out of my way now!"

Suddenly a figure rushed over, and without saying a word, kicked Xiaobai who was leading the way.


Xiaobai is so flexible, he just jumped back and avoided this kick.

"Ouch? 99

Xiaobai was kicked, how could he bear it, he gritted his teeth and was ready to pounce on someone.

She is a rebellious wolf king in her bones. She once ruled hundreds of thousands of wolf clans. When did she suffer from this kind of bird?

"Xiao Bai, come back.

Su Yu stopped Xiao Bai and noticed that the person who came was a teenager with a hook nose, triangular eyes, and a dark look on his face.


Su Yu gave a cold drink,

If in "The World of the Gods", he would have killed someone long ago, but the real world is still a little more peaceful. As long as the other party made an unintentional mistake and sincerely admitted his mistake, he would not kill him.

"Apologize? 39

The hook-nosed boy glanced at Su Yu, but smiled coldly: "Apologize, why apologize, I am from the Wu family, how old are you, let us from the Wu family apologize!"5

Wu family,

One of the four top families in the magic capital, it is extremely powerful and powerful. Looking at the entire magic capital, only the Liu family can stabilize the Wu family.

The Wu family had an ancestor, one stayed in the imperial capital and had a seat in the Senate.

The people of the Wu family have always been arrogant and domineering, and no one dared to bully them.

"I go……

"People from the Wu family, it seems that Qianshan Muxue has to endure it for a while..."

"Yes, the four major families, it is not built! 35

"I heard that there was once a small family that angered the Wu family and was directly exterminated.

"I guess that's what happened!"

"Qianshan Muxue, after all, a first-order commoner, compared to a big family like the Wu family, is still a bit worse."

"The snow is heavy, take a step back to see the sky and the sea, bear the calm for a while~"

"Go away..."

The crowd was talking.

The people of the Wu family, let alone kicking a pet, even if they kicked a person or even killed a person, they don't need the person in charge.

Even the Prince's Gang would not easily enmity with the Wu family.

This is the old family!

"Master, I will kill him!

snorted coldly,

Shadow Moon is going to step forward angrily. She is a dark elf, and she will take vengeance. The owner's pet is bullied. How can she endure this.

Besides, after getting along for a few days, she has already fallen in love with Hutouhuo, a little idiot.

"Senior, leave it to me.

Liu Junyao also said.

The people of the Wu family were indeed difficult to deal with, and she didn't want Su Yu to go into this troubled water. On the contrary, as the daughter of the Liu family, she was not afraid of the Wu family at all.

Two neodymium came forward,

Su Yu was also slightly moved, especially the elementary school girl, for her own sake, she did not hesitate to turn her face with the Wu family,

However, Xiaobai is his own pet, and he must make his own way!

"I count to 3 and apologize immediately!"

step forward,

Su Yu said coldly to the hooked-nosed young man, even if the other party is a member of the Wu family, as long as there is something abrupt Xiaobai means, he must apologize.

This is a matter of principle!


"Looking at the entire magic capital, you are the first person who dares to ask my Wu family to apologize. You don't think that a mere third-order awakened person can fight against my entire Wu family?"

The hooked-nosed boy scoffed.


Su Yu was emotionless and read a number.

"Get out of the way for Lao Tzu, I advise you to drink mouse tail juice, otherwise, you will have good juice to eat!

The hooked-nosed boy had a fearless expression on his face.


Su Yu spat out another number.


"Qianshan Muxue, you dare to stop my Wu family, you are very powerful, don't you dare to kill me??"

The hook-nosed boy sneered.

The task he received was to entangle Qianshan Muxue and provoke the opponent with all his might.


After Su Yu spit out the word "1", his eyes suddenly turned cold, he raised his hand and punched out,

The size of a fist sandbag and the speed of electricity, he came to the teenager in a blink of an eye,


With a punch, the Wu family boy had a blue nose and a swollen face.

"You dare to hit me?"5

The boy of the Wu family was stunned with blood on his face.

"court death!"

