"The monsters have been refreshed!"

In the dark cave, Su Mu opened the magic perspective and found that most of the monsters outside had been refreshed.

"Dismiss the clone!"

He dismissed the phantom clone and walked into the cave.

""Shadow Escape!"

As soon as the skill was activated, he instantly turned into a black shadow.

This powerful concealment ability was undetectable even by those shadow monsters.

Su Mu ignored the monsters and ran towards the depths of the cave.

He chose to ignore some elite monsters that were refreshed on the way, and focused on the dungeon.

With the dual blessing of Shadow Escape and Flash, he quickly reached the depths of the cave.

There was no monster here, and the previous shadow demon BOSS did not seem to be refreshed.

Taking out the key of the secret realm fragment combination, Su Mu came to the magma area.

A burning feeling suddenly filled him.

【Do you want to open the secret dungeon: Lava Cave? Number of people who can enter: 50!】


A strong white light appeared on the key to the secret realm, and a portal appeared immediately afterwards.

Su Mu did not hesitate and passed through the door.

"It's so hot!"

The next second, the temperature around me suddenly increased by more than ten degrees.

"This place looks like a volcanic cave!"

Su Mu quickly looked around and whispered softly.

Looking around, there were cracks everywhere on the ground, and between those cracks flowed red magma.

""Eagle Eyes!"

Su Mu looked into the distance.

Inside the cave, there were magma pools all around.

Many fire-element creatures were wandering back and forth in the magma pools.

Su Mu frowned and thought.

The outer part of the cave was fine, with many places to stand, but the deeper you went, the larger the magma pools would be.

This meant that he might have to fight those fire-element creatures in the magma pools.

"What would happen if I stepped into this pool of magma?"

"Melt directly? Or lose health?"

Su Mu looked at the crack not far in front of him.

"Mana Shield!"

Activating the shield skill, Su Mu walked over, stretched out his foot and slowly stepped on it.


The next second, a damage number popped up above his head.

"Is the damage so high?"

This damage number made Su Mu stunned.

His defense was very high, and he also had spell resistance, but a single touch caused 500 points of damage.

He stretched out his hand and touched the magma again. He felt a burning sensation, but it was still within the acceptable range.


The same damage number popped up again.

This means that as long as you touch the lava, you will receive a fixed damage of 500 points.

"This dungeon is not easy, no wonder it requires fifty people!"

Five hundred points of damage is a considerable number for any profession that has reached level 10 of the second stage!

There is no doubt that without fifty players who have reached level 10 of the second stage, and all of them have reached the elite level, it is absolutely impossible to pass this dungeon.

"Those fire monsters can lie in the magma, so their fire resistance must be quite high!"

""Let's start the frost storm!"

Su Mu's target was the fire element in a magma area.

With the cold light in his eyes, a strong frost began to take shape.

However, when the frost storm touched the magma, ice and fire collided immediately.

The sound of water vapor evaporating came from the air.

However, with Su Mu's current spell attack, the frost storm released, even if it was reduced by environmental factors, still caused considerable damage to the fire elements in the magma.

After suffering damage, the fire elements also floated up from the magma and went towards Su Mu.

"This shape is quite cool!"

Su Mu now saw the appearance of those fire elements clearly.

Two meters tall, like a burning flame, with human-like limbs, made of flames.

When they were about a hundred meters away from Su Mu, these fire elements raised their hands.

"Are you rolling a fireball?"

A flaming ball slowly formed from their hands and flew towards Su Mu.


A damage number quickly popped up in Su Mu's head.

"The damage is quite high!"

Su Mu was a little surprised after seeing this number.

His current spell defense is very high, and he also has spell resistance.

Even so, the damage caused by these fire elements still reached four digits, which was really a bit disadvantageous.

Su Mu took a few steps forward and saw the attributes of those fire elements.

【Flame Demon (Elite)]

Level: Tier 2, Level 10

HP: 10064/40000

Spell Attack: 2000

Physical Defense: 800

Spell Defense: 1200

Skills: Fire Resistance Fireball

From the attributes, it can be seen that these Flame Demons are all magic monsters.

Although the frost storm just now reduced the damage by 50% due to environmental factors, it still caused nearly 30,000 damage.

"Another one!"

Su Mu used Frost Storm again.




Different damages appeared on the heads of the flame demons.

Each damage of the frost storm triggered mana surge and spell critical strike independently.

Facing more than 20 flame demons, the probability of critical strike was really high.

【You killed the fire demon!】

【Gain 1 point of intelligence through the Glory of the God of Magic!】...

As the damage of the second storm increased, the flame demons on the field fell to the ground one after another.

"Killing high-level elites is different!"

Su Mu looked at it and saw that the Glory of the God of Law was triggered five times in total.

With the blessing of super-limit enhancement, he increased his intelligence by 10 points in such a short time!

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