National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 114 Little Li Yuan's Shock

(There is a wrong setting in Chapter 113, which is corrected to: [Real Estate Sales Officer] From here, players can buy real estate in the city and the real estate in the area ruled by the city, each worth 1,000 gold coins. The real estate purchased by the player in Yashan City belongs to It is owned by the city lord Meng Wang, the city lord can set a specific price, and can also give some other players real estate for free.)

During the flight, Lin Feng looked at his game character interface.

Now there are two more interfaces, guild and city.

City interface

【Yashan City (has a chance to change the name once~ will)】

Level: Midtown

City Lord: Meng Wang

Citizens: 2

Assets: 0

Features: Bencheng's people within 100 kilometers from Yashan City can gain +10% upgrade experience and +20-% increase in soil attack.

Position setting in the city: The player Meng Wang can freely set the position and the rights of the corresponding position, and can also use the position setting in the game.

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Feng didn't use the position settings in the game.

After all, players are different from NPCs, and NPCs here live in this world as a real world. And if the players are based on the game position, and some of them bring their own NPCs to mess around, there will be losses.

After thinking for a few minutes, Lin Feng temporarily set up two positions.

Deputy City Lord: In charge of all management authority in Yashan City, including setting new positions and arranging positions in the city, as well as arranging and misappropriating funds.

Grand Commander: Command all the guards in Yashan City and control the security work in the city.

Then, he set Murong Xiaoyi as the deputy city lord, and at the same time set up a teleportation whitelist for the latter.

He is not good at management, so it is better to teach someone who knows how to do it. At the same time, the current assets are only 100 million yuan provided by Murong Yiyi.

Even if the money is handed over to Lin Feng, he can at most buy two more villas in reality. As for starting a business and starting a company, he doesn't understand at all. It's better to develop Yashan City. If the income is enough, Yashan City will bring him much higher income than him outside.

You know, any player in this city will get a 1% commission on the consumption of the NPC.

And he suspects that if the player opens a store in Yashan City, he may also get 1% of the income of other players' consumption in the player's store.

1% doesn't seem like much. Even if the guild is full of 30,000 people, and each person spends 1 gold coin a day on average, he only raises 300 gold coins. ,

But if the city develops, such as a big city, the main city, hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of people trade here at the same time. Your own benefits would be terrifying.

Afterwards, Lin Feng sent a message to Murong Yiyi: "I set you as the deputy city lord of our city, and you will be responsible for all the development of the city from now on."

"Now I have only recruited teleporters. The main reason is that the gold coins are too short, so I can't recruit others. I'll go get some gold coins first. By the way, don't rush to exchange for gold coins for your 100 million. I'll go to the dungeon , Get some money and use it as the start-up capital for the development of the city. Then I will get 1% of the income for the players in the city who spend on the NPC, and all the income from the real estate belongs to me. I will inject gold coins into the guild and the city from time to time. "

At this time, in real time, it was past nine o'clock in the morning, and Murong Yiyi was probably still sleeping, and did not reply to Lin Feng's message.

Later, Lin Feng sent a guild invitation to his friend "Murong Xiaowu".

Then, I thought about posting the game names of Xiao Liyuan and his girlfriend.

"Apply to add as a friend continuously, waiting for approval..."

"Apply to add Qingqing Grassland as a friend, waiting for approval..."

Soon, players continued to apply for friends.

Constantly: "Are you, the real cute king?"

Lin Feng smirked and replied: "It's true."

Continuously: "I'm going, what a god! God, you took the initiative to add me as a friend, it's amazing! What's the matter?"

Meng Wang: "I formed a guild, and many people should know about it, so I want to add you to the guild, do you want to join?"

Constantly: "Sorry! I know that the guild of the Great God must be awesome, and I also want to join, but... I made an agreement with a buddy that we will create a small guild. So, I'm sorry. "

"This kid is still so interesting." Lin Feng felt warm in his heart.

Li Yuan has been like this since he was a child. Whoever studies well or is good at fighting, he at most expresses admiration and talks about it, but he has never mixed with anyone or flattered him.

I still walked with Lin Feng, and I didn't look down on him because he was an orphan and had no money. Not to mention spending money on him lavishly because he is poor. The seemingly ordinary friendship is actually more real.

Lin Feng replied directly: "Don't tease you, your green tiger may not have entered the game yet! I haven't agreed to add her as a friend yet. You got up quite early, so hurry up and agree to join the club, and I plan to give you a vice president Dang dang!"

"Invitations keep coming to join the world's number one guild."

Only Li Yuan and Lin Feng mentioned the nickname of Green Tiger, and he never mentioned it to anyone else. So seeing this, Li Yuan, who was planning to kill a monster, was stunned.

