National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 103 Opening The Global Main City Authority

At present, there is no clear map of the second world, but the main cities entered by each player, and finally everyone summed up and summarized the Huaxia District. Currently, there are thirty-six dragon cities that players have entered, corresponding to the thirty-six Huaxia cities in Huaxia.

For example, if Lin Feng is in Jinghua City, anyone who logs into the game within the management area of ​​Jinghua City will enter the main city, Longyuan City.

And Lin Feng had seen it in the game forum, and remembered the names of the thirty-six dragon cities, all of which had the word dragon.

Among them, there is no name of the city of Naro at all.

During the flight, he sent a message to the long-legged beauty "Noon's Glacier": "Are you in the game? Is there a main city called Naro City over there?"

Soon, there was a message back: "Young handsome boy Meng Wang, I'm in the city of Naro, which corresponds to the city I'm in in our kingdom of France. Why do you ask this?"

Lin Feng: "I received a mission and need to go there to complete it. By the way, you went to the Great Light Sanctuary, did you also transfer from the Priest Transfer Hall?"

Noon's Glacier: "Yes, aren't you in Huaxia? You can't come to the city of Naluo, right? At present, we can't teleport across the main city."

Lin Feng: "I'll give it a try. If I go there later, I may need your help as a guide."

Noon's Glacier: "No problem, it just so happens that my best friend is also in the city of Naro, and she is number one on the Oumen level list. If you really come, we can help you with the task.

"Thank you in advance, I'll go find a way."

Back in Longyuan City, Lin Feng first entered the Priest Transfer Hall.

Normal priest players enter it, only the job transfer function, nothing else.

When Lin Feng enters, there will naturally be an additional function, that is, the function of teleporting to the Holy City of Great Light.

Spending 80 silver coins again, with the flashing white light, Lin Feng appeared in the square of the Great Bright Holy City.

Afterwards, he ran directly to the hall of Bright Archbishop Baikeli Beran.

Although he is the holy son of the light, and the pope of the light mentioned that he and the archbishop of the light are considered to be in competition, he still chose to come to the archbishop of the light, Baikli Berland.

The so-called county magistrate is not as good as the current one. There are many holy sons in the Pope, and I am one of them, which is nothing.

But with his current status, he will be taken more seriously by the Archbishop.

At the same time, they are all of Michael's lineage.

Because from the last Holy Son battle, Lin Feng could see that the three of them were obviously not of the Light Department.

First of all, their backstage is not from the angel family, and since their teacher, the Pope and the two archbishops accepted them, it is very likely that they are not from the angel family.

It can be seen from this that behind this bright holy religion, there is not only the support of the angel race, but also other races or stronger forces.

He is an angel, so he naturally looks for the one who is closest to him.

There are knights patrolling the Great Bright Holy City, especially in the central places where there are many halls, there are more knights. It's because Lin Feng can't see the specific level clearly.

And although Lin Feng didn't have any token reminders, it was as if he had been marked, and no one stopped him when he ran here, and no one stopped him until he ran to the door of Archbishop Guangming.

Lin Feng was about to knock on the door when a voice suddenly came from the hall: "Come in!"!"

Following the words, a magic circle appeared under Lin Feng's feet, and after the last flicker, he entered the hall.

At this time, Bright Archbishop Baikeli Bolan stood under the high platform, only about five meters away from Lin Feng, and he smiled and said: "Holy Son Meng Wang, if you need to ask me anything, you can ask me directly, it seems that you are in a hurry.

Lin Feng said humbly: "You don't need to call me that, because you are my guide, I have the opportunity to fight for it, and you can call me by my name for the position of Holy Son.

Baikeli Beran showed a smile.

Lin Feng continued: "It's like this, archbishop, I want to hunt down Billy Quinta, the holy son of the Holy Night Sect, and I saw him come to our area, how can we allow this kind of demon to preach in our area, This is absolutely not allowed, I am going to kill him."

Berkeley Berland smiled even wider.

Among human beings, the Holy Cult of the Dark Night is the biggest enemy of the Holy Cult of the Light, especially those from the lineage of the angel family Michael, who especially hate the Holy Cult of the Night and fallen angels.

Lin Feng's performance made him very satisfied and happy. Originally thought that King Meng would have some disrespectful thoughts when he saw the Pope when he became the Holy Son, but now it seems that the other party is very loyal to the Holy Cult of Light and the line of angels.

Baikeli Berland said: "You want to ask how to get to the city of Naro?"

"Yes. Lin Feng said: "Now I can only go back to China's Longyuan City, and here, I don't know how to get to Naluo City. "

Baikeli Bolan said: "It's simple, I will give you the right to send it, and you can go."

As he spoke, he pointed at Lin Feng, and a beam of light hit Lin Feng's forehead and said, "In the name of the Archbishop of Light, I empower the King Meng to teleport to any place where the flame of light is burning."

At this time, Lin Feng got a game prompt.

"Player Meng Wang has opened the Great Light Teleportation Authority. From now on, you will be able to teleport to any main city that has a Temple of Light. Temple of Light: The priest's job transfer hall, the Temple of Light."

