"Great, we're finally out!"

"Adventurer, you are so awesome!"

"From today on, you are our idol!"

After bringing all the priest girls out safely outside the Howling Swamp, Su Mu was surrounded by a group of girls, who praised him one after another.

"This is what I should do!" Su Mu smiled and accepted

【Your reputation in Xiaoyue City Priests Association has been improved! 】

A prompt popped up

"There is this benefit?"

Su Mu still understood the benefits of reputation, and his smile became even brighter.

""Is it you? Did you get out safely?"

At this time, an NPC appeared and shouted happily after seeing the group of priest girls.

This NPC was Feiyan who issued the task.

"Adventurer, thank you so much, if it weren't for you, I really don't know what I would do!"

After her companion was rescued, she sincerely thanked Su Mu.

【Mission completed, you get the skill book: Holy Light Strike! 】

At the same time, Su Mu also received the mission completed.���Tips

【Holy Light Strike (Level A): Consumes 500 mana, summons a holy light to strike enemies within 100 meters, causing (Spirit value + Intelligence value) x 300% damage, and has a 1.2 times damage bonus to undead creatures. Instant, cooldown time 5 minutes!】

"Wow, it's an A-level skill right from the start!"

Su Mu couldn't hide his excitement when he saw this skill.

Generally, skills that are A-level right from the start can be upgraded to SSS level!

And judging from the difficulty of the task, saving these NPCs is definitely a difficult task.

【Holy Light Strike successfully upgraded to Holy Light Strike (SSS level) full! 】

As expected, after opening the skill bar to add points, this skill was directly upgraded to SSS level by Su Mu

【Holy Light Strike (SSS level): Consumes 2000 mana points, summons a holy light to strike enemies within 500 meters, causing (spirit value + intelligence value) x1500% damage, and has a 2x damage bonus to undead creatures. It is instant, and the cooldown time is 3 minutes!】

""It's strong!"

Su Mu looked at the damage calculation.

This skill has higher damage than his own Thunderbolt Lightning!

The damage calculation formula is also very friendly to the priest profession.

Su Mu looked at his attributes.

Player: Su Mu

Occupation: Mage

Level: Tier 2, Level 6 (8000/30000)

HP: 8180 Mana

: 39800

Melee Physical Attack: 716

Spell Attack: 2583

Physical Defense: 918

Spell Defense: 1295

Attributes: Strength 308, Constitution 338 (+280), Agility 308, Spirit 605 (+390), Intelligence 764 (+410)

Equipment: Scepter of the God of Law, Skull Ring, Sheepskin Leggings, Sheepskin Boots, Sheepskin Gloves, Sheepskin Magic Hat, Sheepskin Robe, Goatman Priest's Necklace, Goatman Priest's Ring, White Mist Town Warrior Badge.

The sum of Spirit and Intelligence reached 2169 points.

In other words, the damage of the Holy Light Strike skill reached 32535!

If the opponent is an undead monster, such as the BOSS in the Skeleton Cave before, the damage caused by this skill is more than 65,000 points!

"What a pity! It would be great if this was a magic skill!"

Looking at this powerful skill, Su Mu sighed.

This is a priest skill, not affected by the blood of the god of magic. High mana consumption is not a problem. The main problem is that the three-minute cooldown is a bit long.

"Adventurer, can you escort us back to Xiaoyue City?"

While Su Mu was still admiring this skill, Feiyan's voice rang out.

"Of course!"

Su Mu agreed.

He had originally planned to return to Xiaoyue City.

After walking out of the swamp, there were no monsters on the way back to the city.

The guards of Xiaoyue City were obviously very powerful.

"I'm finally back!"

When the gate of Xiaoyue City came into view, a group of priest girls burst into tears of joy.

Su Mu followed them into the city, looked at the sign in front of him, and began to think. He has now reached level 6 of the second stage and can learn skills from various professional instructors.

But he is not so anxious about this.

If he doesn't sort out the mess in the parcel column, he will have obsessive-compulsive disorder.

""Go to the living area!"

Su Mu rushed to the living area.

When he arrived in front of the empty shops, he began to look around.

Each shop was marked with a serial number. No. 1 was the most prosperous area, adjacent to the storefronts of the NPCs.

"How much does this place cost?"

Just as Su Mu was looking at the storefront, an NPC came over.

He was wearing a gorgeous outfit and looked very rich.

"Adventurer, do you want to buy a shop?"

"I want to buy this shop!" Su Mu nodded and pointed to shop No. 1.

"This is the number one shop in Xiaoyue City, the price is not low, are you sure you can afford that much money?"The NPC looked at Su Mu with a look of contempt.

""What's the price?" Su Mu asked anxiously.

Even though he was rich, he was still a little worried that the price in this store was beyond his ability to afford.

"One hundred thousand gold coins. You are a distinguished guest of Xiaoyue City, so you can enjoy a 20% discount, which is 80,000 gold coins!"The NPC replied.

"Eighty thousand gold coins?"

This number made Su Mu feel relieved.

He looked at the number of gold coins on the parcel column: 267,809.

It was more than enough to buy this shop.

"Buy it, since I have nowhere else to spend the money now!"

After a little struggle, he made a decision.

"I bought it!" He generously initiated a transaction with the NPC, putting down 80,000 gold coins.

"Buy it now? ?"

Even the NPC didn't react.

"What, you are not allowed to buy it?" Su Mu raised his eyebrows and asked back

"Of course not. I will go and prepare the formalities. Please wait a moment!"

The NPC immediately got busy, and the tone of his address to Su Mu changed.

After a long time, he brought two things.

【You have obtained the title deed to the No. 1 shop in Xiaoyue City!】

【You have obtained the business license of Xiaoyue City! 】

After paying the money, Su Mu officially became the owner of Shop No. 1!

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