What Su Yu was sure of was that they must have taken a fancy to the boat, and it couldn't be a sailor. Just as Su Yu had guessed, these few people laughed when they heard Su Yu's words.

"It seems that you are also a wise man and know what we need, and if that is the case, then give us that ship. 99

"Just in this transaction, you give me the life of the boat.

At the same time as they spoke, they also grayed the knife in their hands.

Although this is the game world, their lives will not be threatened, but in fact, once the blood volume is lost too much, then the next. Things will get worse on Su Yu too, and in addition to that, he'll be sent back to the novice village.

Once sent back, it would be a very humiliating thing, and they were sure that Su Yu would not dare to risk it.

As they guessed, Su Yu just hesitated and nodded lightly, giving them the boat, of course not a problem, but whether they can resist the things on the boat is another matter. .

While Su Yu was thinking, there was a bit more arrogance in his eyes.

The few people in front of them didn't notice it, they let Su Yu go, but the knife in their hands was pinned to Su Yu's body.

And Su Yu turned his head and glanced at them, and then reminded him without hesitation.

"I have more than 207 weapons and equipment in my hands. If you really want to do it, then I can deal with you casually. Seriously, I promised to give you that ship, so naturally it is impossible to play with you.

As soon as Su Yu's words were spoken, these gamers' eyes widened, and then they all said with surprise.


"If this is true, then we will definitely be grateful to you, your great kindness, we will never forget it."

"Yes, don't worry, when we return from this voyage, we will definitely give you the part of the harvest. 39

"Yes, we will never be ungrateful."

While they were talking, there was a bit of overjoyed in their eyes.

In the face of such words, Su Yu just smiled slightly, he nodded and said with approval.

"You are so nice. I like people like you who are affectionate and righteous."

In fact, Su Yu almost vomited when he uttered the words affectionate and righteous, but in order to stabilize these few gamers, he pretended to be extremely generous and brought them to the boat.

Looking at the boat in front of them, the few gamers couldn't help laughing excitedly. Under Su Yu's attention, they rolled on the boat one by one with great excitement.

At the moment, Su Yu just watched silently.

Pan Genye noticed something was wrong and came over in a hurry, ready to help, but he didn't want Su Yu to shake his head lightly at him, winking to let Pan Genye leave.

Seeing Su Yu like this, Pan Genye had no choice but to nod and leave quickly.

Not long after Pan Genye left, the gamers in front of him spoke to him again.

"Then let's leave now.

"Let's stomp your feet on the island temporarily, remember that there is a water stream we drew on the island, and there are some places where you can temporarily make a fire for cooking.

"I believe that if you live on the island for a while, you will be able to feel the wonder of returning to nature."

"Yeah, you won't regret it.

They said and laughed while watching Su Yu, in fact, Su Yu is not a three-year-old child, how could he possibly believe these things.

But when he thought of what these gamers would encounter next, Su Yu also smiled and nodded, and just like that, he left the big ship.

Because the other people had long wanted to go to the island for a while, now they looked at the ship, and they didn't feel anything.

Only the abyss and a few other monsters were still lying on it, and they were lying because they played all night and were now making up for their sleep.

At this moment, Su Yu left quietly like this, and he didn't say aeef to the guys in the abyss.

Because the abyss can finally get the ship back.

Then Su Yu left the big ship like this, and the few gamers couldn't help laughing excitedly, praising Su Yu's generosity and enthusiasm one by one.

But Su Yu didn't take their words seriously.

Before long, the ship sailed on the sea like this.

As time passed by every minute.

These gamers became more and more excited, and gradually became overwhelmed. They even ran back and forth on the entire big ship, and said some strange words, which no one could understand.

And at this moment, something unexpected happened. I saw a familiar figure appear, it was Heiyuan, the other party had already woken up, but looking at the strangers in front of him, his face was full of confusion.

After that, a scream pierced the horizon.

"How long are we going to be on the island?

"Why did that ship disappear for no reason?"

While everyone was talking, they looked at Su Yu and sighed. Facing their question, Su Yu just smiled and pointed to the direction of the sky.

"When it's dawn tomorrow, the boat will be back. I asked them to take the boat to overhaul, so you don't have to worry. 99

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, they were still talking and laughing on the island, but now that the big ship is gone, everyone panicked.

And now, Su Yu's explanation is like a centering stone.

After they quiet down.

Su Yu glanced at the island behind him again.

Because the sun had set, they didn't have a big boat at the moment. Although the group camped in a high place, they couldn't help but be afraid.

Because at night, the island would look very gloomy and desolate, Su Yu saw the expressions on their faces, and finally opened his game panel, there was a prompt that he needed to kill ten silver gray wolves.

Looking at the prompt above, Su Yu walked outside without hesitation.

But looking at the people behind him, he opened his mouth to remind.

"You rest here, remember to be more careful, if there is trouble, get up and deal with it as soon as possible, don't think about running around one by one to escape, running around will not solve the problem.

On the contrary, it will make the hunters who capture them even more excited.

Listening to Su Yu's words, everyone nodded.

Watching Su Yu leave, they couldn't help but speak in a hurry.

"Where are you going?"

Su Yu just waved his hand and didn't answer. Seeing him leave without looking back, everyone's faces became ugly.

At this moment, Su Yu was walking all the way down the valley like this.

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