In the early morning, when the sun shone through the window onto Su Mu's face, he slowly woke up.

After his attributes in the game were greatly improved, his physical fitness in reality also became stronger.

Especially in terms of mental strength.

After sleeping for a few hours, he could feel full of energy.

"Play games?"

"But I don’t have anything to do in Baiwu Town!"

After getting up and tidying up, Su Mu sat on the sofa. For the first time, he did not enter the game directly.

There was no point in grinding the levels of the monsters outside Baiwu Town.

"We'll talk about it tonight!"

Picking up his phone, Su Mu began to check the hot topics.

Many front-page headlines related to him popped up.

Something like"Su Fashen is carrying out an epic mission, and perhaps after completing it, it will trigger another world-class announcement!"

"Do we really want to attack the future God of Magic for a little reward? A warning to all players in White Mist Town!"

"Who is Su Fashen? Why is he ahead of all the players? Does he have any secrets?"

Most of them are speculation posts, with no real evidence at all, just nonsense.

After reading them, Su Mu couldn't help shaking his head.

He continued to scan the posts and suddenly found a different post.

""He has the same name as Su Fashen, couldn't stand the abuse, and chose to commit suicide!"

The content of this post is not much, it tells the story of a man named"Su Mu", who has the same name as Su Fashen, couldn't stand the pressure of public opinion, and couldn't think straight. There is also a picture attached to the post.

It is a photo of a person writing a suicide note in a room.

It was this picture that made Su Mu realize that something was wrong!

With keen insight, even if it was just a picture, he could see the clues.

"The handwriting on this man's suicide note was wrong, his clothes were very neat, and the distribution of various details in the house definitely did not look like someone who would commit suicide!"

"This is not right!"

Su Mu solved the case like a detective.

He looked at the post again. The location was in HF City.

It was not close to his city. It would take about two and a half hours by high-speed rail.

"Do you want to go and have a look?"

Su Mu's intuition told him that there was something wrong behind this, and he wanted to find out what was going on.

"I haven't been away from home for a long time!"

There's nothing to do right now. Even if I go to HF City, I can still enter the game there without any delay.

"But if you go out, you still have to be careful."

Of course, Su Mu didn't plan to take a bus to HF City directly.

He took out a black shirt and a pair of black pants from the closet, and put on a black mask.


"Magic perspective!"

With these two skills activated, Su Mu could see everything around him.


The next second, he appeared one kilometer away. In ordinary third-tier cities, there are not so many cameras on the streets.

With the magic perspective, Su Mu easily avoided those cameras and came to the high-speed rail station.

Even though the Shentu game is popular now, there are still many travelers in the high-speed rail station.

Su Mu did not buy a ticket and teleported directly into the toilet of a train.

He chose an empty carriage with no one.

In the past, there would be almost no empty carriages, but now, this has become the norm.

As the train sped, the platform of HF City also arrived.

Under the mask, Su Mu had a faint smile on his face.

For this city, he is a non-existent person.

A non-existent person cannot be checked!

After avoiding various probes and crowds, he came to the address written on the post.

Because of the accident, this place has become very unlucky, and people say they are afraid to avoid it.

Su Mu used flash and went directly into the house.

"Sure enough, there is a problem!"

From the perspective of magic, everything in the room is visible.

Su Mu discovered the mark left by the second person!

Even if that guy did it perfectly, he couldn't escape the"magic""!

"Are you specifically targeting people named Su Mu?"

"I can't stand this!"

Su Mu quickly figured out the other party's motive.

This was directed at him!

"Is it an individual act or an organization?"

He stroked his chin, his eyes cold....

HF City, Haoyun Hotel.

This is considered a high-end hotel, and the price of a luxury suite is more than 2,000 per night.

Doug stood by the window and looked through a telescope at a room in the opposite building.

"I'm monitoring the next target!"

He was wearing a Bluetooth headset and was connected

"The mission has been temporarily canceled. Tell everyone in HF City to retreat to a safe place and wait for the next order!"

The words on the other end of the headset stunned Doug.

"Why was it cancelled suddenly?" he asked in surprise

"This is an order, you don't need to ask, from now on, you guys just play the game over there, I will mail you some equipment and gold coins"

"Remember, keep an eye on those guys, don't let anything go wrong!"

The voice on the other end of the headset commanded.

""Okay, you decide!"

Doug shrugged and replied.

After hanging up the phone, he closed the window and made another call.

"All missions canceled, tell everyone else, we'll meet at the old place!"

After making this call, Doug began to clean up the hotel.

He was very professional and left no trace, at least not visible to the naked eye.

"Su Mu? I quite like those screams!"

Before leaving, he deliberately glanced at the room he had observed before and licked his lips.

The expression on his face was morbid.


After finishing the tidying up, the door of the room was shut heavily, Doug took his things and left the hotel.

There was one thing he didn't know.

A pair of invisible eyes saw all his actions, including his"hostility" towards Su Mu!

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