National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 112 Yashan City, Recruiting The Temple

[The world's number one guild is officially recruiting. I am the vice president, Murong Xiaoyi. Anyone who joins the guild who defeats me will be the vice president.]

Introduce myself, I am Murong Xiaoyi, the vice president of the world's number one guild. This guild is the first guild created in the second world. At the same time, it is a level 2 guild, which can currently accommodate 30,000 people and has a city in the middle. Initial capital injection of 1 billion.

First, there is currently no second guild actually established. The world's number one guild now has 30,000 members, and the members are the core of our guild. If PK beats me, he is the vice president, if he beats the president.

Second, this city is the residence of the world's number one guild. Anyone who joins the guild and exceeds level 30 will be given a house for free. At the same time, for all sub-professional players who open shops and buy real estate in this city, our guild will subsidize your consumption by 20%.

Third, there are currently 2 sets of 30-level gold-level suits in the guild warehouse. 1 level 30 gold staff, 2000 pieces of silver equipment, 1000 pieces of silver weapons. Join the guild and be the first to make an outstanding contribution. You don't need to spend money, and the equipment will be directly given to you.

Those who want to join come to Dragon Feather City, the minimum requirement is level 15.

That's what Murong Yiyi said. Seeing this, Lin Feng was a little bit cautious about joining the guild.

He knows that there is a lot of water in it, for example, 1 billion is absolutely fake, and 100 million will not be easily given to players. As for equipment, he believed in gold equipment, but he didn't believe in so many silver equipment.

But Lin Feng doesn't care about these, but for many ordinary players, this is quite attractive.

See the thread below.

"Heartbeat! This is the feeling of heartbeat. I always thought that Meng Wang was a lone ranger, fighting the hot pot city alone. Only now do I understand that it turns out to be the rich second generation!"

"It's awesome, play a game, take out 1 billion as start-up capital, amazing!"

"It's more than amazing. I've been to the real estate exchange. The cheapest gold coin in Midtown is 100,000. The current average price of gold coins is 400 yuan, which is equivalent to 40 million earth coins. This guy is rich."

"I want to join, I happen to be level 15."

"A courageous guild, I also want to join."

"Tch, a guild that has never been heard of in any game, does not have a core member, and was established by absorbing new members from the second world. This kind of guild without foundation is just empty.

"What you said above makes sense, 1 billion is also a lie! It's only 30,000 people when it's all full, and 100,000 people have already gathered in my hot pot city. As long as we can fight in the guild, we will immediately destroy this guild. Return the number one in the world!" ? The world's worst!"

Some people praise it, some naturally criticize it, and some people have a sour grape mentality.

Lin Feng looked at other posts, then left the computer and lay down in the game room.

Login Games.

Before leaving, he was at the real estate exchange, and when he entered again, he appeared at the gate of the real estate exchange in the Great Bright Holy City.

At this time, he received a lot of news, and the one who received the most news was naturally adding friends.

Since the last battle with Hot Pot City, tens of thousands of people added him as friends, but he ignored them with one click. But this time the creation of the guild and the possession of the city were all announced by the world, which directly resulted in hundreds of thousands of people applying to be friends with him.

I didn't see the name, so I chose to ignore all of them. Fortunately, this game has one button to ignore all, if you ignore or reject one by one, dozens of times, it will be tiring to watch.

After looking at the friends' messages, the seven members of the Seven Dragon Palace sent messages one after another, mainly congratulating Shuilong and saying that they would go to see his city. Then he replied to the message on eleven.

Then there was a message from Noon Bingchuan: "Congratulations! The first to own a city, the first to establish a guild, I'm so envious of me. I heard from Yiyi that she has become the vice president, so add me too! I want to be a small team leader, I can help you pull a lot of beautiful girls`"!"

Lin Feng smiled and replied to Noon Bingbing: "Do you really want to join? My guild doesn't have many people at the moment. I've been bullied and no one will help you!"

Soon, Noon's Glacier replied: "I'm currently number 32 on the God of War list, how many people can bully me? What's more, just help me kill those who bully me! Hurry up, hurry up, I originally planned to do it with my brother! I just feel that it is too unchallenging, I want to help Yiyi build the strongest guild in the world. Starting from nothing sounds exciting."

"Okay." Lin Feng responded.

"Invite my friend Wuri's Glacier to join the guild [the world's number one guild]."

Afterwards, Lin Feng saw one more person in his guild, Noon's Glacier. Then he set Noon Glacier as the captain.

Lin Feng: "Alright, I'm going to visit the city."

Noon's Glacier: "I want to see it too! It's a pity... I just went to the Great Bright Holy City and asked my NPC master, but I don't have enough authority. I also asked why you have it, and he said you are a saint. That's why there is a child, it's abominable! Or... we two join forces to secretly kill a saint child or a saint NPC, and then I will be a saint, and then I can be teleported to Huaxia."

