National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 10 Gemini Guardian Unicorn

"What's the matter? Why did I suddenly gain so many skill points!" Lin Feng was quite surprised,

Skill points are quite precious. After all, 1 skill point can upgrade a skill to a level. After the upgrade, the effect is completely different from before. The original 13 directly became 26, which is an exaggeration.

"By the way, two hidden professions!" Lin Feng suddenly thought that he is now a double hidden profession, and the skill slots are doubled, so the skill points are should be...normal, it really is double the happiness!

"Okay, since there are so many skill points, I'll add all my favorites. Anyway, I can wash some if I add them wrong."

First of all, there are 2 passives: residual blood kill, dual weapon proficiency, and guardian knight proficiency. These two skills cannot be upgraded.

The other 4 passive skills: Nether Body Lv1, Death Body Lv1, Guardian Light Lv1, Aegis Body Lv1, cannot be upgraded at present.

Light/Dark Form LV1, Gate of Hell Lv1, Death's Contract Lv1, Sacrifice Lv1, Starlight Resurrection Lv1, Guardian Unicorn Lv1, and Destruction Lv1. There is no + behind these active skills, and they cannot be upgraded at present.

The rest are Soul Hook Lv1, Soul Destroyer Circle Lv1, Hell Flame Lv1, Ghost Claw Lv1.

Guardian Array Lv1, Super Blood Recovery Lv1, Guardian Shockwave Lv1. Healing Lv1, Holy Light Lv1.

Nine active skills can be learned, but the priest's two are too weak and were eliminated by Lin Feng. For the other 7 active skills, some can't be upgraded after level 1, and some can't be upgraded by level 2 or 3.

In short, Lin Feng soon finished upgrading the skill levels of his remaining seven active skills.

[Ecstasy Strike Lv3], [Soul Destruction Circle Lv3], [Hell Flame Lv2], [Ghost Claw Lv2].

[Guardian Circle Lv3], [Super Blood Recovery Lv3], [Guardian Shockwave Lv2].

A total of 11 skill points have been consumed, and 15 are left.

When everything was ready, Lin Feng observed his character attributes again, only to find that the five attributes of strength, physique, intelligence, spirit, and agility had all returned to zero!

And he still has 127 free attribute points!

"I am currently level 13, with 127 free attribute points, minus 10 game rewards, the 117 is... I will have 9 free attribute points every time I level up!"

"I'm going! This hidden job is too good. Two hidden jobs, each with 2 points, directly makes me 4 points more than ordinary players every time I level up. It's a bluff!"

Afterwards, Lin Feng started adding points again.

Player: Meng Wang

HP: 2520

Mana: 300

Physical Attack: 40-45

Magic Attack: 230-240

Physical Defense: 220

Magic Defense: 22

Strength: 10

Constitution: 50

Intelligence: 50

Spirit: 10

Dexterity: 7

After changing his job to the hidden job, Guardian of Light, his attribute bonuses have changed again.

The current attribute bonuses of Lin Feng are:

Magic Attack = Intellect X4

Life value = Constitution X40

Physical Defense = Constitution X4

Physical Attack = Strength X2

Magic Defense = Spirit X2

Magic value = spirit X20.

The intelligence has doubled, the strength has doubled, and the key point is that the physique has greatly increased. There are more health points, which is also very helpful for him to use the skills of trainee Reaper.

With everything ready, he left the hotel directly, intending to wander around the main city.

This was a habit he had developed from frequent power leveling, that is, he was familiar with every corner of the main city, which was very helpful for him to accept and hand in quests, after all, his time was money.

As mentioned on the official website, the second world is equivalent to a 100 times larger Earth. Wherever the player logs in, the nearest novice village corresponding to the game will appear, and then enter the nearest main city.

Lin Feng's current location is called Longyuan City, and he walked around the main city for more than an hour, taking all the quests he could take.

It can be seen that there are mostly Chinese antique buildings here, with pavilions, towers and pavilions, and square gates.

Even if he wasted more than an hour outside, there are still not many players entering the main city at this time, and there are no more than 20 players in total.

Later, Lin Feng spent 2 gold coins from the blacksmith to buy a bronze-level sword and a bronze-level shield, plus bronze-level armor, helmet, armguards, leggings, and boots.

After buying these, he still has 12 left. From this, it can be seen that Hell is really poor. He had 12 gold coins for killing the big boss earlier, and only got 2 gold coins after three hours of spawning monsters.

In the second world, unless there are certain regulations, what can only be equipped, or what cannot be equipped. Others have no restrictions on equipment and weapons. Wizards can also hold swords and wear heavy armor, and warriors can also wear staffs and robes.

However, the warrior's passive mainly increases the armor, heavy armor, sword, etc... The mage's passive mainly increases the robe and staff, etc.

However, Lin Feng's current passive does not increase the equipment and weapons. Instead, he can get an extra shield, which naturally needs to be equipped with a set.

And the physical attack of this big sword is similar to the current Bronze-level Reaper's Sickle. It can be seen from this that even if the Reaper's Sickle is growth-oriented, the Bronze-level's attack will not be high.

After packing up, he left the main city from the east of the city.

The primary purpose is to quickly rise to level 15, so that you can learn a lot of skills and improve your strength by leaps and bounds. At the same time, he also wants to wear a set of protective gear. As a dual hidden profession, he is still wearing a bronze suit, which is too shameful.

At this time, just after walking out, Lin Feng saw two or three players fighting monsters, all of which were level 10-15 monsters, so Lin Feng ran further away.

The undead creatures in hell are much more fierce than those here, and they like to act in groups. He even dared to break into the 30-level monster area to level up, and the 20-level monsters here were not enough to kill.

Soon, Lin Feng ran to the 30th strange area.

two-headed wolf

Level 30

HP: 1500

"Come here first!" Lin Feng stopped, and then directly cast the skill "Guardian Unicorn"

[Guardian Unicorn Lv1] Consume 1% of HP to summon Gemini, one of the twelve constellations, Guardian Unicorn to assist in combat. The guardian unicorn is completely heartfelt to the summoner, and its level will increase with the experience gained from fighting monsters, and it cannot surpass the summoner. The guardian unicorn exists for an unlimited time, and it loses level 1 when it dies. It can be resurrected automatically after 12 hours. It can be recalled to the guardian space at any time, and the cooldown is 1 hour.

With the loss of a drop of his blood, a milky white glowing magic circle appeared in front of him, and then a milky voice came out from the magic circle: "Yeah?

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