After Su Mu's message was sent out, people in each novice village were busy

"Hurry up, gather all the gold coins of everyone in the company. The boss said that you have to bid for at least one weapon!"

"Anyone who has money must hand it over even a copper coin!"

"Shield, that shield is simply too unstoppable. If we take it down, our guild will surely rise!"

"The attributes of that bow are also very strong. If you buy it, can you catch up with Xuanyuan?"

Whether they are the wealthy in the open or the hidden bosses, everyone has their favorite equipment.

This is a game about becoming a god!

If they can have these equipment, they seem to be one step closer to the"godhood".

Of course, many of them still have reason.

The biggest use of top-quality equipment is to help them crush those monsters or dungeons that they originally couldn't beat, so as to create higher profits.

Their primary consideration is the practicality of the equipment.

Among the many equipment sold by Su Mu, the shield undoubtedly attracted the attention of most people.

Compared with the higher-level goat man equipment, the goblin shield is obviously more fragrant.

The second is the medal of bravery that Su Mu changed.

If they can get these two pieces of equipment, they can cultivate a warrior who can resist.

A warrior who can resist is the most solid existence for killing monsters and brushing dungeons!...

""It's time!"

In the White Mist Town Inn, Su Mu opened the auction house. He had a lot of equipment in his hands, and the first one he put on the shelf was the Goblin Staff. He had saved a lot of materials before, and he made five of these staffs in total.

Of course, he was not stupid enough to put all five Goblin Staffs on the shelf at the same time.

""The bidding has started!"

Su Mu set the price of the Goblin Staff to 500 gold and sent a message on the chat channel.

The conspicuous logo made his message the first to be captured....

"Filming has started, come and have a look!"

"A magician's top-grade weapon? This intelligence and spirit are so high!"

"Moreover, the equipment requirements are of low level, so once you replace them, it will be like upgrading your muskets to cannons!"

"One thousand, I'll double it!"

The Goblin Staff is a great improvement for mages.

Someone raised the price to one thousand gold coins.

This is obviously a quick victory.

"That's really ruthless. You doubled the price. If that's the case, I won't be polite. Two thousand!"

Soon, another rich man doubled the price.

Now no one else bid.

Many people focused on the shield. Before the final"final", they didn't want to spend too much gold coins.

The auction time passed by minute by minute, and the final price of this equipment was fixed at two thousand.

""Hahaha, if I get this staff, I'll be half a magic god!"

After bidding for the equipment, the mage laughed wantonly.

But after a while, his smile stopped abruptly.

At the auction house, another identical goblin staff was put on the shelf!

"Damn, why is there another one?"

"The properties seem to be exactly the same."

"Didn’t the person who just took the photo suffer a huge loss?"

"I'll give you 1500!"

After the staff was put on the shelf, the owner who had not bid for it before immediately raised the price to 1500

"Sixteen thousand!"With the two thousand as a guarantee, the others also started to raise the price by one hundred.

"One thousand seven!"

""One thousand and eighteen!"

In the end, the price was set at one thousand and eighteen.

However, when others were looking forward to the next piece of equipment to be auctioned, they were all dumbfounded when they saw the only first-level equipment on the auction house.

"Or a Goblin Staff?"

"Did God Sufa disturb the goblins' lair?"

"I think the next one is still the Goblin Staff."

Three consecutive Goblin Staffs made many people feel a little overwhelmed.

Although Su Mu had posted a lot of equipment before, no one knew how many pieces of equipment there were.

This Goblin equipment was quickly sold for 1,700 gold coins....

"Then bid for both together!"

At the White Mist Inn, Su Mu directly put the two Goblin Staffs in his hands up for auction.

The starting price was set at 1,000 gold.

More than ten minutes later, the two weapons were successfully auctioned at a price of 1,500 gold coins each.

After deducting the handling fee, the five staffs brought in a total of 7,650 gold coins.

"More than I expected!"

Su Mu smiled and took out the bright silver leather armor.

He also made five pieces of this equipment....

"This outfit is a must-have for assassins!"

"What are you waiting for? One thousand gold coins!"

"That’s a bit cruel. Just one thousand gold coins right away?"

"This price is about right, after all, it is not as big as the weapon upgrade."

In each novice village, many people stood next to the local tyrant bosses, discussing the value of the equipment and whether to increase the price. The final price of the bright silver leather armor was set at 1,100 gold coins.

After a while, another piece of bright silver leather armor was put on the auction house.

Those bosses who wanted to bid for the equipment were all numb.

They also reached a tacit understanding with each other.

The next bright silver leather armor was successfully sold at the price of 1,000 gold coins....

"Five pieces of leather armor, a total of 5100, 4590 after handling fee"

"Oh, I forgot to give that guy one!"

After selling all the bright silver leather armor in the parcel column, Su Mu slapped his forehead.

He regarded this equipment as a"reward"

"It doesn't matter. When the time comes, I'll just say he didn't do a good job and give him less."

Su Mu curled his lips.

Since he was the one who did it first, the final right of interpretation was his!

""Put these Goblin equipment on the shelf together!"

In addition to the equipment that can be crafted, Su Mu had only single pieces of equipment.

He directly put three Goblin equipment on the shelf, and kept the dagger....

"Quick, the shield is on the shelf!"

"That robe is nice too!"

"That pair of goblin shoes is also awesome. If equipped on the same warrior, he will definitely be a blood cow!"

"Don't worry about other equipment, the shield is the key"

"This time, Su Fashen put three pieces of equipment on the shelves at the same time. It is very likely that there is only one of each of the three pieces!"

After these three pieces of equipment were put on the shelves, those who were staring at the auction house widened their eyes.

The shield they had been thinking about was on the shelves!

Of course, there were also many people who knew that they could not afford the shield, so they turned their attention to the other two pieces of equipment.

First, the shoes, after the price was raised to 1,200 gold coins, no one continued to increase it.

And because the robe has a mana recovery attribute, it also made many mages and local tyrants rush to grab it.

In just a few minutes, the price of the robe was raised to 2,200 gold.

On the contrary, the price of the shield was only 50 gold coins and slowly increased....

In a novice village, several people sat together

"Mr. Ma, do you want to raise the price of the shields?" someone asked.

"Don't worry, there may be two shields."Ma Jingfei said calmly.

He has been in the business world for many years and has always been very calm....

"Mr. Ma, we currently have 5,000 gold coins, so we should be able to take down this shield!"

In another novice village, Mr. Ma

"Don't worry, I'll make a move later!"

The man called Mr. Ma held his chin with one hand, and his expression was also very calm.

However, under his calm appearance, there seemed to be a trace of uneasiness.

The value of this shield is too great.

It is still unknown who will win!

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