National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 810 What kind of storm is this...

"There seems to be a storm approaching there.

One of the pirates cautiously reminded Su Yu that upon hearing his words, Su Yu looked up and saw that a storm was indeed approaching, similar to the one he had seen before.

Still haven't figured out what's going on.

Pan Genye yelled right next to Su Yu.

"Pirate No. 3, what qualifications do you have to say these words?"

Does he know these things well?

While thinking about it, Pan Genye also took the binoculars, but found that it was just an ordinary dark cloud. Obviously, the No. 3 pirate was trying to grab them, and Pan Genye was a little angry.

But Pirate No. 3 heard Pan Genye's words.

He shook his head unmoved.

Looking at Su Yu in front of him, Pirate No. 3 said without hesitation.

"I'm serious, I have sailed at sea for a long time before and have unique experience with these things, and you don't look at that dark cloud that seems small enough to be a threat, but the huge thick fog behind him is the real 's head."

While he was talking, he introduced Su Yu, and Su Yu's face became a little more shocked while listening.

Because he discovered that the dark clouds that should have left their orbit a few days ago, but somehow condensed into a large group, and in addition, those dark clouds collided head-on towards their route.

It looks like it's getting close.

Su Yu also realized something was wrong.

Looking at Pan Genye's direction, Su Yu hurriedly urged the guy to change course.

But Pirate No. 3 shook his head beside Su Yu.

The guy said in a daze.

"It's too late, it's too late."

"Yeah, we just have to wait to die now."

Pirate No. 3 had just finished speaking when another guy came out.

The number on the guy's body is six.

Su Yu glanced at him and immediately said to the two pirates in front of him.

"Shut up for me, and if you don't want to die now, just get out of here. 35

After saying this, Su Yu also saw that the other people were in a panic. Those pirates were all afraid of death. At this moment, they hurriedly packed their things and walked towards the cabin.

At this time, Su Yu also shouted and added behind them.

"If you really want to be carried away by the tornado, just stand on the deck and continue talking nonsense."

His words were extremely sharp and vicious.

The few pirates couldn't help but stop when they heard it, thinking that if the two pirates were talking nonsense, wouldn't they look a little embarrassed?

Thinking of the days in the past, these pirates quickly took on a noble and elegant gesture.

Su Yu just glanced at them, then locked the cabin door firmly.

After finishing these things, Su Yu called out Heiyuan and those monsters again.

Although Heiyuan was willing to appear, he was listless, looking at Su Yu in front of him, Heiyuan said haggardly.

"What's the matter with you?"

Heiyuan had just finished speaking when Su Yu stared at him with a puzzled look on his face.

"Did you become a thief last night? Why are you so tired?

Facing Su Yu's concern, Heiyuan just smiled coldly.

He pointed in the direction of the sky and explained to Su Yu without hesitation that the reason why he was sleepy was just to help Su Yu prevent the dark cloud from approaching, and Heiyuan jumped directly into the dark cloud.

Then he started pulling with those storms.

The storm was supposed to leave.

But Heiyuan was a little too excited at the time, and a dark cloud was dragged over accidentally.

But in this case, Heiyuan would not say it.

Because once Su Yu finds out, it must be a bad influence.

Hei Yuan was thinking in his heart at the same time.

Listening to his words, Su Yu just shook his head perfunctorily.

For this matter, he does not have much thought and sense.

As time passed, Heiyuan also saw the dark cloud approaching little by little.

At this time, Su Yu also glanced at the pirates in front of them. They were all huddled together, and no one dared to come forward.

But Su Yu didn't panic. After opening their attribute panel, one of the pirates was suddenly called out by Su Yu.

Although the other party was willing to stand in front of Su Yu, his legs kept shaking. Su Yu looked at his number plate and it turned out to be number two.

"You are good at sailing, why don't you want to help?"

This question came too suddenly.

Pirate No. 2 immediately stayed where he was when he heard it, and then said nervously.

"But it's just an ordinary storm, and it's not worth our fear. The cruise ship in front of you is very hard. You have to believe that we won't run into trouble."

0.... ask for flowers...

The other side said and gave Su Yu a thumbs up.

At this moment, Su Yu directly upgraded the cruise ship.

But at the same time as the upgrade, he also retained another level, this level is stability, he decided to wait for the storm to pass, and then upgrade the stability of the ship in front of him.

Only in this way can the damage be minimized.

Su Yu's calculations are really good.

But when the other people heard the ordinary storm, they couldn't help shivering. Those pirates knew that this was definitely not ordinary.

Heiyuan was also angry, he was about to rush over to teach Pirate No. 2 a lesson, but unexpectedly, Su Yu took his hand.


Looking at the black abyss in front of him, Su Yu said solemnly.

"Since he said it was an ordinary storm, let him go outside and feel it, he is not afraid of it anyway. 99

While speaking, Su Yu just waved his hand, Heiyuan hurriedly pulled the second pirate out, and the other party was locked out of the door.

He kept slapping the door, and when the wind blew in gusts, Pirate No. 2 also realized that something was wrong.

The other pirates didn't expect Su Yu to be so ruthless, and their eyes were full of sophistication and eccentricity.

At this time, Su Yu just spread out his hands and said to these people innocently.

"Don't think I'm overdoing it.

After all, it was his own fault, if he was willing to come forward at first, or explain everything clearly.

How could Su Yu torture him like this?

He was telling the truth.

Those pirates could not help but bow their heads when they heard it.

Finally, the storm was about to come, and Su Yu pulled the No. 2 pirate in.

Although the No. 2 pirate came in, the violent storm also happened to fall, the deck seemed to have countless bullets falling, and the sound of ping and pong made everyone's scalp numb.

The fear of the apocalypse also made them cry out in surprise.

At this moment, Su Yu was just standing by the wooden table, looking at the people around him, Su Yu couldn't help reminding him.

"You have to be prepared to deal with the storm in front of you, and don't stumble one by one.

Listening to Su Yu's words, those guys nodded their heads.

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