"This guy really dares to think about it!" Lin Feng was surprised, and then replied: "Okay, you go and make a plan, as long as a certain holy son or holy woman leaves here to order, I'm 90% sure to kill it."

Noon's Glacier: "I'm not joking with you, I'm serious.

Lin Feng: "What I said is also true."

The glacier at noon over there showed surprise, and suddenly remembered that she and Murong Yiyi were still waiting yesterday, and after a while, the level suddenly soared, that is, Lin Feng killed the Son of Darkness it impossible to kill the Son of Light? It is possible!

Noon Bingbing responded excitedly: "Okay, it's settled, wait for my news. In the worst case, I will ask my brother for help. If he dares not help, I won't let you sell him the guild token."

"Eh? What kind of logic is that? I don't have a token." Lin Feng was speechless.

Afterwards, he went to the Priest Transfer Hall, found Gu Huaxia, and soon found that there was an additional name "Yashan City" next to Longyu City.


Afterwards, Lin Feng's figure disappeared.

In a blink of an eye, the transparent game panel becomes a noun.

"Yashan City"

Lin Feng appeared in an instant.

He looked around and froze!

"This, is Midtown? Midtown worth 100,000 gold coins? Where's the city? Where's the house?"

Looking around, 90% of the city walls have collapsed, and some are buried deep in the ground, and the city gates have long since disappeared.

Surrounding houses? All collapsed!

Guards? Civilians? Wait, there are no NPCs at all!

Eyes full of ruins.

The only feature is that this city, as its name suggests, is built on the edge of a cliff!

Its south faces the cliff, looking down to see the bottom, surrounded by thick fog. There is no way to the north, but there is a dry moat.

Therefore, Lin Feng concluded that he was standing in a ruin!

It's not a castle at all!

At this time, the game prompt sounded.

"The player enters his residence, Yashan City. This is the ruins of Yashan City. Would you like to rebuild it?"

"Huh, it's okay, I thought it was just such a ruin for me to develop!" Hearing the game prompt, Lin Feng was slightly relieved, but he was really shocked.

""~Rebuild. "Lin Feng said.

Afterwards, all the ruins in front of him emitted white light, and the white light began to expand and become higher, and the white light in the distance became higher.

"Boom!" Lin Feng's body was also in the white light, and he couldn't help closing his eyes. Suddenly, his brain went blank for a moment, and then a game prompt sound came back in his mind.

"The rebuilding of Yashan City is complete."

Lin Feng opened his eyes and looked around.

At this time, he was standing in a large square, with a magic circle drawn on the floor under his feet. He didn't know what kind of magic circle it was, but he was familiar with it.

Because this is the same as the resurrection point, which is the magic circle at the player's teleportation point.

Looking around, here is a Chinese classical style, with pavilions, towers and pavilions, the tallest three-story building, and the square wall is about 50 meters high.

Compared with the Tianyi City where Lin Feng was originally, it is still much smaller, but it is much bigger than Xinshou Village.

Most importantly, this is his city!

At this time, Lin Feng had a small black token on his right hand, but he didn't even feel it, his right index finger was cut, and the token was stained with blood.

"Player Meng Wang activates the city lord token and becomes the city lord of Yashan City."

Yashan City (with a chance to change the name)

Level: Midtown

City Lord: Meng Wang


Guards: 0/3000

Assets: 0

Features: Bencheng's people within 100 kilometers from Yashan City, experience gain +10%, soil attack increase +20%.

Supplement (only the city lord (good king) can be seen): It used to be the city of Juyan king. Three hundred years ago, the king city fought and was destroyed by foreign enemies. Now the treasure of Juyan has not been opened yet.

"I went, bought a city, and gave me a task, there is a preservation! It's still possible!" Lin Feng's eyes showed surprise.

Then, he remembered the mid-level recruitment temple that was rewarded by the game when he got the first city.

Intermediate Recruitment Shrine

Nature: Indestructible

Explanation: Gold coins can be spent to recruit NPCs needed for city development.

Currently recruitable: civilians, workers, guards, instructors, blacksmiths, tailors, pharmacists, cooks, architects, real estate sales officers, teleporters.

Consumption: The recruiting price of city lords is reduced by 20%. Others recruit the original price, and the castellan commissions 1% of the recruitment fee.

"This thing should be for recruiting troops or civilian NPCs, um... where is it built?" Lin Feng walked around the city, and finally set the intermediate recruiting shrine not far from the city lord's mansion place.

The City Lord's Mansion is considered the largest courtyard in Yashan City, and there are quite a few three-story buildings inside.

It's his residence now, and it looks great.

The Intermediate Recruitment Temple has been successfully created!

A three-story building takes shape.

Then, Lin Feng couldn't wait to enter the Recruitment Temple....

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