National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 162 The two emperors are attending the engagement wedding, the passengers in this car are a

Chapter 162 The two emperors are attending the engagement wedding, the passengers in this car are a bit luxurious!!

Emerald Palace District.

Su Zhan and Wu Huilan, as usual, went out for a walk and came back, drinking tea and watching TV leisurely.


Since moving to the Emerald Palace, the life of the second elder has also been nourished a lot.

Wu Huilan has always been in poor health, but since Liu Junyao presented a 1 billion health card, she often goes to the club for health care and treatment, and her health is much better.

Su Zhan's position in the Su Group, due to the support of the major owners of the Emerald Palace, has risen all the way, has been transferred to the headquarters, and has become a rising group executive of the Su Group.

"This house..."

"Since Xiaoyu was admitted to the university, it has been smooth sailing..."

Wu Huilan said with a look of relief.

Back then, she was still worried about a 3-series, but today, she has a luxury car, villa, identity and status.

There are also two big beauties...a daughter of Liu's family and a super beauty, both of whom want to marry Xiaoyu.

Life has been turned upside down.


"Everything at home is given by Xiaoyu."

Su Zhan nodded heavily, and then thought of something, with a hint of doubt on his face, and said, "A few days ago, when I was chatting with President Chen of the Urban Construction Company, I heard that his son is also studying at the Magic Capital University of Technology, so I asked Chen to do so. In general, I inquired about Xiaoyu's situation at the Magic Capital University of Technology.35

After the last high school entrance examination,

Su Yu's explanation to the second old man was that he was admitted to the Magic City University of Technology, and he was so excited about the second old man.

"What did Mr. Chen say?

"Presumably with Xiaoyu's talent, he must be very bright at the Magic Capital University of Technology, right?"

Wu Huilan asked expectantly.

On weekdays,

Su Yu didn't report the school to the second old man, and the second old man was very knowledgeable and didn't ask. The second old man didn't know anything about Xiaoyu's situation at school.

When asked by my wife,

Su Zhan's face was even more puzzled, and he said slowly: "I had lunch with President Chen today, and President Chen's reply was that there is no student named Su Yu at the Magic Capital University of Technology. 99

Magic City University,

Without Su Yu's name,

This made Su Zhan puzzled. Wu Huilan was a little confused when she heard it...

In the eyes of the old man,

Su Yu has always been a good boy who doesn't lie,

But now it seems that

Apparently Su Yu lied to Er Lao!!

The air in the room suddenly became quiet...


"Below." 5

"Insert a piece of news: The high-profile confrontation in the Hall of Awakening ended with the defeat of the Wu family and the victory of the Liu family and Moxing University. 35

"It is reported that Wu Tian, ​​the son of the Wu family, and Wu Qian, a clan member, have all been confirmed to be orc spies. All members of the Wu family have been officially arrested and await further interrogation."

at this time,

There was a news on TV,

These days,

The news of the confrontation between the three parties in the Demon City Awakening Hall almost wiped out the fishing reels. Even Su Zhan and Wu Huilan, who have never cared about the news of the Awakened, watch it every day.

When they saw that the arrogant Wu family had been arrested by the whole family, the second old man was surprised and had nothing to say.

Never thought.

The Wu family, the elder family, and one of the four major families in the magic capital, would end up like this!

"It is reported that."

"The protagonist of this news incident, the student of the magic star, Qianshan Muxue, has been safe and sound..."

The news screen continues to play.

Wu Huilan was sitting upright, watching the news, and looking at the pictures in the news, she also felt extremely strange.

in the screen,

Qianshan Muxue, holding Liu Junyao in his left hand, a silver-haired young neodymium with a hood in his right hand, and a puppy with fur and snow under his feet.

"Old man..."

"Isn't Junyao chasing after our family Xiaoyu, how is it related to this Qianshan Muxue?!!"

Wu Huilan said in surprise.

How can the good daughter-in-law in my eyes run into someone else's arms?


"Don't you feel that this Qianshan Muxue is a bit like our Xiaoyu?

Su Zhan watched for a while.

After all, it is his own child, and he figured out a taste.

"Don't say it, old man..."

