National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 56 Melee Mage, the most reckless man in the canyon!! (Please ask for a monthly pass, please

Imperial Capital, Jinghua University.

Secret Hall.

Qin Jiu walked out of the secret realm with a contented expression on his face. Yes, he used a special ticket to enter a practice space. In less than half a month, he had already risen to level Iv15.


"That Muxue never imagined that in less than half a month, my son has risen to level Iv15 and can go to [Warsong Canyon] to take an adventure..."

"Next time we meet, my son, I will avenge the last instant kill!"

The corner of Qin Jiu's mouth twitched.

In the last duel, he was instantly killed by Qianshan Muxue's sword, and was thrown into his grandmother's house. He couldn't even lift his head in the Prince's Gang.

Now that the speed of light has risen to level Iv15, finally, it is time to raise your eyebrows.

"Next. 35

"My young master will go to [Battlesong Canyon] to brush up on job transfer quests and attribute points... By then, the gap between this young master and Mu Xue will grow bigger and bigger."

"As for Mu Xue, he's probably still training hard in the garbage secret realm now!

Qin Jiu let out a sigh of relief.

Warsong Canyon is very dangerous, and players are generally less than Iv15 level, so they will not take risks.

Apart from walking.

Qin Jiu turned on the phone and glanced at the latest news.

"Thousands of Mountains and Twilight Snow, push 6 towers in a row, earn 60 million battle merits!"

"Warsong Gulch, may change the sky!"

"Twilight Snow God, yyds!"

"It is reported that the army of bones of Qianshan Muxue has exceeded 150,000!"

"Thousands of Mountains and Twilight Snow, a character that affects the balance of the game!"

"Decisive battle starts tomorrow!"

Take a look at all the hot posts.

Qin Jiu was stunned.

Judging from the post, these days, Qianshan Muxue has become a global figure. He has entered the Warsong Canyon alone, and even pushed six orc towers. He is about to lead the imperial camp to launch a general attack on the orc camp!


Qin Jiu was stunned.

He's still complacent about being promoted to Iv15, and Twilight is almost leveling Warsong Gulch!

He took a step forward, and Mu Xue had already taken at least 10 steps!

The gap has widened!

It wasn't that he shook off Mu Xue, it was Mu Xue who left him far away.

Shame and anger!!

"Thousands of mountains and twilight snow." 04

"No matter how strong you are, it is impossible for me to be the opponent of Jinghua University."

Think about it.

Qin Jiu quickly came up with an idea, yes, he is going to gather the lv15 elites of Jinghua University, all enter the battle song space, and snatch the boss's head.

Just grab the boss and get the holy relic.

Just bloody money!!

Same picture.

It has also been staged in major universities such as Magic Star University, Jiannan University, and Zhongzhou University.

In order to compete for the boss and for that holy relic, major colleges and universities began to organize Iv15 elite students to enter [Battlesong Canyon] in batches.


The final decisive battle is 5 times the military merit, and it is also a good opportunity for major universities to rush to the military merit list.

the next day.

University Alliance Headquarters.

In the conference hall, a holographic projection meeting is being held, and the heads of major universities are located in various seats in the image of holographic projection.

In the first row, there are only four seats, sitting respectively: Jinghua, Moxing, Jiannan, Zhongzhou, and the four principals.

And on the main stage.

A big screen is broadcasting the general attack screen of [Warsong Canyon] in real time.

"Haha, I didn't expect it.

"A war that has not ended in a hundred years, finally, it will end in the hands of a little doll. It really is a hero who is a boy!"

Principal Jiannan sighed slightly.

When he was young, he fought in Warsong Gulch for a long time, but he had never even seen the highlands of the orcs.

"This [Qianshan Muxue] really has something.

"Congratulations, Brother Situ."

Principal Zhongzhou, an old man in Chinese clothes, congratulated Principal Situ next to him.

"Haha, I don't dare to be, I don't dare to be..."

Principal Situ of Demon Star replied with a smile on his face.

This Warsong Canyon incident has attracted global attention. As the alma mater of Qianshan Muxue, Magic Star University has also taken the limelight.

Even the principal, he felt gratified every day.


