The appearance of the BOSS made Su Mu change his mind.

According to the progress of the dungeon, after he finished it, he would need a period of cooling before he could continue. It would be a waste of time to return to Xiaoyue City now and then rush over to fight the BOSS.

After thinking about it, Su Mu decided to go back to the advanced level after defeating this BOSS.

"Summon Skeletons!"

After summoning the Skeletons, Su Mu changed into a long-range agility outfit.

"Transform into Xuanyuan!"

"Phantom clone!"

Summoning the clone, Su Mu changed back into his mage outfit.

With the help of the equipment, the clone's ranged attack also reached more than 2,000 points.

Unfortunately, the clone couldn't use skills. Otherwise, with all his S-level ranged skills, the clone's output would never be low.

"If I can't use active skills, I should be able to trigger passive skills, right?"

"Then I will look for passive skills to improve the output of archers!"There are always more solutions than problems. Su Mu had planned to find passive output skills for archers before.

Unfortunately, the levels of other players are too low now, and there are none in the auction house.

However, he still has two archer skills that he has not learned, and there should be a passive skill.

"We'll talk about these later, let's deal with the BOSS first!"

Walking towards the BOSS, Su Mu observed the surrounding terrain.

The open cave area has a kite distance of at least 700 to 800 meters.

Frost Storm will kite, and Crow Storm will attack the monsters. With the help of Skeleton Brothers and clones to hold back the two-headed dogs, he can kill the BOSS with all his strength.

"Mana shield!"

"Energy Awakening!"

After using two skills, Su Mu began to wait for his mana to recover.

Energy Awakening was linked to his spirit value, and the recovery speed was not slow.

However, his mana was really scary now.

If other mages saw that his mana was almost 60,000, they would definitely exclaim: There is a cheat!

"Frost storm!"


A storm covered the BOSS and all the monsters, and then Su Mu sent down another lightning.

Not far away, Su Mu clearly saw the damage numbers appearing on the heads of those two-headed dogs.

The difference was that when the frost of the frost storm hit their bodies, the flames covering them almost instantly dissolved the effect of the frost.

In other words, these two-headed dogs were not affected by the deceleration effect at all!

Despite their huge size, they were surprisingly fast.

Led by the BOSS, a group of two-headed dogs pounced on Su Mu together.

"Don't want to be slowed down? Then try this!"

The slowing down effect lost its effect, Su Mu raised his eyebrows, and an invisible pressure suddenly enveloped the entire cave.

"Gravity field!"

The two-headed dog that was running fast paused.


Su Mu called out to the skeleton brother, and then controlled the clone to attack the BOSS, with lightning flashing in his eyes.


""Crow Storm!"

While attacking the BOSS, Su Mu also took care of the other monsters.

In this small area, his AOE skills were almost certain to hit.


Just as Su Mu was about to use lightning to quickly kill the BOSS, the two-headed dog that was fixed in place roared.

This roar carried a sound wave attack, and Su Mu suddenly felt dizzy.

【You are affected by the roar of the Flame Two-Headed Dog, and are silent for 5 seconds! 】

A prompt popped up immediately afterwards

"And with silence?"

Su Mu's pupils suddenly dilated, and his face darkened.

For a mage, silence is undoubtedly fatal.

This is not over yet. The Flame Dog BOSS raised its huge front paw and stomped heavily on the ground.


The ground cracked under the huge impact.

A lot of magma rushed up along these cracks, accurately hitting Su Mu, the skeleton brother and the clone.

Nearly 3,000 damage figures appeared on the heads of Su Mu and the clone.

The skeleton brother even directly deducted more than 7,000 health points.

However, the health of the skeleton brother is still within the safety line.

As for Su Mu himself, he was not panicked at all.

With the shield, the Flame Dog BOSS could do nothing to him. What's more, the Crow

Storm released before was still sucking blood. As long as the BOSS could not kill him in one second, Su Mu's health would be restored almost instantly.

The control time of the gravity field was still continuing, and the Flame Dog BOSS had obviously used up all its long-range attack methods.

"It's still a big advantage against melee combat!"

Su Mu stood there, silently waiting for the 5 seconds of silence to pass.

"Frost storm!"

"Crow Storm!"

"Gravity field!"

When the time came, Su Mu added an AOE output skill and then added another gravity field.

He looked at the Flamehound BOSS.

This guy's health was as high as 160,000 points, but his magic defense was only 2,000 points, and it only had fire resistance.

After Su Mu's previous rounds of attacks, the BOSS's health was almost at the bottom.

If it weren't for the 5 seconds of silence, it would have been a corpse now!

"Holy Light Strike!"



【You killed the Flame Hellhound BOSS!】

【Gain 1 intelligence point through the Glory of the Magic God! 】

For the last attack, Su Mu used the Holy Light skill with the highest damage at present.

But what he didn't expect was that this attack not only triggered a spell critical strike, but also triggered a spell surge.

After seeing those two extremely exaggerated damage numbers, even Su Mu couldn't help but shout out

""What the hell!!"

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