"What do you mean?"

Xu Shijie blurted out subconsciously.

His mind was a little confused.

How did Su Mu know that there was something in the drawer?

This is unscientific!

But he acted quickly, walked to the drawer quickly, and took out the gun inside.

Turning on the safety, he aimed at Su Mu with a stern look in his eyes.

"Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

With a gun in hand, Xu Shijie's face was more confident.

Can a mortal body withstand bullets?

But what surprised Xu Shijie was that Su Mu, who was pointed at by the gun, did not show any fear on his face.

It was as if he was holding a toy gun.

Xu Shijie could not help but weigh the gun in his hand.

It was not light, it was definitely real.

"To be honest, we don't have to be enemies. If you are willing to join hands with me, we will become the masters of the future!" He spoke again, and his confidence weakened a lot.

Su Mu listened to these words with a faint smile.

It was actually very simple to kill Xu Shijie. There was another reason why he hadn't taken action yet.

He wanted to take a bullet!

""Mana shield!"

Su Mu silently said in his heart. It was the first time that he used this skill in reality.

The next second, a magical feeling came over him.

It was as if his body was wrapped by some kind of power.

This power formed a barrier around his body, or a protective layer.

"Hey, say something!"

Xu Shijie saw Su Mu standing there motionless, frowning and urging him.

"Stop talking nonsense, Mr. Xu, just shoot!"

Su Mu then looked at Xu Shijie and said something shocking.

"What did you say?"Xu Shijie's eyes widened, not believing what he heard.

Anyone would feel more or less afraid when facing a gun.

But he really didn't see Su Mu's fear.

"Do you really think I don't dare?"Xu Shijie clenched the gun in his hand and shouted through gritted teeth.

As a young man, although he had been to many shooting clubs to practice shooting, this was the first time he pointed a gun at a person.

Shooting undoubtedly requires great courage!

"You dare not!"

Su Mu also saw Xu Shijie's hesitation and said with a smile

"You are looking for death!"

Xu Shijie was obviously enraged, and his eyes suddenly became fierce.


A gunshot pierced the night sky.

Just when Xu Shijie thought that this shot could kill Su Mu, a scene that he would never forget appeared.

The bullet stopped abruptly in front of Su Mu's body.

The bullet was still spinning, but it could not break through the invisible barrier.

"How is this possible?"

Xu Shijie roared.

Everything in front of him completely overturned his cognition.

Su Mu's performance of ignoring bullets could no longer be described by common sense.


He pulled the trigger again.

Several bullets came one after another, but they all stopped in front of Su Mu.


After losing its momentum, the bullet fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"This is not..."Xu Shijie's expression was filled with fear. He was about to say something when he found that his mouth could not move.

Not only his mouth, but his body could not move either.

There was an invisible force that held him firmly in place.

His eyes stared at Su Mu, as if asking: What on earth did you do? Su Mu responded with an evil smile.

Then, under Xu Shijie's gaze, a ball of fire emerged from Su Mu's hand.

Xu Shijie's expression became more and more terrified, his eyes kept rolling, and he tried desperately to struggle.

But facing the strong gravitational field, he couldn't escape at all.

"Thank you for helping me verify something."

Su Mu's voice rang out.

Xu Shijie knew very well that the seemingly friendly tone was actually a death knell!

"Goodbye, Xu Shao!"...

In an office at Daheng Group, a man who looks similar to Xu Shijie but is much older has a sad face.

He is the heir of Daheng Group and Xu Shijie's elder brother: Xu Shixiong.

As for the reason why he is sad, it is also because of Xu Shijie.

Daheng Group transferred all its assets to Shentu, and each of their brothers controlled a part of the financial resources. Whoever can achieve higher achievements in Shentu will be the next head of the Xu family.

He was indeed far ahead of Xu Shijie before, but who knew that his younger brother would actually surpass him.

Xu Shixiong was naturally unwilling to lose his position as the head of the family.

""Ring! Ring! Ring!"

At this time, his cell phone rang.

Xu Shixiong looked at the caller ID and raised his eyebrows.

He knew this person was Xu Shijie's subordinate.

But why did this guy suddenly call him?

Xu Shixiong answered the phone impatiently.

"" Master, it's bad, something's happened to the second master!"

The next second, a hurried voice came from the other end, and it sounded as if the man was about to cry.

Xu Shixiong's face also changed, and he hurriedly asked:"What happened?"

"The second young master's house caught fire. Although the fire had been put out, the second young master..."The voice on the other end was still crying.

Xu Shixiong understood what was said before he finished speaking.

His expression became sad.

After all, Xu Shijie was his brother!

However, a few seconds later, a smile appeared on his face again.

What does Xu Shijie's death mean?

It means that no one will compete with him for the position of the head of the Xu family!

""Master, the second master's death is so strange, I suspect it was done by Su Mu!"

At this moment, the voice on the other end of the phone rang again.

"Are you sure?"

This sentence scared Xu Shixiong.

He knew that Xu Shijie was looking for Su Mu in a big way.

He couldn't help but shudder when his subordinate said this.

If all this was really done by Su Mu, would he be the next target?

Xu Shixiong looked around the office, and a strong sense of fear enveloped him.

After a moment, he made a decision.

"Call back all those people who are looking for Su Mu!"

"This matter ends here!"

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