"That's great! It means... I can teleport across borders. I'm in Huaxia at this moment, and I can appear in any main city of Omen the next moment!" Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

After opening this authority, Lin Feng was sure that he could reach the city of Naro, and then quickly accepted the task of hunting down the Son of Darkness.

I didn't accept it before, because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to achieve it, so I accepted it for nothing. If the time is up in seven days, if I lose this task permanently, it will be a loss.

After all, the mission rewards are still very exciting to him, not gold coins and experience, but bright merits. This can be used to redeem good things and get promoted at the same time. He was very curious about what it would be like to become the Archbishop of Guangming among NPCs if his merits were high enough.

"Then... archbishop, you should be busy first! I'm going to do the task." Lin Feng said impatiently.

Baikeli Bolan smiled and said: "Go! Just a reminder, the Son of Darkness is level 100, and your current level gap is a bit far. But if you design it, it is possible to kill it."

"Well, I'll pay attention." Lin Feng nodded.

Afterwards, Lin Feng appeared outside the hall.

Then, he hurried to the ten temples where priests changed jobs.

Originally, her teleportation authority was that only the Holy City of Light and Longyuan City were lit, and there were no other names of the main cities.

But now there are hundreds of main cities densely packed in front of his eyes, all of which are lighting up, that is to say, he can teleport them all.

Although there are hundreds of main cities, they are all in separate regions. For example, in Huaxia District, there are 36 dragon cities together, but in addition to these 36, Lin Feng discovered that there are several cities in Huaxia. At this time, he also knew a little bit. , China actually has more than these 36 cities.

Then, he found Omen and chose the city of Naro.

Lin Feng disappeared, and in an instant, he appeared at a resurrection point in a main city square, which can also be regarded as a teleportation point.

Longyuan City has a strong Chinese classical style, with attic pavilions.

And this city of Naro is European magic style, Lin Feng put on a dragon mask before entering, and then teleported here.

Most of the surrounding players are fair-skinned, blond, or dark-skinned players, and there are very few yellow-skinned players. Because his face was covered, no one paid much attention to him.

First of all, Lin Feng sent a message to the glacier in the afternoon: "~ I arrived at the glacier, where are you?"

After waiting for more than five seconds, Lin Feng received a message from Noon's Glacier: "My God, you are amazing, how did you get here? Are you at the resurrection point?"

Lin Feng: "Yes, it should be the resurrection point. I see a lot of players cursing, saying that they were relegated and died again."

Noon's Glacier: "I'll pick you up right away. I still want to go around the main city of Huaxia, but unfortunately there is no way at all. Little handsome boy Mengwang, tell me how you got here."

Lin Feng: "I told the archbishop of Guangming, Baike Li Bolan, that I wanted to do the task, and then he gave me the permission to transfer. As long as there is a priest transfer hall or a temple of light in this city, I can do it." send.

Noon's Glacier: "I'm envious! When I tell my NPC teacher, if I can teleport, I can go to Huaxia freely. I always hear my girlfriends say that Huaxia is doing well. Your dialect over there is not good enough." A lot. I want to learn Northeast dialect."

"Ah! You're very impressed by how well you wash." Lin Feng responded: "If it is activated, you can go to the main city in the northeast if you have the opportunity. You can learn Chinese very quickly with your Chinese level."

At this time, Lin Feng saw a beautiful streamer running towards him in the distance. Liuying is naturally the glacier at noon, and the other party is the Hundred Flowers Fairy, which has countless petals when it moves, and it looks beautiful.

At the same time, Lin Feng was also familiar with the person next to Bing Chuan in Wuri at this time. Murong Xiaoyi was Murong Yiyi, the eldest sister of the five Murong sisters.

The other party was wearing a white leather armor, revealing a section of snow-white thigh, full of elasticity and attractive sensuality. At this time, when he ran (okay, ok) at a high speed, he felt a strong sense of strength.

The two beauties naturally attracted a large number of players to look at them.

The two ran in front of Lin Feng, and Murong Yiyi looked at Wuri Bingchuan in surprise: "You said you met a handsome handsome guy, is he?"

He couldn't see Lin Feng's appearance, but at this moment Lin Feng didn't hide his name, but just used the guardian star ring to hide his rank. And this name, Murong Yiyi naturally remembered.

Bing Chuan said happily in the afternoon: "Yes! He wears a mask, of course you don't know, and he is very powerful, didn't I tell you? He is better than me in PK.

"So you were talking about the battle for the Holy Son. I thought you were talking about normal times! You have too many PKs, so it's really hard to find." Murong Yiyi looked at Lin Feng and said, "I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. , I’m curious, how did you come here when the teleportation array in the main city isn’t open now?”

Noon's Bing Chuan said first: "He talked to Archbishop Guangming, and then he opened it. Isn't he amazing? I told you a long time ago, I know a handsome Huaxia guy, he is very powerful, you still don't believe it.

"If you had mentioned your name earlier, I would have believed it." Murong Yiyi had experienced forming a team with Lin Feng, so she naturally knew his strength.

She looked at Lin Feng again and said, "What are you doing here?"

And at this time, Wu Ri's Bing Chuan also realized that it seems that his best friend knows Meng Wang!

"You guys know each other?" Noon's Glacier asked in surprise. .

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