"Headmaster Situ, don't be too happy, Warsong Canyon, it's still unknown who will kill the deer!"

A sneer sounded.

The speaker was the principal of Jinghua, Qin Tiannan.

Among the four famous schools, Jinghua has always been ranked first. This time, the magic star has been in the limelight, which has long made Jinghua unhappy.

"Principal Qin is right."

"The head of the boss, the major colleges and universities, strive for it with strength, and I, the student of the magic star, are also willing to compete fairly... However, please don't forget that it is my school's Mu Xue who fought for this opportunity for each school!" "

Principal Situ also replied coldly.

"This opportunity is indeed thanks to classmate Mu Xue... However, I, Jiannan University, are bound to win the boss's head!"

Principal Jiannan stroked his beard.

"I, Zhongzhou University, have only one goal... Kill the boss and get the holy relic!"

The principal of Zhongzhou also made a statement.

beyond the Big Four.

The presidents of major national key universities and provincial key universities, such as Lingnan University, Hanzhong University, Xiliang University, etc., also opened their mouths one after another, vowing to compete for the boss.

But the bottom line is significantly worse.

If nothing unexpected.

This boss battle, in the end, must be decided from among the four majors.

chat room.

The big screen trembled, and the siege began.

[Battlefield Announcement: The siege battle begins, please prepare for the majority of players! 】

Orc Heights.

An announcement came out, and the siege battle officially began.

There are two gates in the base.

The army led by Roland attacked the South Gate.

Su Yu's undead army, attacking the north gate.

"All troops charge!

Su Yu ordered the first time!

There is nothing fancy, what infantry formations, what archers occupy the high ground, what cavalry flank charges... all non-existent.

The strength is enough, one word is reckless!

for a time,

The vast number of skeleton soldiers, like a sea of ​​bones, flocked to the orc base.

Earthquakes tremble, earth collapses...

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

The rain of arrows fell against the scalp, dealing damage one by one, but it doesn't matter, hey, it's just reckless, it's just rushing!

Such a crazy tactic made his jaw drop.

I think Su Yu is crazy!!

How can the whole army charge at the beginning of the siege battle?

When the army of white bones rushed to the foot of the city wall, they were also covered in scars, and many of the skeleton pig-headed people with little blood were left with residual blood.

"Come, hand of God!"

Su Yu raised his hand slightly.

In an instant, the sky seemed to be sensed, and thousands of beams of light blasted through the clouds and fell from the sky!

The beams of light are thick and thin, and the golden light is bright and dense, covering the battlefield, and the entire sky is reflected like gold...


【hand of God】!





Thousands of beams of light fell on the skeleton, and pieces of healing numbers appeared...

The crippled army of white bones will recover immediately and be alive and well!


"What kind of fairy treatment is this?"

"You read that right, after one treatment, the army of hundreds of thousands is full of blood?"

"The special thing is the treatment of 140,000+..."

"I'm a pastor, and I'm a little skeptical of life right now!

"No wonder Mu Xue is so reckless, with this added blood, this special meow is not just reckless!

A lot of players are talking about it.

All of them were, and they were stunned by being treated by this fairy.


"What about the strongest healing technique, at best, it's just a fool. 35

"When Mu Xue opens the city gate, it's time for me, Jinghua University, to enter the city and grab the boss! 35

id [Nine Thousand Years] stared coldly at the battlefield.

The core of this battle is the boss's head, so many students, like Nine Thousand Years old, hid behind, and did not participate in the tragic siege battle.

"Hehe, Mu Xue, just a toolman from Jinghua..."


"When the city gate is broken, let's go in and take down the boss, and the benefits don't belong to our Jinghua University!""

"It's called, the mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.""

"Just a laborer!

"With all due respect, these siege soldiers are stepping stones, cannon fodder, for us to reach the top of Jinghua! 35

A group of Jinghua students laughed.

In the siege battle, the casualties were tragic, and the Jinghua students who prided themselves on being superior would naturally not participate.

After a while the city gate was broken.

Wouldn't it be nice for them to go down the mountain to pick peaches again?

North Gate.

The undead army is already attacking the city gate and city wall.