Su Yu's eyes flickered with murderous intent, and his fists like raindrops slammed out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!  …

Fists poured out like raindrops,

This Wu family boy is also a third-order awakener, but his attributes are very different from Su Yu.

After a few punches, the young man was powerless to fight back, and his face was beaten into a pig's head.


There was only a sound of cold air all around,

The Wu family is a veteran family, and it is the first time they have seen people from the Wu family and were beaten so badly!

"If you offend Xiaobai, you will end up dead! 35

Did not stop.

Su Yu continued his round boxing. As an attribute monster, he had six or seven thousand attacks with no equipment and bare hands, and no one at the same level could withstand it.

After some punches and kicks, the Wu family boy was already bloody, and his breath was weak, like a bloody man.

"Kneel down!"

A fist was slapped on the head, and the huge force directly caused the Wu family boy to kneel on the ground and in front of Xiaobai.

If you don't want to apologize, just force him to apologize!

"I...I was wrong..."

"God Muxue, the adults don't remember the villain's deeds, I was wrong, I apologize, it's okay now. 95

also beaten,

The Wu family boy coughed up blood and begged for mercy,

"Okay, I accept your apology. 55

Su Yu let out a mouthful.

"Thank you for Xue Da's generosity and generosity, I Wu Qian wrote it down, let's not forget it!"

The Wu family boy's face was full of joy, but a ruthless look flashed in his eyes, and he secretly swore in his heart that as long as he passed this test, he would have to pay the price tenfold or a hundredfold!


Just as he was about to leave, his forehead lit up, and when he looked up, he saw Su Yu slammed into the door with a punch!

"`~ Qianshan Muxue, you are cheating!!

The Wu family boy shouted.

"Hehe, I myself accepted your apology, but not my fist!"

Su Yuzui's corner evoked a hint of banter.


The next moment the fist hit, the sound of the watermelon bursting sounded, and blood splattered all over the floor.

A headless corpse fell to the ground with a thud.

Offending Xiaobai is the price!

all around.

In an instant, there was a dead silence all around, and the needles could be heard falling. All the awakened ones opened their eyes and thought they were wrong.

Qianshan Muxue, dare to kill the Wu family?

"It's a disaster, it's a big disaster!"

"Qianshan Muxue is in a big trouble now, how could the Wu family just let it go if they killed the Wu family in public! 95

"In these years, there have been quite a few families that have been beheaded by the Wu family!

"Impulse, I'm impulsive..."

"Is a genius dying?

"The legend of Qianshan Muxue, I am afraid, will stop here!"

"It's so fun to watch, and someone should take care of this group of dogs in the Wu family."

"The Wu family, but there is an elder who can speak in the elder's house, how could he spare Qianshan Muxue?"

"Damn it, gg!

come back,

Awakened people all around, there was a lot of discussion immediately, and they all felt that Qianshan Muxue was crazy!

" are so bloody (Zhao's)!

Liu Junyao was also stunned for a moment, even if she was, she would not easily do anything to the Wu family.

On the contrary, the senior, a genius without any background, was not afraid of the Wu family at all. This bloody nature made her extremely admire.


"At the Wu family's side, I will withstand the pressure for you. 35

Liu Junyao clenched her pink fist.

Although the Wu family is strong, the Liu family is not a vegetarian. The head of the four major families also has a seat of elders in the Imperial Senate.

"Let's go to the copy first. 35

clapped hands,

Su Yu said indifferently, although the Su family is strong, he has his own countermeasures, and he has thought about the consequences before he takes action.

Saying that, he stepped forward, put the corpse in his backpack, and walked towards the teleportation array.

And this time.

A cold voice suddenly came from upstairs: "Humph, do you want to leave after killing my Wu family?"





Accompanied by this sound, one after another figure fell into the hall, and the ground trembled slightly for each figure, exuding an extremely terrifying coercion, making people breathless.

There are more than a dozen people in total, all of them are full-level awakening!!

These full-level awakenings, with three floors inside and outside, surrounded Su Yu and the others, and a pure and morbid young boy slowly walked out of the crowd.

It was the young master of the Wu family, Wu Tian, ​​who had been watching the play upstairs.

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