National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 12 Hidden Occupations Are Divided Into Grades?

(Explanation before the article: There was a mistake in the second chapter, the legendary boss was written as the king, and now it is officially explained that Keerta is the legendary boss)

When spawning monsters, time passed quickly. After returning from three o’clock, Lin Feng played for more than three hours and rose to level 16 again, while the guardian unicorn Shuang’er also rose to level 11.

As mentioned in the second world, players with the same kill level will not have experience bonus, and players with a lower kill level will lose some experience.

And killing monsters with a higher level than yourself will have experience bonuses. The greater the level difference, the higher the experience bonus.

Lin Feng is level 13 and has been staying in the level 30 monster area. After killing this side, he quickly ran to another level 30 monster area on his guardian unicorn. The speed is fast.

Of course, the only thing restricting him is... the skill cooldown is not fast enough, and at the same time, the exhaustion value is almost exhausted, so he needs to rest and recover.

Back in the game power leveling, there is no hunger value and fatigue value setting in it at all. As long as he is energetic enough, he even has 24 hours without sleep power leveling upgrade.

But the second world is not good, there is no special potion to restore hunger and fatigue, so you have to sit and wait for recovery. He can only control the black armored skeleton knight to siege. Level 30 monsters are too slow.

And you have to pay attention to letting the black-armored skeleton knight rest and recover his blood, otherwise he will die, and he will have to find a servant with rough skin and thick flesh who can run instead, which is also troublesome.

It's a pity that the guardian of light can't add blood to his servants, because of undead creatures, his light-type blood adding is equivalent to attacking undead creatures.

At 6:00 p.m., he quit the game and saw that there was only 100 yuan left in his trouser pocket. Lin Feng soaked two bags of instant noodles, finished eating, and went for a run for more than an hour.

Although he plays a lot of games and also does power leveling, his body is not sub-healthy, but rather strong.

Because he is an orphan, he understands the importance of his body better. Once he catches a cold or gets sick, not only will he spend a lot of money on medicine, but also he cannot work part-time when he is sick. After a few days without earning money, his living expenses will be gone. Starvation will make the cold worse.

After returning home and taking a shower, Lin Feng first used his computer to log in to the official website of the Huaxia game of "Second World", but there was no new notice on the official website. The forum is very lively.

There are two most lively discussions.

[Is the first level 10 player and the player who killed the legendary boss the same person? 】

[The hidden profession is too perverted, which seriously affects the game balance]

Replies to the first post

Mohawk's hair: "Since ancient times, the truth comes from the second floor. Please start your performance on the second floor."

Bai Xiaosheng in the world: "The gossip, the presidents and elites of the top ten guilds in China's most popular online game "Fantasy" have all entered the second world, so this person should be a certain president. First, a group of people help one person Level, naturally much faster than individuals, and secondly, the early boss level is low, even the legendary level, if it is only level 10, you can still rely on people to die. Personally guess one person, the most likely grandma of the world will be the tyrant."

Seven Dragon Palace·Water Dragon: "You are the brother-in-law of Grandma Xiongba, the appraisal is completed. Not much nonsense, the first one to reach level 10 is nothing special, the first one to establish a guild and become the largest guild among players in the second world Awesome. The Hall of Seven Dragons draws a line here, if the brother who killed the legendary boss is not a member of the guild, I will pay you a monthly salary of 100,000 to invite you to join the guild."

The seven-second sage: "There is a lot of nonsense. In my opinion, the second world is far more playable than Dream. First of all, the world view is a hundred times that of the earth, and Dream's world view is just an Asia!"

"Buddy, you actually killed a legendary boss. I don't care what level it is, but anyone who can kill a boss is a genius! This is currently the number one player in the second world!"

"Please, please hug, please..."


It may be Lin Feng's first level 10, which ignited the fuse of the discussion. There are not many people who really discuss him, but because the title is so shocking, most people almost regard it as the main discussion area.

Someone said how many levels he was in, which city he was in, and planned to form a team to upgrade together.

There are also certain guild recruits, and even a certain single dog begging for a blind date in the game, all kinds of strange things.

But the second post is targeted, because the first floor is an official post, and the game is automatically pinned to the top.

Game GM: "The second world is vast and boundless, full of strange hidden occupations, but not all hidden occupations are unique. For specific settings, please refer to the new background settings on the official website."

Then below is the link...

Lin Feng clicked the jump link.

First, it tells some background and exaggerates the mystery of the hidden profession. Then get down to business.

Hidden occupations are divided into high and low grades, from low to high: common, rare, legendary, mysterious, unique,

1. Ordinary level: no more than 100,000 hidden occupations in the world

2. Rare level: no more than 10,000 in the world.

3. Legendary level: no more than one thousand in the world.

4. Mysterious level: no more than ten in the world.

5. Unique level: Only one person in the world can own it. Unless he logs out of the game account, no one can re-transfer to this hidden job.

Then Lin Feng went back to that thread.

Seven Dragon Palace·Water Dragon: "I have been on the second floor since ancient times. I am not talented. I am already level 10. I am a hidden professional holy dragon knight. Not much nonsense, I have already received a baby dragon. Any girl who wants to ride a dragon can add me seven." Dragon Palace."

Seven Dragon Palace One Dragon: "Shuilong, don't mention your ugly dragon, unfortunately, I am also a hidden profession, beast king, the number of baby wheels, who have I been afraid of?"

In-laws, look: "I'm envious of the two above!"


"I hide my occupation..."

"Tell me about my views on hidden professions..."

"How to get hidden jobs faster..."

Afterwards, Lin Feng read some other posts for about 20 minutes. There is still a lot to gain, and there is one thing that he cares most about.

That is, some people already accept gold coins offline, and the price is 100 yuan a gold coin, which is not cheap.

Lin Feng was a little moved. If the game teacher who was going to become Murong Wuwu tomorrow had an income, he would now sell the remaining 10 gold coins for 1,000 yuan.

Then he took a sip of water and entered the game...

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