[Your enchantment entry (wild) takes effect, within 50 yards, the summoned unit +100% attack speed! 】

[Your enchantment entry (brutal) takes effect, within 50 yards, the summoned unit +500 crit rate! 】

a moment.

When Su Yu flashed and jumped into the phalanx of the giant elephants of bones, in an instant, these giants seemed to have eaten Viagra and fought against the city wall for a while.

Wild blessing, double attack speed.

Brutal blessing, knife crit.

The city walls rumbled and shook.

At first sight, several cracks were arched out by the giant elephants, and the city was broken in sight!

【Defense Technique】!

【Defense Technique】!

【Defense Technique】!

At this time,

A line of defense techniques landed on the city wall, repairing the cracks one by one, and strengthening the defense of the city wall.

Look up.

It was an old orc shaman, with fangs and green skin, and an ugly appearance, casting spells on the city wall.

【Orc War Shaman】(BOSS!)

lv15,550 attack, 180000hp.

Skills: [Defense], [Bloodlust], [War Totem], [Thunder Shock]

A shaman appears.

The offensive of the undead army was suddenly blocked, and the city walls and city gates were all intact!

The offensive has been stopped!


"We must find a way to kill this old shaman first.

Su Yu knew it in his heart.

The old shaman was hiding behind the battlements, and it was very difficult for an archer to shoot this boss, and only he himself went out!


In a flash, Su Yu appeared on the 100-meter city wall, raised his staff, and knocked on the head of the old shaman.

Wands, aren't they just for melee combat?

Bang, Bang, Bang...



-8881! (crit)


The staff banged around, and the damage numbers kept popping up.

have to say.

Under the blessing of 4700+ attacks, the melee mage still suffered a lot of damage. With a few sticks, he knocked out 20,000 to 30,000 blood of the old shaman.


A group of orc soldiers immediately surrounded the old shaman.

【Large Refrigerator Technique】!

I don't have time to mess with my little one.

Su Yu activated the ice crystal ring, and a blast of frost shot out, forming a large ice block more than ten meters long, and the icicle formed the orc soldier.

Bang, Bang, Bang...




The old shaman had no guards and couldn't beat Su Yu, so he was chased and beaten by Su Yu.

This violent scene.

It also made the players below stunned...

"Small, Mu Xue senior, is it so fierce?" A magic star student was speechless.

"Qianshan Muxue, you are really reckless..." Someone turned a white smoke.

"I bloom in the slaughter, just like a flower in the dawn... As for the cold night slaughter god, Mu Xue, you have changed!" A girl laughed.

"The No. 1 Reckless Man in Warsong Canyon - Qianshan Muxue!""

"The boss can't beat Mu Xue's health bar at all!

"So, this game is just right, right?"

"Among the armies, take the enemy's head!"

"One word, handsome!

In a burst of discussion.

On the city wall, the old shaman with 180,000 blood was beaten to death by Su Yu with a staff.

[Battlefield Announcement: Player (Iv15. Qianshan Twilight Snow) will win, kill the boss (lv15. Orc War Shaman), reward: Merit x 1 million! 】

[The morale of the siege party has soared, all attributes +10 (temporary)]

Announcement out.

1 million military exploits are in hand.

city ​​wall.

Su Yu didn't rush down and started searching for a new boss, with 140,000+ blood, with [Flash], [Magic Immunity], [Resurrection], and [Hand of God].

Can't even die.


After a while, another [Orc War Shaman] came out.

Eyes narrowed slightly.

Su Yu walked over with the staff in hand...

Melee Mage.

Quite enjoyable.

Su Yu carried the staff, and after a while, he knocked down a few orc shamans on the city wall, constantly triggering the battlefield announcement, and the victory gained 5 million.

Take this time.

The giant elephant phalanx below finally opened the city gate!

[Battlefield Announcement: Player (lv15 Qianshan Muxue) is the first to break through the formation and capture the North City Gate, reward: Merit x 5 million! 】

[Battlefield announcement: l

【Battlefield Announcement:】

Three announcements came out.

The whole place shook.

The city gate is broken, and the players are gearing up one by one, and they are extremely excited!

This opportunity to take the holy relic is once in a lifetime.

They definitely don't want to miss it!

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