He quickly replied: "Crazy?"

Lin Feng: "It's me. Seeing that you don't usually play games, you take your green tiger to play around, so I didn't tell you the name of my game. It just so happens that my guild has been established, and the player city has also come. Go! Join the club."

Constantly: "Grass, you are awesome! This game is so popular now, I just tried it when I saw you playing it, but I didn't expect it to be too real, and I also accidentally got a hidden job, so I kept playing it , and now the green tiger is being played with by me, but she is still sleeping on the side! When she wakes up, I will join him in the club.

With that said, he agreed to join the world's number one guild.

"Will continue to be set as the vice president."

"While streaming is set to the teleportation whitelist."

Afterwards, Lin Feng said: "You can also PK people in this game city. In my new city, there are no strong guards and workers who repair the buildings. Once PK happens, it will cause damage and it will be difficult to repair. Therefore, when the guild adds people , it is best to add the ones we are familiar with."

Continuously: "I know, although I haven't played much, I have played games for several years. After all, I have been the guild leader of several games. I am in the dormitory and we are in the same class. Currently Find it in our finance department."

Lin Feng: "Okay, I have to earn money quickly, at least I have to pay for the important NPCs in the city. If you are free, you can go to the city first, called Yashan City."

Constantly: "Okay, I haven't seen the player's city yet! I'll go and have a look first, yesterday it was said that we may establish a guild in a month, and suddenly there is a guild, and there is also a city, some small Excited!"

...asking for flowers...

"Me too." Lin Feng replied.

A steady stream: "I'm leaving."


After flying for another five minutes, Lin Feng received a friend message from Murong Xiaosan: "Guild, add me, I want the position of team leader, and I want to form a killer group to kill people and grab equipment."

Lin Feng was a little surprised, what he knew about Murong Shanshan was that she was a bit cold and straightforward. Different from Murong Yiyi's frankness, she is willing to do it herself, and other people love the frankness that doesn't care about anyone's ideas.

This cold beauty actually wants to join her guild?

However, he then said with a bitter face: "You say so clearly that you are going to lead people to grab equipment, this is not to create hatred for the guild, how dare I add you!"

Murong Xiaosan: "You are not a fuel-efficient lamp, so let me put it another way, I will lead someone to top the God of Fighting list."

Lin Feng was a little embarrassed: "Well, although I also thought about killing people to grab equipment, but now those players' equipment are useless to me."

Then he invited Murong Shanshan to join the world's number one guild.

With Murong Shanshan joining, Lin Feng made him the captain.

Murong Xiaosan: "Sisi and Erer have added you as friends, please let me know the news. I agreed yesterday to join the guild together. You can invite me!"

Lin Feng: "You can also invite me!"

Murong Xiaosan: "It's not formal enough, the chairman's invitation has a face."

Lin Feng: "!@!"

At present, the Second World has not opened the function for players to actively apply to join the guild. Only the president, vice president, and captain can actively add one of their friends to join the guild. After the latter agrees, the joining is considered successful.

After going online just now, he chose to ignore all the friend requests, so in the crowd.....he couldn't find Murong Sisi and Murong Er'er's friend applications.

Then, Lin Feng tried.

"Apply to add Murong Xiaoer as a friend, waiting for approval..."

"Apply to add Murong Xiaosi as a friend, waiting for approval..."

In just three seconds, Murong Xiaoer agreed to the friend request.

Murong Xiaoer: "Hi Lin Feng, thank you for last time! Yesterday I saw Wuwu and they all joined your guild, and I wanted to be with them, so can you add me to your guild?"

"It's not easy! I heard from Murong Yiyi that she mainly manages the family company in Huaxia, and at the same time has to take care of her three younger sisters. It's just that she was born a few seconds earlier. It's really... the same person, but took a different path " Lin Feng thought.

Afterwards, he directly invited Murong Xiaoer to join the guild, and at the same time replied: "Of course, do you want to be the captain or the vice president? You are good at management."

Murong Xiaoer: "Is it really possible? Although I am a hidden profession, it takes a long time to sing my skills, and it is a bit slow to fight monsters. At the same time, my PK is weaker.

Lin Feng: "Yes, anyway, there are so many positions in the guild, we are familiar with them, and the positions are naturally reserved for those who are familiar with them."

Murong Xiaoer: "Then give me the captain position! I plan to set up a game studio dedicated to playing the second world recently. There are a lot of business opportunities here, so I plan to recruit a group of people to explore ways to make money. Then I Can you add other players to become the vice president? Don't worry, the employees in reality, currently 50 people, will not have much impact on your guild."

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