National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 84 White wolf attack and defense, the king returns!

At the foot of the city wall.

The army of black wolves is overwhelming, and the momentum is unparalleled.

in the crowd.

Three figures came out, namely, [Xia Kingdom・Imperial City Swordsman], [Ronin・Ningcun Jiro], and [Jiangyuan・Sanxing Lee Yoona].

These three are also the core figures of the Black Wolf camp.

"The demise of the white wolf is just today. 35

"Moxing, Jiannan, and Zhongzhou's happy people, it's time to go home and eat.""

"The glory of the Xia Kingdom is guarded by me, Jinghua!

[Imperial City Swordsman] smiled coldly.

Jinghua and the other three belong to the four majors of the Xia Kingdom, but in the eyes of the "Imperial City Swordsman", a member of the Prince's Gang, the other three are all schools attended by a group of inferior people.

"Ha ha……"

"Between you people from the Xia country, there are always grudges, and your strength is really strong.

[Ning Cun] also sighed with emotion.

1vs1 heads-up, Ronin Island may have the opportunity to challenge Xia Guo, but in group battles, Ronin Island has no chance at all, the number of people is too small.

"Nothing else.

"Today, this princess has only one goal, Qianshan Muxue... this princess, it would be a shame to kill him with her own hands!

[Sanxing Li Yuner] Gritted his teeth.

A native of Gangwon, she is narrow-minded and loves to hold revenge. Until now, Li Yuna still can't let go of the robbery incident on the first floor.

Qianshan Muxue has almost become her inner demon.

beep, beep~

The sound of the horn resounded throughout the audience, the players were shocked, clenched their weapons, and the siege battle officially started.

The leader is naturally the NPC army.

The player follows the king.

this map.

In terms of setting, the black werewolf is stronger than the white werewolf. In addition, the white werewolf has fallen into a plague, while the black werewolf has just changed clothes. The strength of the two sides is very different!

[Battle information: Player (Black Wolf·Imperial City Swordsman) killed (White Wolf·Milk Tea without sugar)!】

[Battle Information: Player (Black Wolf·Xiangshan Yikesong) kills (White Wolf Soldier)! 】

[Battle Information: Player (Black Wolf·Ningcun Jiro) killed (White Wolf·Desert Oasis)!】

【Battle information:

【Battle information:

Information keeps coming out.

Almost all, the black wolf players slaughtered one-sidedly, and the white wolf players can only use the advantages of the city wall to support them.

"Magic star rushes to duck!"

"Central State University, never give up! 359

"Jiannan University, hold a group to guard the city gate, the gate is there, and the gate is broken!

"Ma's, this group of people in Jinghua, who are looking for people from our magic star to kill, are really more devils than devils!"

"It doesn't matter, you won't lose if you kill one, but you will earn blood if you kill two!

summer player,

They quickly gathered in the vicinity of Moxing, Zhongzhou, and Jiannan, like three mainstays, firmly supporting the battle situation.

【Flying Swordsmanship】!

【Whirlwind Flying Slash】!

【Sword Light Impact】!

【Sword Light Slash】!

in the crowd,

The Imperial City Swordsman was dressed in radiant diamonds and gold, as if he was in a no-man's land, he killed the Demon Star, raised his sword and fell, and several Demon Star students fell under the sword.

His talent is to summon a [Magic Immunity Flying Sword], which can stop people from killing people and Buddhas to stop killing Buddhas.

"Imperial City Swordsman.

"Don't think that the magic star is something you can bully!"

Liu Junyao shouted angrily.

She raised her finger to the sky, her black hair fluttered, a terrifying frosty aura gathered on the top of her head, and the goose feather snow fluttered in the sky, and the target hit by the snow immediately froze their feet and could not move forward.

This is also an S-rank talent skill, [Arctic Blizzard]!

Normal blizzard.

It's for fixed-point release, very rigid.

And this [Blizzard] not only has a freezing effect, but also moves with Liu Junyao, so it is very flexible.

under the protection of a blizzard.

The Demon Star student was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

College Union.

in the hall.

The heads of colleges and universities such as Jinghua, Moxing, Jiannan, Zhongzhou, etc. are gathered together to watch the battle collectively.


I had long expected that the White Wolf would lose, but watching Xia Guo's students die tragically, especially when they died tragically at the hands of their compatriots, they couldn't help but sigh.

this battle.

Of the 500 players in the Xia Kingdom, about 400 chose the White Wolf camp. If the White Wolf loses, the Xia Kingdom will suffer heavy losses!


"This Qianshan Muxue has more than enough success and more failures. It was he who led the Xia Kingdom players to choose the White Wolf camp, and this caused the catastrophe. Such a person is really a black sheep!"

"The glory of the Xia Kingdom still needs the protection of me, Jinghua University!"

Jinghua Principal Qin said in high spirits.

After this battle, Jinghua University will be the only seed of the Xia Kingdom, and will represent the Xia Kingdom in the next few competitions and gain a lot of prestige!

"That's too bad. Mu Xue, this doll, has a very good temperament."

0.... ask for flowers ·

The principal of Zhongzhou spoke up.

"Children are always young and energetic, Qianshan Muxue is not wrong, this person's performance in the beast cave is absolutely amazing!

Principal Jiannan spoke to defend Su Yu.

"Hehe, Principal Qin keeps saying that Mu Xue is the black sheep, but in the eyes of this principal, the one who kills compatriots the most is your Jinghua University!"

The principal of Hanzhong hit the nail on the head.

The performance of Su Yu on the first floor has already left an excellent impression on the principals, and they have spoken out to defend it.

"They died in the hands of Jinghua, they can only say that their skills are inferior to others! 39

"Who made them choose the White Wolf camp?!

Principal Jinghua Qin sneered.

The last time [Battlesong Canyon], Qianshan Muxue slaughtered tens of thousands of Jinghua students in one breath, dignified Xia Guo's number one school, disgraced.

This time I finally got it back!


"It's too early to say that the white wolf will lose. 99

Principal Moxing Situ spoke up.


"Brother Situ, do you think that White Wolf still has a show?"

Principal Jinghua Qin was stunned.


Principal Moxing Situ nodded heavily.

As the headmaster of Demon Star, he watched this battle very carefully, and all the students of Demon Star would pay close attention to him. Among them, Liu Junyao's performance surprised him.

In the past, this daughter of the Liu family only noticed her background and beauty, but now it seems that this little girl's strength and courage are not bad at all.

It was a pleasant surprise.

Apart from that.

What Principal Situ cared about most was that he didn't see Su Yu's figure.

Qianshan Muxue has not yet participated in the war!

the old principal,

I was looking forward to a miracle in my heart.




at the same time,

Su Yu hurried all the way, there was no teleportation formation in the White Wolf camp, and he couldn't use the city return scroll, so he could only hurry on the road.


When Su Yu worked hard all the way to the outside of the camp, the battle continued, and the white wolf had not lost.

Everything has a chance!

"Thanks for being there in time."

"Next, let's give these black wolf players a little surprise."

His eyes turned slightly cold.

Su Yu turned on [Hide], turned into an invisible figure, disappeared from the spot, and silently leaned towards the battlefield.

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