"This Qianshan Muxue has a similar body shape to Xiaoyu, and a bit similar to Shen Yun..."

"Also, this hood has silver hair and little neodymium. Although it is wrapped in hair, it is hard to see, but isn't (aeee) Xiaoyu's new neodymium friend, Yingyue?"5

"And this little dog, isn't it Xiaobai? 55

Wu Huilan reflected,

Could it be,

Xiaoyu did not study at the Magic City University of Technology, but has been studying at Magic Star University... and Xiaoyu's game identity is the talented young man who has recently become popular throughout the entire Magic City, Qianshan Muxue?!!

This speculation,

It also surprised the two elders!

Boom~ boom~ boom~

on the street,

A black ultra-luxury seven-seat SUV is galloping all the way,

Su Yu sat in the driver's seat, steered the car,

Shadow Moon is sitting in the co-pilot, holding a chubby white girl in her arms, while she is leisurely eating chewing gum and blowing bubbles~

middle two,

On the left sits a blushing Liu Junyao. After all, today the senior promised to marry her in the future. Today is also the engagement of the two.

It's really hard not to be shy.

On the right sits the patriarch of the Liu family dressed in white, the elder of the Xia State, and the god of Liu in white. But at this moment, the white-robed willow god was restless and restless.

because behind him,

In the right and middle seats of the third row, two old men, one black and one white, are seated respectively.

The black-clothed old man had a solemn face and fierce eyes, and he was the black emperor who was in charge of the reward and punishment work of the Xia Kingdom;

black and white emperor,

The two senior elders of the dignified Xia Guo Senatorial Academy were willing to sit at the end of the SUV, and they were also the most crowded row, and there was no one left.

And a seat on the left side of the third row, at the moment, there are two figures crowded together,

One is Liu Mingsheng, the head of the Liu family.

One is, Situ Yu, the headmaster of Magic Star.

good guy,

It is incredible that the head of the Tangtang Liu family, one of the four major heads of the Tangtang Xia Kingdom, squeezed a seat.

But this is also impossible.

One independent seat for the driver; two neodymium children, one for each individual seat; two black and white emperors, one for each individual seat; then there is only one seat left for the 7-seat SUV,

The two top figures in the magic capital can only squeeze into the back seat of a small SUV.

"Ha ha……"

"In order to witness Mu Xue's engagement, I have to bear with it!"

Situ Yu was not only not embarrassed, but rather happy.

It was a great honor and an unforgettable experience to be able to squeeze into a car with the Second Emperor and the White-robed Willow God.


"If it wasn't for the Second Emperor who had to travel in a low profile, otherwise, I would have taken a few more pictures.

The head of the Liu family also smiled bitterly.

Originally, Qianshan Muxue and Yaoyao were engaged, and the Liu family was going to hold a big banquet. They pulled out a luxury motorcade and rushed to the Emerald Palace. The cards must be full.

As a result, the two emperors, Black and White, also wanted to join in the fun, but they didn't want to be too high-profile, so everyone agreed to drive only one car and quietly go to the Emerald Palace to meet Mu Xue's parents.

hold a simple engagement,


Caused the embarrassing picture of 8 people now crowded in an SUV.

"It's okay, it's okay..."

"Today, Mu Xue and Yaoyao are the protagonists, they don't like high-profile, so we old people, let's go with it, and we won't die in a while!

Bai Di laughed.

Maybe it's because I've been in a high position for too long. For the first time, it's a little fun to squeeze a car to travel.


"On the contrary, this Emperor is more curious, what kind of family is it that falls to the ground, and can cultivate a genius like Mu Xue..."

Hei Di stroked his beard and said.

In fact,

Since the beginning of Skull Island, the second emperor has been paying attention to Qianshan Muxue, and the more he pays attention, the more curious the second emperor is about Muxue's life experience.

This engagement is also a good opportunity for the two emperors to find out.

Emerald Palace.

At the gate of the community, there are several law enforcement officers checking passing vehicles.

a moment,

When the luxury SUV driven by Su Yu came to the gate of the community, it was immediately stopped by law enforcement officers.


"Stop over!

A law enforcement brother made a gesture, stopped the luxury SUV on the side of the road, and then looked inside the car through the rolled down glass...

