"What? When you get to town, you can learn about life and occupations?"

"I see, so how is the Goblin Staff made?"

"Then the leather armor should also be manufactured, right?"

"So, the big guilds have to train a few life professional players?"

Su Mu's news soon caused a stir on the world channel.

China has a population of more than one billion, and not everyone likes fighting and killing.

In most online games, there are also many life and leisure players.

Unlike those games, if you can practice life skills in the Shentu game, you really don't have to worry about your life for the rest of your life!

"Must buy!"

"Cultivating a few life players will greatly enhance the overall strength of the company, so buy some!"

"Don’t leave behind any medicines or materials, just leave some gold coins!"

"That Su Fashen is having a big sale, obviously he is preparing to go to a higher level. Even if he wants to sell things later, we won't be able to use them in the short term. Instead, these resources are more important now!"

Inside some large companies, many people held an emergency online meeting.

Almost everyone agreed.

At least one professional player should be trained.

As a result, the materials that Su Mu consigned became scarce....

"Sold out!"

At the Baiwu Town Hotel, Su Mu smiled with satisfaction after seeing all the materials on the auction house being sold out.

So far, he has finished his journey here perfectly, and it's time to move on to the next map.

"Are the others still in the Novice Village thinking about how to deal with the Wolf King?"

I have completed the main quest of White Mist Town, but no player has yet reached White Mist Town. This feeling of being ahead by a large margin is so overwhelming.

"It's time to go!"

After sorting out the parcels, Su Mu took out the two keys of the hotel.

"Dear adventurer, I wish you a safe journey."The lady boss took the key and gave a sincere blessing.

Su Mu followed the direction indicated by the lady boss and headed towards Xiaoyue City.

Passing through the Misty Mountains, facing the monsters blocking the road, Su Mu directly turned on stealth and swiftness, and had no intention of paying attention to them.

With the help of Eagle Eyes and Magic Vision, he quickly found the path.

This is a canyon path, and there are no monsters on the way forward.

After passing through this path, an endless grassland appeared in front of Su Mu.

"Where should I go?"

The unfamiliar environment made Su Mu a little confused.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Catch it, don't let it get away!"


At this moment, a hurried voice reached Su Mu's ears.

"Over there!"

Su Mu immediately looked in the direction of the sound, and activated Eagle Eye and Magic Perspective at the same time.

The next second, a group of soldiers on horseback and wearing armor appeared in his sight.

This group of people seemed to be chasing some creature in the grass.

The creature shuttled under the grass and moved very fast.

"Coming towards me?"

Through the dual-viewing skill, Su Mu clearly saw that the creature under the grass was huge and its route was exactly where he was.

"The mission is here!"

Faced with the invasion of unknown creatures, Su Mu's expression was not panicked at all, with a faint smile on his face.

He was just worrying about not being able to tell the direction, and this team of people appeared. If this is not a mission, then what is it?

"So what if I run fast?"

"I told you to stop, so you have to stop!"

Su Mu turned his attention to the unknown creature, waiting for it to approach.

As it entered the range of the skill, Su Mu's eyes flashed with energy.

"Gravity field!"

Although the Gravity Field skill does no damage, the gravity field is directly linked to the player's intelligence.

Su Mu's current intelligence is close to 1,000 points, and the force field released is extremely powerful.

Under the perspective skill, it can be clearly seen that when the gravity field appears, the creature staggers, like a bug stuck in a quagmire, unable to move.

"Good opportunity, act quickly!"

"Everyone is ready for battle, we must take down this sand beast!"


Not far away, the shouts of the group of people came again.

Those people's attention was all on the creature, and they didn't notice Su Mu in the distance.

"Can they deal with this guy?"

Through the energy of the life signs of these people and comparing them with the creature underground, Su Mu narrowed his eyes.

"Wait and see what happens, and be ready to support at any time!"

After thinking for a while, he decided to wait and see.

After using the gravity field to trap the creature, he should have triggered this task....

HZ City.

In a villa, a man is videoing

"Is this what you mean by confident? How should this matter end now?"A white man shouted angrily at the other end.

The man lowered his head with a gloomy expression:"Public opinion has not been completely suppressed. As long as we let the family members of the"victims" come forward, strongly condemn Sufashen, and demand that he come forward to give justice, it may not be impossible to turn the situation around!"

"I don't want to hear your nonsense, I just want to see the result!" The white man roared.

Just as the man was about to explain, the communication was suddenly cut off.

Not only that, the power supply of the whole villa seemed to be cut off.

""What's going on? Someone, why is there a power outage?"

The man frowned and shouted.

He was in a high-end villa, and even if there was a power outage, he would be notified in advance, so it was impossible for the power to be cut off suddenly.

""Where are the people? Where did they go?"

He shouted for a long time, but no one responded.

"Damn it!" The man's expression became impatient, and he walked to the door, wanting to go out and see what was going on.


The next second, the door was kicked open, and the door panel hit the man's face directly, and the powerful force made him fall to the ground.

"Are you looking for death?"

The pain on his face made the man roar angrily.

"Excuse me, are you talking to me?"

A polite voice sounded.

When the man heard this, he raised his head suddenly, and his eyes turned into horror.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Someone come! Someone come!"

He kept shouting.

"Stop shouting, your men are so useless!" Another woman's voice sounded, with an extremely disdainful tone.

"What do you want to do? This is a private residence!"The man heard this and spoke calmly.

"Someone paid a lot of money to see a good show, so we are the directors, right?"

A playful voice sounded.

A tall man in a windbreaker and sunglasses took out a pair of gloves from his pocket.

A pair of white gloves.

There was a faint smile on his lips, and the eyes under the sunglasses were emotionless.

"The good show is about to begin!"

"Ah! Ah!"

"Please, let me go!"

Soon, hysterical screams rang out in the huge villa.

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