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm shocked when I see it...


In a seven-seat SUV, there are eight people crowded at this moment, which makes the space given by the headquarters suddenly worse.

"You are overloaded!

"It is a kind of dangerous behavior, all come down to me, show your driver's license, and report your professional name!

Seeing so many people in the car,

The law enforcement brother immediately shouted and greeted all the people in the car to get out of the car.

Suddenly, all four doors opened,

Su Yu and others got out of the car one by one, and there were 8 people in total.

"Look, isn't that the young master of the Su family?"

"Whoops? 35

"What's the matter, a 7-seat SUV sits 8 people, how can it be crowded?"

"Too disrespectful, isn't it?"

"If you don't have enough cars, take a car. You see two big men squeezed into the same seat, what's the matter?"

"Why do these people look familiar?

"It's a bit cold..."


"It's not to be squeezed to the point of sweating..."

The owners of the community pointed and pointed,

For this group of upper-class people, there are often n cars in a family, and there are more cars than people... and Su Yu, a situation where 8 people are squeezed in one car is unheard of, never seen.


"Give your occupation name and record what you're doing in a car? 35

Law enforcement brother said.

"Uh... Su Yu, a student of Magic Star, this is a driver's license."

Su Yu was the first to speak.

It is indeed illegal to pull 8 people in one car. I didn't expect to be so unlucky and stopped by the law enforcement brother, but there is nothing to be afraid of. Well, there are big men in this car!

"Shadow Moon, homeless.

Shadowmoon doesn't care.

"Liu Junyao, a student of the magic star, a member of the Liu family."

Liu Junyao said with a smile.

"Liu Mingsheng, the head of the Liu family, is here today to attend Yaoyao's engagement, do you have any questions?

The head of the Liu family is also a little funny.

"Situ Yu, the president of Magic Star University, came to attend Xiaoyu's wedding today.

Situ Yu said.

It is the daughter of the Liu family, the head of the Liu family, the headmaster of the magic star... Hearing these titles, the law enforcement brother, his face has turned white, and he knows that he has broken into the big basket.

The person who dares to check the Liu family's long car is probably not born yet, right?

At this time,

The remaining three also embraced their names and identities one by one.

"Liu Shen in white, the cultivation base is awakened. Position: Xia Guo Senatorial House, lower-ranking senator."

"I'm here today to attend Xiaoyu and Yaoyao's engagement wedding.

The white-clothed Liushen said with a flick of his sleeves.

"Black Emperor, the cultivation base is awakened. Position: Xia Guo Senatorial House, senior elder."

"I'm here today, and I'm also here for the engagement.

Heidi also said with a dark face.

The first overload was checked, and his face turned black.

"Bai Di, Xiuwei's title awakens. Position: Xia Guo Senatorial House, upper-ranking senator."

"Come to the wedding today.

Bai Di said with a smile.

For the first time in his life, the overload was checked, which also made Bai Di, who had been in the high position for a long time, feel a different kind of fun.

Willow God in White!

Black Emperor!

White Emperor!

Three titles awakened, three elders of the Xia Kingdom!

Hear three introductions.

The law enforcement brother, his face is pale and bloodless, his eyes are dull, and he has almost fainted...

a car……

A patriarch of the four major families was found, a head of the four major families of the Xia Kingdom was found, and three title awakenings were found...

The passengers in this car are also a bit too luxurious, right??

Only the passengers in this car,

I am afraid that is enough to control the situation in the Xia Kingdom and even the whole world!!

Zui Ba Zhang Da,

drooling wildly,

The law enforcement brother has been shocked and speechless...

"very good."

"You're doing well... Excuse me, can we go? 35

Su Yu smiled.

He is a dignified fourth-class student and enjoys certain privileges. As long as he is not pretending to be dead, he generally doesn't pay attention to traffic regulations.

The reason for getting off,

It is also the second emperor of black and white. He wants to take the opportunity to reveal his identity on the surface and send a signal to the outside world. Qianshan Muxue is blessed by the second emperor, which is equivalent to selling Su Yu a great favor.

Boom boom~

Another engine roar,

Under a stunned gaze, everyone got into the car again, drove into the villa area, and went straight to Villa No. 88.

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